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  1. Garxena
    I like this one ^.^ I did it in my new sketchbook. I know it's dark T^T.... Sorry if it's too big DX
    I'll be putting up a Gaara monatge next.

    Thread by: Garxena, Jan 8, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Garxena
    I can't belive it, but I'm stuck!! T^T This is a Christmas present in it's final stages, and I need some help finishing this song!

    "Through fire and flames
    Through the darkest of your days
    I’ll be there with you
    I will help you through
    All that you can’t do
    ‘Cause you’re not alone
    You’ve got us as a home

    We’re friends to the end
    No matter what’s around the bend"

    The rhyme pattern is aa,bbb,cc, dd, eee, ff. I'm okay with slant rhymes. If anyone can help, please do! I just need 5 more lines; you don't have to necissarily write them, ideas are good too, I just need some help.

    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 21, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Garxena
    Why, Why, Why?

    Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead?

    Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they know there is not enough money?

    Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

    Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?

    Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

    Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

    Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

    Whose idea was it to put an 'S' in the word 'lisp'?

    If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

    Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

    Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

    Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

    Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?

    Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try?

    How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?

    When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing so, why do we say, 'It's all right?' Well, it isn't all right, so why don't we say, 'That really hurt, why don't you watch where you're going?'

    Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?

    In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?

    And my FAVORITE......
    The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four persons are suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.

    ****A day without a smile is like a day without sunshine!****
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 11, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Garxena
    Ikenai Taiyo!!
    -- Hana-Kimi

    Hana-Kimi centers around Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese girl who lives in the United States (California). One day, she sees a track and field competition on TV, and becomes attracted to one of the high jump competitors, Izumi Sano. She begins to idolize the young athlete and eventually transfers to Japan to attend the same school that Sano attends. There is a catch, however: Sano attends an all-boys high school, called Osaka Gakuen, and Mizuki must disguise herself as a boy to enter. With the help of her best friend, she cuts her hair and disguises herself as a boy to remain near her idol. As she settles in, an accident reveals her identity to Hokuto Umeda, the school doctor, and Sano. Sano hides his knowledge of Mizuki's gender and tries to help her keep her secret, though it sure isn't easy as many situations land Mizuki in compromising positions. He also has a secret love for her which makes things more difficult for her. There are three classes for each of the three school years. These nine classes are divided into three dormitories, as most of the students do not stay around the school area. The culture between these three dormitories is immensely different.

    Dorm 1
    : The students residing in Dorm 1 are all athletes. Most of them have gotten into Osaka High on a sports scholarship. Their Dorm Head, Tennouji, quite forces them to become a martial artist and often even hurt them, but in a funny and comical way. Dorm 1's crazy antics and martial arts talent contributes immensely on the humor of the story.

    Dorm 2: Their head, Minami Nanba, is a boy who can "get any girl pregnant just by looking at her", or so says other students. The people in Dorm 2 are quite funny and they have different personalities so it's much easier to remember them. Their dorm has a mix of athletes and scholars. They are the "main dorm" in the story mainly because the lead characters, Ashiya Mizuki, Sano Izumi, and Nakatsu Suichi, stay there. Also, there is Noe, who is often seen making cosplay uniforms for the dorm, or other stuff. (Loves anime); Nakao, the homosexual who loves Nanba; Kayashima, the spirit quester/aura-reader; Sekime, Sano's teammate whose name is always forgotten by his classmates and dorm mates; and many more.

    Dorm 3: The dramatic guild. They consider themselves the most intelligent dorm of all. They are all artists of some sort and/or very intelligent. Their dorm head, Himejima Masao, a.k.a. Oscar, believes himself to be of German heritage, and is often speaking in German, even though no one understands him.

    1) Stick to Hana-Kimi's plot as much as you can.
    2) PG-16
    3) Ashiya Mizuki is the only girl at Osaka Gakuen
    4) OCs are allowed (Girls to St. Blossom's and boys to Osaka Gakuen)
    5) Put Ikenai Taiyo in your first post in dark red
    6) I can add more rules if I feel the need. (Please don't make me do that.)

    OC Format:
    Short Bio-

    Dorm 1: Class 1-A, 2-B, 3-C
    Tennoji Megumi-
    Kujo Itsuki-
    Kadoma Shotaro-

    Dorm 2: Class 1-B, 2-C, 3-A
    Ashiya Mizuki- Riku_Gaara
    Izumi Sano-
    Nakatsu Suichi-
    Kayashima Taiki-
    Noe Shinji-
    Sekime Kyogo-
    Nakao Senri-
    Minami Nanba-

    Dorm 3: Class 1-C, 2-A, 3-B
    Masao Himejima (Oscar)-

    Umeda Family:
    Io Nanba-
    Hokuto Umeda-
    Rio Umeda-
    Azuma Umeda-
    Seira Umeda-

    Akiha Hara-
    Shin Sano-
    Gilbert (Gil)-

    Sakura Committee:
    Minami Nanba-
    Tennoji Megumi-
    Masao Himejima (Oscar)-
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 11, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Garxena
    This is written in acoustic form.
    (...) = guitarist voice
    CAPS= both guitarist and main vocalist

    This is a song about living life to the fullest and not letting others tell you what you're supposed to be. I've been working on it for a while and I've finally fine tuned it (no pun intended ^^) the way that I want it to be. Without further ado, here's:
    Facing Backwards by Angelina G.A.

    Pushing forward while pulling back
    When will the double vision end?
    The warnings given are hard to ignore
    But I really just don't care (go alone)

    But doing just fine
    I know where I'm going
    Yeah, I'll ignore the signs
    'Cause I'm FACING BACKWARDS on this one-way street

    I'm told do-not-enter this way
    But I don't like following the rules
    So I'm making my own lane
    Here I go with my exodus (watch me)

    But I'm doing just fine
    I know where I'm going
    Yeah, I'll ignore the signs
    'Cause I'm FACING BACKWARDS on this one-way street

    I'll make a change in this monotonic world
    I'm one to take my head and go my own way
    They can't hold me down
    I'll whip them into their own line (fall back)

    But I'm doing just fine
    I know where I'm going
    Yeah, I'll ignore the signs
    'Cause I'm FACING BACKWARDS on this one-way street of mine
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 4, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Garxena

    Your Fault
    Baker: It's because of you there's a giant in our midst, and my wife is dead!
    Jack: But it isn't my fault,
    I was given those beans!
    You persuaded me to trade away my cow for beans!
    And without those beans, there'd have been no stalk
    To get up to the giant in the first place!
    Baker: Wait a minute, magic beans for a cow so old
    That you had to tell a lie to sell it, which you told!
    Were they worthless beans? Were they oversold?
    Oh, and tell us who persuaded you to steal that gold!
    LRRH [to Jack]: See, it's your fault.
    Jack: No!
    Baker: So it's your fault..
    Jack: No!
    LRRH: Yes, it is!
    Jack: It's not!
    Baker: It's true.
    Jack: Wait a minute, though--
    I only stole the gold to get my cow back
    From you!
    LRRH [to Baker]: So it's your fault!
    Jack: Yes!
    Baker: No, it isn't!
    I'd have kept those beans, but our house was cursed.
    She made us get a cow to get the curse reversed!
    Witch: It's his father's fault that the curse got placed,
    And the place got cursed in the first place!
    LRRH: Oh. Then it's his fault!
    Witch: So.
    Cinderella: It was his fault..
    Jack: No.
    Baker: Yes, it is, it's his.
    Cinderella: I guess..
    Jack: Wait a minute, though--
    I chopped down the beanstalk, right? That's clear.
    But without any beanstalk, then what's queer
    Is how did the second giant get down here
    In the first place?
    ..second place..
    Cinderella: Yes!
    LRRH: How?
    Baker: Hmm..
    Jack: Well, who had the other bean?
    Baker: The other bean?
    Cinderella: The other bean?
    Jack [to Baker]: You pocketed the other bean.
    Baker: I didn't!
    Yes, I did.
    LRRH: So it's your f--!
    Baker: No, it isn't, 'cause I gave it to my wife!
    LRRH: So it's her f--!
    Baker: NO, IT ISN'T!
    Cinderella: Then whose is it?
    Baker: Wait a minute! [to Cinderella]
    She exchanged that bean to obtain your shoe,
    So the one who knows what happened to the bean is you!
    Cinderella: You mean that old bean-- that your wife--? Oh, dear--
    [as they all look at her]
    But I never knew, and so I threw--
    Well, don't look here!
    LRRH: So it's your fault!
    Cinderella: But--
    Jack: See, it's her fault--
    Cinderella: But--
    Jack: And it isn't mine at all!
    Baker [to Cinderella]: But what?
    Cinderella [to Jack]: Well, if you hadn't gone back up again--
    Jack: We were needy--
    Cinderella: You were greedy! Did you need that hen?
    Jack: But I got it for my mother--!
    LRRH: So it's her fault then!
    Cinderella: Yes, and what about the harp in the third place?
    Baker: The harp--yes!
    Jack [referring to LRRH]: She went and dared me to!
    LRRH: I dared you to?
    Jack: You dared me to!
    [to the others] She said that I was scared--
    LRRH: ME?
    Jack: --to. She dared me!
    LRRH: No, I didn't!
    Baker, Cinderella, Jack: So it's your fault!
    LRRH: Wait a minute--!
    Cinderella: If you hadn't dared him to--
    Baker [to Jack] And you had left the harp alone,
    We wouldn't be in trouble in the first place!
    LRRH [to Cinderella, over]: Well, if you hadn't thrown away the bean
    In the first place--!
    It was your fault!
    Cinderella [referring to Witch]:
    Well, if she hadn't raised them in the first place--!
    Jack [over, to Witch]: Yes, if you hadn't raised them in the first place--!
    LRRH, Baker [to Witch]:
    Right! It's you who raised them in the first place--!
    Cinderella [simultaneously]: You raised the beans in the first place!
    Jack: It's YOUR fault!
    Cinderella, Jack, LRRH, Baker: You're responsible!
    You're the one to blame!
    It's your fault!
    Witch: Shhhhhhhhhhh!
    [goes directly into next song]
    Last Midnight
    Witch: It's the last midnight.
    It's the last wish.
    It's the last midnight,
    Soon it will be boom--
    Told a little lie, stole a little gold, broke a little vow,
    Did you?
    Had to get your Prince, had to get your cow,
    Have to get your wish, doesn't matter how..
    Anyway, it doesn't matter now.
    It's the last midnight,
    It's the boom--
    Nothing but a vast midnight,
    Everybody smashed flat!
    Nothing we can do...
    Not exactly true:
    We can always give her the boy...
    No, of course, what really matters is the blame.
    Somebody to blame.
    Fine, if that's the thing you enjoy, placing the blame,
    If that's the aim, give me the blame.
    Just give me the boy.
    You're so nice.
    You're not good, you're not bad,
    You're just nice.
    I'm not good, I'm not nice,
    I'm just right.
    I'm the witch.
    You're the world.
    I'm the hitch, I'm what no one believes.
    I'm the witch.
    You're all liars and thieves,
    Like his father!
    Like his son will be too!
    Oh, why bother?
    You'll just do what you do!
    It's the last midnight,
    So goodbye, all.
    Coming at you fast, midnight--
    Soon you'll see the sky fall!
    Here, you want a bean?
    Have another bean.
    Beans were made for making you rich!
    Plant them and they soar--
    Here, you want some more?
    Listen to the roar:
    Giants by the score--!
    Oh well, you can blame another witch.
    It's the last midnight,
    It's the last verse.
    Now, before it's past midnight,
    I'm leaving you my last curse:
    I'm leaving you alone.
    You can tend the garden, it's yours.
    Separate and alone,
    Everybody down on all fours.
    All right, Mother, when?
    Lost the beans again!
    Punish me the way you did then!
    Give me claws and a hunch,
    Just away from this bunch
    And the gloom
    And the doom
    And the boom

    If you haven't seen this musical, you have to!! :D
    *LRRH= Little Red Riding Hood
    Thread by: Garxena, Nov 26, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Garxena

    Go Somewhere

    Along this deserted highway
    We roll on and on
    I thought things would go my way
    But it seems that I was wrong
    And I don't mind
    No, I don't care
    I'll leave the bad behind
    Even if I go nowhere
    As the false pretenses slip away
    I see what you really are
    Looks like things won't be okay
    Turns out you're not my shining star
    Oh, and I don't mind
    Yes, I do care
    I want to leave you behind
    I want to go somewhere
    Second thoughts: What do I do?
    In the end I don't know
    Third thoughts: Can I trust you?
    What to do- where to go
    And I don't mind
    But I do care
    Leave that noise behind
    Let's go somewhere
    Yeah, I'd go nowhere with you
    Baby, you know it's true
    I just want to be with you
    Let's go somewhere

    I wrote that this morning. I don't really know what inspired it, or who it's for (if it's for someone at all). The words just flowed from my pen. ^^';
    Thread by: Garxena, Nov 24, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Garxena
    What are they thinking?! O.o

    Thread by: Garxena, Nov 23, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Garxena
    Should I color it??

    Thread by: Garxena, Nov 12, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Garxena

    The Matrix

    "There is a time and a place for questions. Now is neither." If you clicked on this thread out of curiosity, I'm sorry to say that you'll be very lost here. If you clicked this thread out of knowledge... "Welcome to the Matrix." I warn you now: there is no straight path to this RP. There will be everything from love and life to heartbreak and death. Twists and turns await you here. "This is no place for the weak of heart." Think you're up to the challenge of the Matrix?

    1)Pg-16 please
    2) Use some kind of editing for swearing above the 'usual'
    3) You can have relations to anyone EXCEPT Neo (that will make sense in a minute).
    4) If you get in an argument with someone on here, please take it to PM.
    5) I'm only going to allow 10 OC including my own (that will make sense to those of you who know how complicated "The Matrix" can get).
    6) NO god-modding OR power-playing. Thankies!
    7) Put 'Mr. Anderson' in your first post underlined and in DarkGreen
    8) Color code your characters (try not to use a color someone else is using).
    *I will add rules if I feel the need!*

    CHARACTERS (there's more I know; this is just a start):
    Oracle: Princess_of_hearts
    Switch: Princess_of_hearts
    Agent Smith: Fayt-Harkwind
    Agent Jones:
    Agent Brown:
    Agent Johnson:

    Played by:
    Age (no younger than 19 [Eva has to be the youngest out of the Matrix]):
    Short background:
    Sided with (Morpheus, the agents, etc.):
    Description/Picture (one for in the Matrix, one for out):

    All of my limits are for a reason! Just bear with me. ^.^ Okay, this will take place after the second movie. Here's how it'll go: Everything is as it was in the movies (remember it's only 1 & 2), except for one thing: Neo's neice. Her name is Eva, and she still resides within the Matrix. She's living a 'normal' life: school, homework, friends, fun weekends, school dances, crushes, and so on. But all that is about to change for Eva. The agents want to know what Eva knows about 'Mr. Anderson', and they'll do whatever it takes to get that information. It's up to Neo and his special little group to get Eva out of the Matrix before the agents get to her. Who knows; she might have a bit of her uncle's 'specialness'. ^.~

    Played by: Garxena
    Name: Eva
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Short background: *look above*
    Sided with: N/A yet
    Description/Picture in Matrix 1 (while innocent):
    Description/Pictrue in Matrix 2 (for revisits):
    Description/Picutre out of Matrix:

    Played by:Princess_of_hearts
    Name: Aurora
    Age (no younger than 19 [Eva has to be the youngest out of the Matrix]):19
    Gender: female
    Short background: all her life Aurora has been running from reality, but of course by reality we mean the matrix. At the age of 12 she saw 3 agents morph into someone's body and from them on she decided she had to figure out what was going in the world. After her parents again and again rejected her many ideas and eventually tried to have her locked up for one of the more crazy ones, she ran away from home and had been searching for her answers ever since. She became a good hacker, lier, and good at reading people. She's just been freed and is just waking up to the Matrix with her muscles working properly again. It's a dream come true to be in reality
    Sided with (Morpheus, the agents, etc.): Morpheus
    Description/Picture (one for in the Matrix, one for out):
    (in matrix):
    View attachment 1980

    (out of matrix):
    View attachment 1982

    (in matrix w\freed mind):
    View attachment 1981
    (sorry her eyes are all diff colors, just ignore that lol)

    Played by: Azure Flame
    Name: Juda
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Short background: Juda was an expert hacker when he was trapped in the Matrix. Now that he's free from it, he goes around with Morpheus' crew.
    Sided with: Morpheus
    Description/Picture: In Matrix: [​IMG]
    Out of Matrix: [​IMG]

    Played by: Daxma
    Name: Jack
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Short background: He was born outside the matrix,a fully natural Born Human. He entered the matrix at the age of 16 when he was asked to go in to help a woundded person when no one else could.He brought the guy out but the agents took him before he reached a phone.They warped his mind badly.Once he came out he was different.The only thing that could control him is music from before the second renaissance.He listened to artists long gone like Three Days Grace,Linkin Park,Nichelback.
    Sided with: Morpheus
    Description/Picture: (out of the Matrix) Black cargo pants,black t-shirt,a black jacket and black boots.He has a bad leg from his incident in the matrix from when he was 16.(In the Matrix)Black cargo pants,black t-shirt,a black trench coat,which is are metal plated at all the pockets.He has an iPod in his chest pocket.He still has a bad leg within the matrix but he has learned to work around it.
    Thread by: Garxena, Oct 30, 2008, 401 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Garxena
    Danny Fenton, he was just fourteen
    When his parents built a very strange machine
    It was designed to view a world unseen
    (He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom)
    When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit
    Then Danny took a look inside of it
    There was a great big flash, everything just changed
    His molecules got all rearranged
    (He's a phantom, phantom)
    When he first woke up, he realized
    He had snowy white hair and glowing green eyes
    He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly
    He was much more unique than the other guys
    It was then that he knew what he had to do
    He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through
    He's here to fight for me and you
    (He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom
    Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom
    Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom
    Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's
    Danny Phantom

    That's pretty clear, isn't it? We're going to start in the third (and final T^T) season; meaning everyone is 1 1/2 years older than the start of the first season :D

    For those of you who don't know Danny Phantom:
    -he's an ordinary boy with extraordinary ghost powers!
    -his parents are ghost hunters who build their own equiptment
    -his best friends are Sam Manson & Tucker Foley
    -the only people who know of his alter-ego are Sam, Tucker, and his sister (Jazz Fenton)

    If you have any further questions, PM me ^.^

    Characters(please color code; OC's are allowed, but no relations to the Fentons) I am going to allow 2 original Half-a's other than my own! First come, first serve!:
    Danny Fenton/Phantom: Garxena
    Jack Fenton:
    Maddie Fenton:
    Jazz Fenton:
    Dani Phantom:
    Sam Manson: Day~Dream
    Mr. Manson:
    Mrs. Manson:
    Tucker Foley: Princess_of_hearts
    Mr. Foley:
    Mrs. Foley:
    Vlad Masters/Plasmius: Garxena (temp.)
    Mr. Lancer:
    Wulf: Entity
    Sidney Poindexter: nobodynerd100
    Dora (the Dragon ghost):
    The ghost dog: HellKitten
    Box Ghost: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Lunch Lady:
    Sheriff Walker:
    Technus: nobodynerd100
    Johnny 13+ Shadow: ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Ember: Princess_of_hearts/♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Pariah Dark:
    Prince Aragon:
    Ghost Writer:
    Guys in White(you can create names for them):

    1) No cursing. AT ALL!
    2) Keep it to the basis of Butch Hartman's (the creator of Danny Phantom) ideas about ghosts (like green 'blood', unique abilities, etc.)
    3) As stated before, no relations to the Fentons (but you can create and OC that is a good friend of Danny's, however, they will not know his secret)
    4) Color code you character (try not to use a color that someone else is already using).
    5) If you get in an argument with someone on this thread, please take it to PM
    6) Put 'Forever Phantom' in lime green and underlined in your first post
    *I will add more rules if I have to!*
    *You get two warnings by PM before I ask you to leave the thread. If you don't, I'll get a mod/admin involved. I don't want to do that, so please just follow the rules.*

    OC Format:
    Name (full):
    Human or Ghost:
    If Ghost --> abilites:
    If Human --> attend Casper High? (yes or no):
    Short bio/background:

    Princess_of_hearts's OC:
    Name (full):Cecilia Sarna
    Age: 15
    Human or Ghost: ghost
    If Ghost --> abilites: general and still to be discovered
    Short bio/background: grew up in Amity Park. Was crushed under rubble caused by Skulker during an epic battle between him and an ectopus in the town. Now she roams the town avoiding other ghosts and Danny because she is afraid of the Ghost Zone. Her family moved after her death due to greif.

    HellKitten's OC:
    Name:Kasha Dwyre
    Age: 14
    Personality:Humorous, stubborn, quiet, sometimes talkative, caring, prideful, smart
    Abilities:Alchemy. She is able to transmute something from its original form,
    ex:cement floor into a wall without disrupting the floor
    Kasha often gets into fights but keeps that to herself, she is still trying to perfect her abilities to strengthen herself further, she felt it was up to herself to help anyone in danger[since she is the only one that she knows of who can use alchemy] until Phantom showed up, she had never met him but knows that he is doing a lot more than she could.
    Short bio/background:Kasha lives on her own. She practices science a lot which led her to figure out how to use alchemy. Despite, her difference from everybody[being able to use alchemy] she is pretty popular among people.
    Picture/Description: Kasha has short, tosseled, and layered brown hair with red highlights. Kasha wears layers, she has a short-sleeved jacket over a red tang-top, and she wears a short dark blue jean skirt with black leggings underneath, and fake tan Uggs.

    nobodynerd100's OC:
    Name: Charles Carton
    Age: 15 and a half
    Gender: Male
    attend Casper High? Yes
    Short bio/background: Is one of the smartest kids in Casper High, but least popular kid. When it comes to technology he and Tucker are always arguing who has the best with Charles saying he can make technology that is better then Tuckers. He use to always compete in the science fair until he was told he no longer could. He's also related to one of the ghost Danny fought.
    Picture/Discription: Looks like your basic modern day tech geek nerd. Red curly hair, glasses, freckles, and braces. where's a button down shirt(Long or short depending on the session) always tuck in his pants, and a pair of shoes.

    Haru666's OC:
    Name (full): Bryan Francis
    Human or Ghost: Half-Fa
    If Ghost --> abilites: Ectoplasm beams.
    If Human --> attend Casper High? (yes or no): Yes.
    Short bio/background: Haru being born in a family full of crazy ghost experts. He was also interested in being in the ghost catching buisness but something went horribley wrong in this experiment. The explosion from this experiment, slashed into Haru's body causing the DNA to slice but replaced with ghost DNA. Haru life has never been the same after that day.
    Human form: [​IMG]

    Ghost: [​IMG]

    StarkMad's OC:
    Name (full): Mek/Mekky Fallo
    Age: 17
    Human or Ghost: Halfa (Last one! : D)
    If Ghost --> abilites: Flight, walking through walls, shoots lasers out his fists, can change people's thoughts in their head at will. Also time travel
    If Human --> attend Casper High? (yes or no): Yes.
    Short bio/background: Mekky stumbled upon the Fenton household while trying to break in and steal stuff. He accidentally flipped the switch and got knocked unconscious. He woke up in Amity Park the next day.
    Human: [​IMG]
    Long Bio:
    Mek was a lad when he was walking around towns, breaking into people's homes and stealing stuff. One night he stumbled into a giant three story house entitled "Fenton Works". Mek looked up and thought feh. I bet this place has a good lot to steal. He snuck inside and found the basement loaded with mass amounts of things. He smiled eagerly as he walked over to the boxes that were filled and filled with weaponry goodies. excellent...this is the ultimate--Heh? he noticed a giant machine to the left of the room; What is this? he wondered as he pressed the button entitled on. The machine started up and he stepped inside. The machin made some noises and made him transform into the one thing he never expected: a ghost-kid. He quickly got pulled out of the place by floating up in his unconscious state. The Fenton's woke up to see the machine still whirring. Well, looks like the "doo-hickey" isn't working again...Danny, fix it tomorrow!.
    Mekky awoke the next morning in front of Amity Park.

    Name (full): Eden, or EAM(she prefers to be called by her nickname)
    Age: Originally 13, but she hasn't been a ghost for very long
    Human or Ghost:
    If Ghost --> abilites: Normal ghost abilities such as overshadowing, invisibility, and intangibility. She can alter sound.
    Short bio/background: Dying by a strange predicament, she usually hangs around a human. Finding Amity park on her search, she found herself interested in the area.
    Picture/Discription: [​IMG]

    Name (full): Rhixan Frances Elizabeth Grace
    Age: 17
    Human or Ghost: Ghost
    If Ghost --> abilites: Normal Ghost abilities but can change her appearance at will. Her eyes change colour depending on her mood.
    Short bio/background: She became a ghost after being hit by a car. After her death, her parents had another child which made Rhixan feel forgotten. Going to a different city, she found out about Danny and the other ghosts.
    Picture/Discription: [​IMG]

    MY OC:
    Name (full): Daine Masters/Phantom
    Age: 15 1/2
    Human or Ghost: Half-a
    If Ghost --> abilites: Ghost ray, intangability, invisibility, overshadowing, ghost sheild, ghostly whail
    If Human --> attend Casper High? (yes or no): Yes
    Short bio/background: Created by Vlad Plasmius in another unsuccessful attempt to clone Danny. Was told by Vlad that he adopted her because no one else would take her because of her powers. Also told that Danny is an evil, manipulative ghost boy that is out to get Vlad.

    School is still going. Sam, Tucker, Danny, and any OC's that are Danny's friend are walking to school. Sam and Tucker are careful to avoid talk of the previous night's ghost fight.
    Thread by: Garxena, Oct 16, 2008, 727 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Garxena


    Saturday was Homecoming for me. It started out great. I was able to forget some of the troubles in my life thanks to the blasting music and the great buds I've made. Some painful memories came up when "Far Away" by Nickelback came on... but my buds helped me to get back into the crazy spirit. After the dance, we all went to go get ice cream from McDonalds (it's a tradition of their's). When we finished our ice cream, some things happened... and Miguel got really angry.... I wasn't the only one who was scared. Kat got the blunt of it... Chelsea and I sheilded her as best we could. He drove Elizabeth, Andrew, and I home. I was so glad I live near the school because I was so scared to be alone and so close to him. I've seen guys get angry (heck, I've had an 'angry' boyfriend before), but Miguel topped them all. I thought he was a nice guy, funny and a great guy to hang out and sing with... but after I saw how he behaves when he's angry... I'm a bit nervous to be in the same room with him again....
    Thread by: Garxena, Sep 28, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  13. Garxena
    i need lestat!! =^^=
    Thread by: Garxena, Sep 19, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Garxena
  15. Garxena
    Okay everybody, HERE WE GO! ^^ (again XD)

    Other random people!

    Anthony's mom

    More random people...?

    Let me know if I forget anyone! (I know I did XD)

    And someone please remind me where we left off! >.<
    Thread by: Garxena, Sep 15, 2008, 102 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Garxena


    vCLICK IT!v
    Thread by: Garxena, Sep 11, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Garxena
    Alright everybody! Congrats on making it to 4,000 posts!! Let's continue here, we don't want database erros >.< Here's the last post:

    And here is my beautiful, extensive post:

    "Just forget about it." Hannah murmured.

    'Spur of the moment'? Jouh laughed. Yes, it is hard to tell what' you're going to do.
    Thread by: Garxena, Sep 6, 2008, 3,585 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Garxena

    The Move

    First off, I want to tell you all that this is my story. My life story to be exact. It starts on March 22 of this year. Names have been changed (except for the dogs and mine), and the beginning is changed to be less painful. I can't think of any other way to let out all the pain I'm in. For some of you, this will remind you of a move you went through. For others, it will simply be a story of a girl who moved to a different state. And for others still, this will be a 'pitiful cry for attention'. If you are in the last group, please don't read any further.

    Rated: PG-13
    As the last note of my song bounced off the bedroom walls, I realized I was crying. I looked at the faces of my two best friends; not a single tear. I wondered if it was because they had accepted the fact that they wouldn't see me for a very long time or if I was crying through my song and it sounded so horrible that if brough through none of the emotions I'd wanted it to.

    My name is Angelina Amarosa. I'm fifteen years old and I live in San Jose, California. Well, I would be for the next few hours. My father had gotten a job in Draper, Utah after being laid off from his job in San Jose. He'd told us all that it was 'unfortunate' that the job took us so far away from our friends. That was an understatement.

    I waited for one of my friends to say something as I was barely capable of breathing through my racking sobs.

    "Please," I managed to stutter out. "One of you say something."

    "We can still call each other and e-mail." Rachelle, my friend of five years, whispered. "And I'll be able to visit soon."

    "That's right," Cassie, my friend of eleven years, agreed. "Though I probably won't see you until next summer."

    I forced myself to stop crying so that I could speak. "I know all that," My voice still cracked. "But I'll be finishing ninth grade in a different state. And I won't be in Cabaret. And I'll never be able to say 'I graduated from Oak Grove High School.'"

    "Maybe you're new school will perform Cabaret," Cassie smiled at me.

    "But it won't be with the Oak Grove cast," I contradicted. I looked at Rachelle and noticed she'd broken into tears. She got off the bed and came to me to hug me. I lightly rubbed her back in an attempt to calm her.

    Rachelle was one of my best friends, that much I can tell you is true. But I wanted us to be something more. I'd had a huge crush on her for two years now. The only problem was that she is straight. Not to mention her boyfriend. My jealousy of him weighed as much as the Earth itself. I practically turned green every time I saw them holding hands.

    Rachelle and Cassie knew that I was bisexual, but only Cassie knew how I felt about Rachelle. I wanted to tell her how much I really loved her before I had to leave, but I knew that I'd never have the guts to do it.

    When Cassie moved off the bed, I reluctantly let go of Rachelle. Her beautiful face was torn by a sadness I knew all too well. I handed her one of my unused tissues. Even when she was crying, she was still so pretty.

    "Sorry," Rachelle mumbled after blowing her nose. Her voice was as ragged as mine.

    A knock on the door sent a spike through my heart. I'd nearly forgotten the time and place. I glanced at the clock.

    "That must be my mom," I choked back another wave of tears. It was near midnight and Cassie and Rachelle had school the next day.

    None of us bothered to wipe our eyes as we went to the front door. Sure enough, it was my mom. Rachelle and I said good-bye to Cassie; my good-bye was long and involved more tears.

    I tried to shut out the sound of Cassie's front door closing as Rachelle, my mom, and I walked to the Highlander. I sat in the back with Rachelle. None of us spoke and I was thankful that my mom didn't turn on the radio.

    It was barely a five minute drive from Cassie's house to Rachelle's. Along the way, Rachelle's silent sobs ripped tiny pieces of my heart away. She saw behind the driver seat, while I sat in the middle, and we held each other the whole way.

    I knew that she didn't want to let go of a friend, but I didn't want to let go of a very, very special friend.

    "We're here," My mom broke the silence by stating the obvious.

    Rachelle and I got out of the Highlander quietly and walked to Rachelle's front door. She opened the door and we were assaulted by her dogs.

    It was easy for me to pick which bark belonged to which chihuahua. Chiquita's was a defensive bark with a motherly tone. Gipper's was a half-bark, half-howl. Lucy, the newest addition to this miniature pack, still had her puppy bark. Scrappy's bark was the one I listened for. It almost sounded as though he was dying. I was in love with that sound. He was the most hostile of the four, but he'd somehow claimed me as his human.

    A small, but sad, smile came to my face as I picked him up. I held his tiny body so that his paws were on my shoulders. My laugh was rough and cracked as Scrappy relentlessly slobbered on every inch of my face.

    I was sure he could tell something was wrong because his little paws clung to me and he kept licking away my tears. This was another stab to my heart; Scrappy and I had a bond that I never wanted to be severed. He was my third best friend. I kissed his nose, murmuring a good-bye. Very slowly, I set him on the ground, but he jumped back up on my leg like he was begging me to take him with me or at least hold him longer.

    I held back a sob and looked at Rachelle. She knew that I loved Scrappy as much as she loved Chiquita. Our pained eyes met and I had to look away.

    "Don't cry anymore," Rachelle hugged me tightly. I held her close to me, not wanting to ever let go. THe words she whispered next ripped me to pieces. I will never forget them or the sound of her beautiful voice as she said them. They were the worst words she could say to me, yet I wanted to hear them more than anything else. They were the words that would send me into an oblivion of pain because I knew that she didn't mean them the way I wanted her to. I knew she would never mean them the way I wanted her to.
    Thread by: Garxena, Aug 16, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Garxena
    Thread by: Garxena, Aug 15, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Garxena
    I get really nervous about scary movies. And this one is rated R, so I'm assuming it's pretty scary. I'm checking out the work of some of my favorite actors and actresses, so that's why I'm considering watching it. Should I or shouldn't I?
    Thread by: Garxena, Aug 12, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media