WARNING!! Possible spoilers. List of episodes (just incase): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Teen_Titans_episodes Story: The Teen Titans-- Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven -- have kept Titan City safe from any and all threats to it. There were times when it seemed futile, but they've always pushed through. But everything comes at a price. There have been casualties. Every Titan remembers Terra -- especially Beast Boy. It was said that they'd be "searching for a way to reverse the effect" from her battle with Slade. That is where our story begins; a "cure" has been found for Terra, and a reunion is about to occur. Rules/Notes (it seems like a lot but it's pretty simple stuff): 1) No swearing (however, "damn" is fine) 2) TV-PG people (let's keep it like the show. a little blood is okay.) 3) Arguments go to PM or VM (if you've got a problem with someone you can also PM and I'll help if I can) 4) If you create and OC, DO NOT make them a god (they can have a god-complex though) 5) If you godmod/powerplay/whatever (when it does not fit with rule #6), I will remove your character. I don't care if your character is an OC or one of the Titans. 6) Because fight scenes can be difficult coreograph, you may write another's character (WITH their permission) if you need them or want to write a good scene. (Example: Cyborg and Beast Boy doing one of their many combos.) 7) As Robin or Bumblebee (or if you ask) you may write up formations for everyone. (Example: "Titans! Go!" Robins's clear instruction reverberated off the walls of the Tower. As the five began their way towards the centre of the emergency signal, they fell into positions. Raven levitated over Robin's right shoulder and behind him. Cyborg was carried by Starfire over Robin's left shoulder and behind him. Beast Boy had changed into a falcon and soared between Raven and Starfire. Robin was on his motor cycle.) 8) Original villains are allowed and welcome. However, rule#5 applies to them too. I know villains can be hard to create. Youj've got to have a good motive, you can't be too weak or too strong, and you've got to be malevolent. UNLESS you make what I call a "quack villain." Those can be pretty silly, and they're always fun to dream up. Mumbo Jumbo is a good example. "Quack villains" will come into play during down time at Titan Tower. 9) Addding to rule #1: when I say "no swearing," I mean anywhere. Don't swear at each other either IC or OOC. Instead, you can use any of the wonderful things that Gizmo says (like barf-brain XD). 10) I will let you know when I update the rules/notes. 11) Try to color code. I'm not going to be very picky since it's hard to see colors on this new layout. 12) Put "Titans, go!" in the title of your first post. 13) If you make an OC, they may only have (at the most) three powers (if you chose to have three powers, they must be small. Bad Example: Clark can hurl lightning bolts, shape-shift, and run at the speed of light. Good Example: Clark can shoot lasers from his eyes, has x-ray vision, and is so sexy people drop dead at the mention of his name. lol) 14) If you join late, PM me. DO NOT post a profile on here until I approve it by PM. 15) Use proper grammar and spelling. Character layout: Username: Name: Age (make it reasonable): Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Background: Appearance (description or picture): Characters: *Teen Titans: -Robin (leader): Garxena -Starfire: Friendly_Heartless -Cyborg (2nd in command): LilBueno -Beast Boy: Asterisk -Raven: Scrubbing Bubbles *East Titans: -Speedy (2nd in command): -Bumblebee (leader): -Aqualad: -Mas y Menos: Kme92 *Honorary Titans: -Argent: -Bobby: -Bushido: -Gnaark: -Herald: -Jericho: Kme92 -Hot Spot: -Lightning: -Melvin: -Kid Flash: -Jinx: -Killowat: -Kole: -Pantha: -Red Star: -Teether: -Terra: Garxena -Thunder: -Timmy Tantrum: -Tramm: -Wildebeest: *Major Villains: -Slade: Blood of the Rose -Brother Blood (imprisoned?) -Trigon (deceased) -The Brain (deceased) -Monsieur Mallah (deceased?) -Madame Rouge (deceased) -General Immortus (deceased?) -Blackfire (imprisoned?) -Red X: Aqua_Heart *H.I.V.E. Five: -Jinx (honorary Titan??): -Gizmo: -Mammoth: -See-More: -Private H.I.V.E.: -Billy Numerous: -Kyd Wykkyd: *"Quack" Villains: -Dr. Light: -Mother Mae Eye: -Johny Rancid: -Mad Modd: -Killer Moth: -Control Freak -Adonis: -Mumbo Jumbo: -King of Games: -Puppet Master: Original Characters: -Username: AmericanSephiroth Name: Demetrio Age: he will not say but is estimated in mid 20's gender: male background: he originally was a hero known as justice's assassin(kind of a dark hero type character) but he was falsely accused of murder and decided to show them murder for real and killed 250 people in cold blood side: he is a hireable mercenary but he is in the employ of slade(he has yet to find out of his death because he has already been paid and is going to acheive his objective) but he can easily change sides if the price is right powers: he is able to do energy attacks also he will absorb any thrown at him(so cyborg bumble bee and starfire and blackfire cannot do much to him but likewise strong people have quite an advantage against him) and can fly other: he has a mild god complex and believes no one can beat him appearance: he has black armor a red scarf a glowing sword and deep red eyes he is rather tall as well also kind slender. -Username: Friendly_Heartless Name: Sundra Gender: Female Age (make it reasonable): 16 Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": On own for now, but good guy Powers/Ablities: Sundra has the ability to take solar energy and use it for her attacks. But it's not high powered as the sun, it just has intense heat. She can create flame like balls in her hands, levitate to about thirty feet, and has awesome martial art moves to use with her flames in her hands. Weakness: Since her powers come form the sun, obviously she needs solar energy to be able to use her attacks. She can store energy within herself to do night missions and missions that require being indoors, but only so much. Background: Sundra wasn't always Sundra. In fact, she was a by the name of Abby Roger. Both of her parents passed away when she was about eight, and therefore, her uncle took her in. Little did she know her kind uncle was a mad scientist. At the age of eleven, she was taken out of school and stayed in her uncle's house. Then Sundra became the product of his experiments. Her uncle was trying to see if he can store certain energy and elements in a human being, and accidenitly came across one while experimenting on Sundra, thus giving her the ability to absorb and use sunlight (almost like a plant, but different). Sundra escaped from her uncle and has been in hiding ever since then. She's been on her own, trying to find allys to side with and maybe a friend or two along the way. Appearance (description or picture): Sundra has orangish-redish hair that's cut to her shoulder. Part of her hair goes partially in front of her left eye, while her right eye is clearly visible. And she wears a headband in her hair for style. She has a scar on her left temple in a shape of a sun from the days she spent with her uncle. Sundra hazel, brown eyes, she's quite tall 5'5" and slender. She doesn't have an official hero uniform yet since she's been hiding out. For now, Sundra wears blue jeans, and an orange long sleeve shirt which she always rolls up the sleeve to her elbows so they don't catch on fire when she uses her abilties. And she has plain black and white converse which she always loves to wear. She also wears a choker that has a heart bead in the middle. -Username:Xakota Name:Xakota Age (make it reasonable):15 Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": Titan(honorary) Background: No one but Xakota knows what his original name was. Even he wishes he could forget it. His one and only power is to manipulate gravity, although this has many functions. He can use this power to reduce the gravity under him, allowing him to fly. He can push ceiling to the ground, causing them to fall on people. he can make one persons own weight so heavy that they can't move. His powers turned out to be so destructive they'd ruin his life. When Xakota, then under a different name, was 13 years old, he was pretty much a regular kid, aside from his powers that only him and his parents knew about. His family was very good at hiding it. Xakota never used his powers in a visible way. Sometimes he'd lighten the fall from the monkey-bars when he was a kid, or make a dodgeball go over his head in a way that could be a coincidence. But absolutely no one knew, no one even guessed. Like any other kid, he had bully troubles. He could stand it, like most kids. he brought extra lunch money, wore steel-toed boots, did everything he could to reduce the pain. It was only when his bully began to mess with the girl he loved that he couldn't handle it. Xakota had, of course, never talked to this girl, but he loved her. That, or his youth made him believe he loved her. One day, he saw his bully, kissing her in the hallway. The minute she left, Xakota pointed his hands at his bully, focusing his energy to the ground under him, and pulled him down as far as he could. He couldn't even scream, he was pushing so hard. After he finally suffocated, Xakota left, more confused than ever. No one knew it was him. The girl never saw him, no one else was in the hall, and Xakota looked far to weak to take that kid on anyway. He was never suspected. The FBI concluded it was some kind of asthma attack. Of course, his parents knew the truth. They knew that their son had killed a bully over a girl. They were incredibly ashamed, barely able to speak to him for a week. When that week was over, they disowned him. They demanded he leave and never come back. He did. He came back a week later, and when the wouldn't let him back in, or even look at him, he pulled the house to the ground. He did this to all the other houses around to make it look like an earthquake. He was never suspected. And since then, he's been away. He changed his name to Xakota after a week. He refused to go live in some orphanage. He figured his powers might land him a spot as some superhero or villain, he didn't really care which. Fate apparently wanted him to be an honorary Titan. Appearance (description or picture): minus the wings and the halo. and the knife. and the headband. -Username: Dexnail Name: Rosera Age (make it reasonable): 18 Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": honorary/spy Background: He always been was alwayssurrounded by flowers when he grew up, but his favorite was roses. Before the incident happened, his name was Lucero Rose; he was the son of two very wealthy people. During his jr. high and high school years, he was often considered a rich, stuck up, snobby, pretty boy. Lucero did not mind; he always heard what people said about him, but he did not care because after all he thought all of them were jealousthey were all jealous of him. Then One night, his parents got were shot and he got put into was sent to an orphanage. All that happened when he was 16. Lucero spent 2 two years in the place. until one night. But then late one night an assistant went into his room to witness and saw there was were roses growing around Lucas as he sat down with his knees up covering his face. Lucero had unlocked his ability to form rose petals around him that he could control; and when it touched a surface, it grew roses. Unlike regular roses, these was strong as steel and he could control them, making them grow larger and etc. the like. That is when he learned he had a gift but that it only brought trouble and began the slavery he was forced into. On a rainy thundering night, a man arrived at the orphanage to pick someone to leave with him. This man wanted a special child, one that was unique, and he got some information about what the orphanage learned, making them forcefully telling him. The man arrived at Lucero's room to witness the same thing the assistant did: sparkling red roses was were growing all over the walls and the floor. Theren Lucero looked into the man’s eyes seeing the and saw the evilness. The first act the mysterious man made Lucero do was simply killing everyone at the orphanage. That task did not bother him because Lucero remembered the painful nights of getting beaten up and taken advantage of in that hellish place. Pouring gasoline all over the wooden building then using his roses to lock up the place that had 2 big gallons of gasoline inside. He was made to pour gasoline all over the wooden building, and leave two tanks of it inside. Then he used his roses to lock up the place. Theren the mysterious man gave him the lighted match. Lucero smirked as it touched the flammable liquid, making the fire travel its trail, catching the orphanage inside with kids and adults still inside. A few seconds later, the building exploded, making the slim chances of the people surviving inside reduce to nothing. After the incident, Lucero changed his name to Rosera and became a spy. as He pretended to be a hero so he could get inside information on the Teen Titans. If Rosera quit being a spy and doing what the mysterious man tells him to do, the man would show the world what Rosera did to the people in the orphanage, which would result in him getting the death sentence making him get the death sentence. Appearance (description or picture): http://kuchikixrukia.deviantart.com/...Intro-61620050 -Username: The Joker Name: Jester Age (make it reasonable): Appears to be in 20s, if asked will jokingly reply at times 42. Powers/Abilities: Expert and user of explosives and combat, combat being with a staff with the words "Comedy and Tragedy" etched into it. Uses a gun that will at times shoot out confetti, a spear, or a bullet. Likes to use the staff more. Explosives vary in form, if all else fails he can charge something with energy and treat it as a explosive. Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Neutral Background: One day he just woke up with something that partly mirrors his current clothing. He fealt drugged, and woke up infront of the Titan Tower. At first, he sought an answer for his existance but then figured that if life was a joke he'd tell it to others. Sees his existance as a never-ending performance. Appearance (description or picture): Wears a tatter of clothing he has grouped together from on his time wandering in the streets, over this he wears a black cloack. Enjoys to wear masks, always ones with ether a plain white or black design on them and a wide smile. Username: LilBueno Name: Red Devil (Real name: Dante Verge) Age: 18 Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Neutral Background: Dante grew up in a poor neighborhood with his family during the prime age of superheroes. The news were always filled with Superman's amazing rescues, Batman's unrivaled detective work, etc. Not having any special abilities himself, he wanted to try to be a sidekick. Donning a red Halloween costume in the shape of a Demon, he tried to fight crime by himself, in order to get noticed. He always ended up being saved instead. One night, a couple years ago, a cloaked figure gave Dante a candle and told him that, once lit, the candle will take him to whoever created it. Lighting it instantly, Dante was sent to Neron, a supernatural Demon. The Demon gave Dante a deal: He will be imbued with supernatural powers but will have to serve Neron in the future. Excited at the thought of his own powers, Dante accepted right away. Neron told Dante that he would be called upon to fulfill his end of the bargain in a few years time. Neron gave Dante a Demonic appearance and his own supernatural powers. However, every deal with the Devil is a curse in the guise of a blessing. His new powers made his skin burning hot, reaching temparatures of 200 degree Farenheit. His blood turned into a kerosene-like substance. Because of his skin, he could not get close to anyone without burning them. Because of his appearance, not many people wanted to get close. Calling himself Kid Devil, Dante became a local superhero of his home town. He recently had a mental breakdown. Going insane at the thought of never getting close to anyone, his sanity shattered, causing his personality to match his appearance. After causing lots of havoc, he finally stumbled fell into a river. The shock of cold water cooled his body and he fainted. Waking up down the river, he found himself on the shore, his body steaming. His mental state was normal, but the memories of the terror he caused remained. Afraid he would eventually lapse into a Demonic state again, he started traveling, helping others when he could, but never staying in one place too long. Power/Abilities: Dante has two main powers. The first is short teleportation. He teleport many times but only a short distance. The second is the ability to breathe fire. If he is hit in the stomach, he has trouble controlling his breath. He also has a small healing factor. Small wounds heal faster than normal, but it has no effect on more fatal wounds. His skin is extremely hot, burning on touch and gets even hotter if he gets angry. He has a prehensile tail that can act as an extra arm. Not having any professional training, he relies mostly on freestyle fighting using his teleportation to help. Appearance: Username: Kme92 Name: Krowley (Real name: ????????) Age: ???? (Late teens) Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Neutral Background: The earliest memory Krowley has is waking up next to a riverbank with a book in his hand. Having no recollection of his name or memory, he looked at the only thing he owned for answers: A Book with KROWLEY in big letters on the first page. SO he went by the name he went by. After flipping through the pages, he noticed most of them were blank. The ones that weren't blank had some weird language written on it that he unknowingly understood. He was in the possession of a spell book and trained for months to learn its secrets, but he could only learn 2 spells and still didn't remember anything of his past. On the way to a city, a man in a dark cloak appeared before him. He raised his hands and muttered a chant: Power and strength are yours to command, 1 year is the price you shall pay. You'll suffer inside, but darkness aside, The past shall come rushing your way... The book started to glow, and Krowley gazed with curiosity. He looked up to ask this stranger what he did, but he had vanished. He read the spell aloud. Everything went black and he had fainted. He awoke several hours later in a daze, finding himself surrounded by a burning village and dead bodies everywhere. From that day forward he never used that spell. After leaving the destroyed village, he immediately recalled the name of the man who gave him the book: Magus. Ever since hes walked around the world aimlessly, hoping to find answers from Magus. Every now and then, he has dreams of a girl he once knew, her face was covered by a blue hood so he could never fully see her face. She is the only vision he had since the day by the riverbank Power/Abilities: Over time Krowley had been able to discover 3 of the many spells in the book. 1) Racio: A powerful magic spell which attacks in the form of an element depending on Krowley's thoughts. (Rage=Fire, serious=Earth) 2) Mend: A healing spell 3) Oblivious: A spell he uses as an absolute last resort. It takes 1 year off his lifespan but allows him to Triple his magic power but he can't tell who's friend or foe.. He simply attacks whoever he feels rage towards. In his subconcious he reclaims a past memory he had forgotten. After using this spell once, he nearly destroyed a city and remembered the name of the man who gave him the book. Appearance: Username(s): Dexnail and Blood of the Rose Name: PyroKnight(Pyro) Age (make it reasonable): 16 Titan: villain(turncoat Titan) Appearance (description or picture Background: Cloned from Robin's DNA while he was Slade's apprentice. After Slade died and was ressurected by Scath. Slade's actual intentions were to have Scath fuse clone Robin with Slade but make him a copy. He always tried to deny his fate, knowing the clues Slade left behind for him. He does not want the life his creator gave him. So he tried his best to run away from Slade but the man always found him. During the years of getting trained by Slade he felt empty cause after all he created to bring forth distruction nothing else. One day his life got some light shined on it Pyro was found by the Teen Titans and got accepted to live with them. Sadly he kept getting nightmares every night and he became very carefull when he was alone as if he is scared Slade will find him and make his destiny come true. Username: Asterisk Name: Flint Clark Age (make it reasonable): 16 Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Side of good, no appearance made yet, and not a Titan. Background: A young man with ambition. Flint was born to two people with great minds, bestowing the urge to learn onto him via genes.His school life was casual until he met with Cyborg (Before the change) and realized he had a love for technology too. The two shared interests and thoughts frequently and soon became friends, but one day he didn't come back to high school. Disappointed, Flint continued his High School life and decided to leave his Junior Year. Later he had learned of the Teen Titans and wondered if he should help them with the city, but thought that he would just get in the way. He had no real powers ..but that was the spark that caused him to develop a suit to help fight evil.Within six months, with every component he could think of in that time, and with all the trouble of getting the parts, it was complete. He wasn't aware of his old friend already being a core member of the group, but that may just change.. Appearance (description or picture): Powers/Abilities: Outside of his suit, his mind and strategical skills get the job done when he cannot rely on his weapon. With the suit, it contains a modified assault rifle that the prison guards normally use which remains locked onto his back magnetically. A radar that can be extended from short to long, a radar jammer that can be shot from his wrist. An electrical wire that can attach to his enemy to give them a painful, electric shock. A jetpack that works for long range leaps and building scaling(Recharge takes at least ten seconds). Personal shields that help protect against lasers, fire, and frost. Water proof for a short time, cannot be exposed to deep water (ocean or lake ..down under) for too long or the suit will shut down. A tracking device that he can shoot onto people(capacity of 2).Carries two stun grenades.A blow torch can be used from his wrist.A city map is also installed into his system. Finally ..oh, and he can modify the suit as necessary for all kinds of uses ..such as underwater missions, stealth missions, etc etc.. Weaknesses: Without this suit, he is as harmless as Beast Boy would be without his shapeshifting. The suit forming altogether takes a total of fifteen seconds before most systems can even be used.He is also somewhat vulnerable to electric attacks.And he's heavy ..dunno how its a weakness but now you know. :D oh ..here's the suit..
Alrighty. So today in my American Lit class, we went over a speech by a Puritan minister called "Sinners." It's a famous sermon. All he talks about is how humans suck and we're all going to burn in Hell for enternity. I'll admit that I wasn't really paying attention. I'm athiest (and I go to a private Catholic school. See an issue?) so I don't believe that anyone, especially myself, is going to burn in Hell after death. Not pleasant to think about. So then my teacher pointed at each of us and said that we're going to burn in Hell unless we do something to change ourselves. Excuse me? I don't think she has any right to say that kind of thing to us; regardless that I don't believe in that stuff. So after we read the rest of the sermon, she asked our opinions on it and how we would have felt if we were there when the sermon was being given. Frankly, I wanted to say, "I think that's a load a of bullcrap. I would have left by the third sentence." But I didn't. I raised my hand and said that I wouldn't be scared because I'm athiest and I don't believe in Heaven or Hell or that stuff. So then she looked at me like I was some spawn of the Devil or something. She then told me that she didn't want my opinion, she wanted to know what I would have thought if I was a Puritan and I was hearing that speech. What the crap? She asked for my opinion. She didn't let me speak again. She picked my friend who had his hand raised. He's also an athiest. He said nearly the exact same thing that I did. My teacher said, "Oh, so we have another athiest in the class, do we?" Rude much? I think so. She then proceeded to emphasize how wrong my friend and I were in our beliefs. Afterwards, she once again told us all that we're going to burn in Hell. I think it's wrong of her to bash on my beliefs, and my friends as well, during class. I don't really if she doesn't like the fact that we're athiests, I can deal with that. She's just a rude person altogther. (The other students call her Crazy Azzi.Donna Azzi is her name.) Should I tell the administration about this? The school always talks about how loving and kind it is. I haven't had this problem with any of my other teachers, not even my religion teacher. My friend won't say anything about it because he's not that type of person, but I'm not afraid to get in someone's face if I've got a problem with them. I've thought of talking directly with Azzi, but she actually does kind of freak me out. She's very intimidating. I don't want to just let this slide, but I don't want to make a huge deal about it either. What should I do??
Okay, I got bored and thought it would be interesting to see what kind of sites have been created, so I went to Google. I started to think of Hell Girl (the anime) and wondered if there was a site that like that existed. This is what I found: http://debunote.net23.net/page1 I'm not sure if this is disturbing or interesting. [It makes you want to try it, doesn't it?] What are your thoughts on this kind of website? Not whether it works or not, but WHY it was made and WHY and HOW someone could use it. Looking through the entries, I see that some are just for fun. But others are serious. I'm not giving this website out for people to use. I'm just curious as to other people's thoughts on it.
STORY: The seas have been taken over by a hostile outcast, Eyota, and his army of underlings. He planned to use the Seven Pearl Princesses' powers to rule the seas with an iron fin, but three got away: the Princess of the Teal Pearl, the Princess of the Pink Pearl, and the Princess of the Violet Pearl. The Prince of the Teal Pearl and the Prince of the Violet Pearl also escaped. Unfortunately, the Prince and Princess of the Teal Pearl have been separated from the Princess of the Pink Pearl and the Prince and Princess of the Violet Pearl. All five are safe and unharmed, and have been free for nearly a month. The Princess of the Pink Pearl is with the Prince and Princess of the Violet Pearl; only about a mile away from the Prince and Princess of the Teal Pearl. Can the five band together to free the captured Princes and Princesses? Will they be able to stop Eyota and his army before his lust for conquest takes him to land? We'll just have to find out! MAP: It's not at it's best, but it's something for now. Colored- View attachment 2494 Black and White- View attachment 2495 CHARACTERS THAT NEED TO BE MADE: -Eyota -4 main underlings [at least 1 will be human] -Pink Pearl Princess [free]: mrsbaggins -Yellow Pearl Princess [captured] -Blue Pearl Princess [will escape from Eyota soon]: Shadow_Rocks -Blue Pearl Prince [will escape with Blue Pearl Princess] -Red Pearl Princess [captured] -Red Pearl Prince [will escape with Blue Pearl Prince & Princess]: Princess_of_hearts -Violet Pearl Princess [free]: Princess_of_hearts -Violet Pearl Prince [free] -Orange Pearl Princess [captured] -Orange Pearl Prince [captured] -Teal Pearl Princess: Garxena -Teal Pearl Prince: Garxena RULES/NOTES: 1) Keep it PG-16. (This might get violent though.) 2) Arguments go to PM, along with any romance over PG-16 (which shouldn't really happen anyway…). 3) The human form of a merman/mermaid must have the same color hair, but it can be longer or shorter; and eyes can be different colors. 4) Color code your characters. Prince and Princesses colors will match their pearl. Different fonts can also be used. 5) Tail fin & jewelry for Princes and Princesses will match their Pearl color. 6) You'll get two warnings if you break the rules. After that, a random natural disaster will kill you character. (I really don't want to do that, so just obey the rules please.) 7) Forum rules apply. 8) Princess_of_hearts will be my assistant in enforcing the rules, and accepting OCs whether I am online or offline. 9) Merfolk are forbidden to reveal their identities. If they do, they become bubbles in the sea. It is also forbidden for merfolk to fall in love with a human. 10) The Princesses hold the Pearls. The Princes are their brothers or cousins, and protectors. 11) If a merperson gets wet whilst on land (for example: rain, the shower/bathtub, a water gun, etc.) they will turn back to their merfolk form. 12) Put "Pooh Bear" in your first post. ^^ 13) I'll let you all know when the front page is updated. This includes rules, characters, etc. OC FORMAT: Username- Name- Age- Gender- Human/Mermaid/Merman- Appearance- Background (doesn't have to be huge; include Prince/Princess or not)- CHARACTERS: Username- Garxena Name- Mia Age- 16 in human years, 160 in mermaid years Gender- Female Human/Mermaid/Merman- Mermaid Appearance- Mermaid: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k251/kmac_011/anime/animemermaids1.jpg Human: http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x188/fireflyofearth/Anime Girls/Brown Hair/angelofanime41.jpg Background- The Princess of the Teal Pearl and younger sister of Lucca. She and Lucca live in Hakon on the island of Chaska. She enjoys going to school and learning what two-legers do. She is an amazing singer, as are all the other Princesses. She loves to sing ballads the most, but will occasionally sing a more upbeat tune. While attending school one day, Mia bumps into a boy and drops her books. He graciously helped her gather them back together. When they brushed hands, Mia looked to his eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. Her cheeks turned bright red. She thanked the boy and hurried off. What was that feeling she'd experienced? Could it be that... she'd fallen for a human boy? Username- Garxena Name- Lucca Age- 18 in human years, 180 in merman years Gender- Male Human/Mermaid/Merman- Merman Appearance- Merman: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k251/kmac_011/anime/animemermaids1.jpg Human: http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss58/AdeptRouge/Anime/1135667108_Guys020404.jpg Background- The Prince of the Teal Pearl and older brother of Mia. He always wears a shark tooth around his neck; the mark of a Prince. He enrolled his sister in the town's school so as to avoid questions. They'd attracted enough attention by the means of popping up out of nowhere. He stays at the apartment room that he and his sister acquired, attempting to cook human food as a way to occupy his time. When Mia told him of her feelings for the human boy, Lucca was not at all pleased. He was worried for Mia as a Princess and Pearl Keeper, but more importantly, as a sister. He could protect her from any threat out there, but could he protect her from herself? Username- Garxena Name- Nicholas Age- 17 Gender- Male Human/Mermaid/Merman- Human Appearance- http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss58/AdeptRouge/Anime/0612hp.jpg Background- He's not much of one for school; his heart lies in surfing. He loves to spend his time on the beach – alone. Very much a loner, Nicholas focuses his energy into surfing, flirting with the occasional fangirl only to let her down later, and music. The feather he wears around his neck was given to him by his deceased mother. She was a superstitious person, and believed that feathers brought good luck. Nicholas lives with his father, a few blocks away from the apartment complex that Mia and Lucca live in. Username- Princess_of_hearts Name- Grace Age- 17 human, 170 mermaid Gender-Female Human/Mermaid/Merman: Mermaid Appearance- Mermaid: http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/d...waterangel.jpg Human: http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/p...urple_moon.jpg Background- The Violet Princess. She escaped with her brother and is sure that everyone else can escape as well. She has a lovely voice but her cheerful nature turns to shyness at the idea of opening her mouth. The only one who has heard her sing is her brother. Username- Princess_of_hearts Name- Eric Age- 18 human, 180 merman Human/Mermaid/Merman- Merman Appearance- Merman: I wasn’t able to find a good picture for Eric so please imagine his human appearance only with a red tail and underwater. Human: http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/p...nt/5zopkap.jpg Background- Prince of the Red Pearl and brother of the Princess of the Red Pearl. He is currently captive, but very stubborn on the idea of freeing himself and anyone else he can, especially the Princess of the Blue Pearl. Username- Shadow_Rocks Name- Ame Age- 17 (170 in mermaid years) Gender- Female Human/Mermaid/Merman- Mermaid Appearance- Mermaid: http://media.photobucket.com/image/b...earls.jpg?o=16 Human: http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e318/moongoddess829/anime girls/Cutie.jpg Background - Ame is the Blue Pearl mermaid Princess. Ame likes to sing. Ame hides sadness in her heart but some mermaids/mermans can see through her happiness. Username- mrsbaggins Name- Sakura-chan Age-22 Gender- Female Human/Mermaid/Merman- Mermaid Appearance-(Mermaid)http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/e...ad_mermaid.jpg (Humanoid) http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/n...41152_7012.jpg Background (doesn't have to be huge; include Prince/Princess or not)- Sakura-chan, the Pink Princess, free at the moment, and searching for her free companions to help free her other friends! Username- Pezz Name- Rastin Valkon Age- 24 Gender- Male Human/Mermaid/Merman- Human Appearance- http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w172/OrionDeGrey/AnimeGuy-1.jpg Background - One of Eyota's underlings. Rastin is completely insane. Before Eyota started causing trouble, Rastin lived the life of a skilled assassin who had never failed a job. He was considered unstoppable among many. Eventually all the killing started messing with his head. Rastin started to kill more people than was necessary to get the job done. His tatics became more rash and daring. People began to fear him. Even his clients feared that he may one day turn his blade on them. As Rastin's kills increased, His sanity continued to decline. He be came twisted and his methods became messed up. Finally, he snapped and slayed one of his clients. From that day forward, he was no longer an assassin. That day forward he killed whoever he met. He enjoyed killing, he was out of control. He cared for nothing and no one. Eyota then found Rastin and persuaded Rastin to help him in his conquests. Rastin only agreed out of pure boredom and in hopes to one day find someone who could match him in strength. Rastin carries a long thin sword and he has knives hidden within his outfit.
I’m BLACK, so I MUST carry a gun. I’m HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty. I’m ASIAN, so I MUST be smart. I’m DIFFERENT, so I MUST be a loser. I’m JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy. I’m SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic. I’m GAY, so I MUST have AIDS. I’m a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape. I’m ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist. I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bit*ch. I’m OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control. I’m RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat. I’m an ATHEIST, so I MUST hate the world. I’m REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people. I’m DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible. I’m SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash. I TAKE ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, so I MUST be crazy. I’m a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants. I’m a GIRL, so I MUST be over-dramatic. I’m IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem. I’m INDIAN, so I MUST own a convenience store. I’m NATIVE AMERICAN, so I MUST dance around fire screaming like a savage. I DON’T LIVE WITH MY CHILD, so I MUST be a dead beat parent. I’m ATHLETIC, so I MUST do bad in school. I’m a TEENAGER, so I MUST drink, do drugs, have sex and be irresponsible. I’m a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a who*re. I’m a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs. I’m YOUNG, so I MUST be naive. I’m RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob. I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth. I’m BLONDE, so I MUST be a stupid ditz. I’m WHITE, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend. I’m PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virign. I’m CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars. I’m MEXICAN, so I MUST have hopped the border. I’m NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy. I’m a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slu*t]. I’m ITALIAN, so my family MUST only eat pasta and pizza. I GOT A CAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY, so I MUST be a spoiled daddy’s girl. I HAVE STRAIGHT A’S, so I MUST have no social life. I’m REALLY INTO MY MUSIC, so I MUST be scene. I DYE MY HAIR CRAZY COLORS, so I MUST be looking for attention. I’m INTO THEATRE & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual. I’m a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist. I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be f***ing them all. I HAVE A BUNCH OF GIRL FRIENDS, so I MUST be gay. I’m COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer. I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser. I’m RUSSIAN, so I MUST not care about people’s feelings. I’m GERMAN, so I MUST be a Nazi. I’m BRAZILIAN, so I MUST be a skank. I’m PUERTO RICAN, so I MUST rob, do graffiti and stab people. I WEAR GIRL PANTS, so I MUST have no friends. My BOYFRIENDS OLDER THAN ME, so he MUST only be with me for sex. I WEAR LEG BRACES, so I MUST be crippled. I STICK UP FOR MYSELF, so I MUST be rude. I’m EMO, so I MUST cut myself Stereotypes must stop. Now. DO YOU AGREE? Some of friends and I put this together. Wouldn't it be nice if the world threw all of these thoughts out a window? The sad truth is that people will probably never grow to accept others for who they all. Preconceived notions will always be there, clouding judgement and causing problems. What do you plan to do to put a stop to it?
Are there people in your life that you admire/look up to so much that you can't stand by while they are insulted or spoken badly of? I know there are people like that in my life. Who are yours and why?
I'm not going to give my opinion on this for fear of being torn to shreads by fangirls.... >> To me, there are good and bad things that I can see from this. But what I normally do with movies made from books is to try to separate them. For example: There's Twilight the book, and Twilight the movie. Regardless, I'm going to see New Moon to support this amazing cast and crew. Here's the trailer, and other news from Stephenie's son, Seth. http://stepheniemeyer.com/newmoon_movie.html
If you're mrsbaggins, rusty_rocks, Tana_Panda, AxEL0220, misamisa, Princess_of_hearts, or chiqabananas, DO NOT READ THIS. Forget about finals... I can deal with them. What really bothers me is what's going on with my friends. Someone I really care about is in the hospital with Swine Flu; it's been about a week. I know he's strong, but I'm still very worried. My great-grandfather just died this week. I didn't know him like the back of my hand, but he was still family. I just found out today that my sister drinks and smokes sometimes. My brother has to drop out of theare because of his grades. One of my best friend's dogs just died the past week. Sure, they're hers, but I'm very close to them. I just found out about his death about an hour ago. I'm confused, and I feel alone. There's so much that I have to deal with, and I think it's too much. How am I supposed to handle all this?
The Rescue is a great movement to make a statement against Kony's child soldiers. The war going on in Africa can't be stopped single-handedly. Find out where a Rescue is going on near you, and JOIN THE MOVEMENT FOR PEACE. The Rescue is going on April 25; THAT'S THIS SATURDAY. There is no need to worry about money, The Rescue doesn't call for it. However, if you join Tri, you'll be donating three dolors a week to the cause. For full information: http://www.invisiblechildren.com/home.php
My PC at home isn't able to connect to this site. =[ However, my dad's and sister's laptops, and the school computer (what I'm on right now) can connect just fine. I saw a thread about this kind of problem, but I wanted to make sure that it wasn't something else that I was having trouble with. If it's the same thing, this can be locked/deleted. Thank you!
*Warning! Be sure you've seen all three movies before reading this!* STORY: After the death of Scott (Cyclops), Charles, and Jean (Phoenix), Logan (Wolverine) and Ororo (Storm) took the task of running the school. A couple of years passed, and everything was as normal as a school full of mutants could be. But not all the graduates of the school were peachy-keen with staying hidden. Some of them grew angry with the government, the citizens, the world. They grouped together, naming themselves the Rebellion, and it wasn't long until they decided that they needed a strong mutant; one who was still wasn't enrolled in the academy. Who they found was Jasmine Robinson, a sixteen year old telepathic. She cannot control her powers, resulting in quite a mess of a house. The Rebellion easily tracked her down. But Logan and Ororo found out about the Rebellion's plans. They only knew vaguely of them, but Logan, of course, would not stand idly by. They arrived at Jasmine's house to find obvious signs of a struggle: the lawn was torn up, the car in the garage had broken windows and a dented roof, the kitchen, and other house rooms, were wrecked. Logan and Ororo started a full search of the house. Hiding in the bathroom, Jasmine was found by Logan. She was sitting on the floor, trembling. Logan spoke quietly with her for a few minutes. He gained the frightened girl's trust. Ororo met Logan outside. He'd picked up Jasmine and carried her outside; she'd fallen asleep on the way. Logan explained what had happened, but Ororo saw through him easily: Jasmine reminded Logan of Jean. Ororo and Logan got into the jet. Logan made sure that Jasmine was comfortable and safe before he joined Ororo up in the cockpit. RULES: 1) No powerplaying/godmodding/any of that stuff 2) Don't go over the top in fights 3) Swearing is allowed, but don't use it after every other word. 4) This is the X-Men! Have some fun! 5) Dead people don't come back to life. 6) Color coding characters would be much appreciated! 7) Character max is four (but you can't take all the main people!) 8) I reserve the right to add more rules (I will let you know if I do). CHARACTERS (Yes, I know this isn't all of them! I just got lazy making a list. XD): -Logan/Wolverine:Fayt-Harkwind -Ororo/Storm: Garxena (temporary. if you want her, just ask ^^) -Marie/Rogue: Sorrow -Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy/Beast: -Bobby Drake/Iceman: -Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat: -Deadpool: TwilightBlade OC FORMAT: Played by: Name: Age: Mutant or Human: Mutant powers: Background (doesn't have to be huge): Appearance: OC's: Played by: Garxena Name: Jasmine Robinson Age: 16 Mutant or Human: Mutant Mutant powers: Telepathy, telekinesis Background: Discovered her powers at the age of 16. Her father left when he found out what she could do. She dropped out of school because she couldn’t control her abilities. Appearance: Not very tall, but not short either. Deep, chocolate-brown eyes. Brown hair. Wears jeans, boots, a black, logoed T-shirt, and a deep purple jacket. Played by: Vertigo Haven Name: Nora O’Connor Age: 18 Mutant or Human: Mutant Mutant powers: Shapeshifting (animals) Background (doesn't have to be huge): Her powers surfaced when she hit puberty. Her father supported her, but her mother suddenly wanted nothing to do with her. Her father thought it best that she be enrolled in the academy. Appearance: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l205/hp-mangacrazed693/Anime girls/shorthairedanimegirl.jpg Played by: Sorrow Name: Eva Age: 16 Mutant or Human: Mutant Mutant powers: Can control glass, anywhere near here. Background (doesn't have to be huge): She was left with her mother after her mutant powers surfaced, and accidently killed her mother during an argument. She was taken in by an aunt, and eventually enrolled in the academy. Appearance: Played by: timexhasxgone Name: Wolfe Vandetta Age: 19 Mutant or Human: mutant Mutant powers: Part wolf, and the power to read minds. Background (doesn't have to be huge): She was brought up in a adoption home, where she went off the rails in her early teens. since then, her background is shadey; Wolfe doesn't like ot talk about her past too much, and only to people that she can trust. She smokes heavily to remove stress. Appearance: Played by: Sorrow Name: Eron Age: 18 Mutant or Human: mutant Mutant powers: Can manipulate light, but can't create it. Background (doesn't have to be huge): He joined the Rebellion, hoping to bring down humanity. He hates humans and will not associate with them at any cost. Played by: AxEL0220 Name: Jake Benda Age: 18 Mutant or Human: mutant Mutant powers: Super speed Background (doesn't have to be huge): When his powers started to develope, he did some research and discovered Xaiver's school. He's been at the school for four years. During that time, he grew hateful of the humans that had driven him and his fellow classmates into hiding. Ignoring the warning from Storm, Wolverine, and the others, he left the school with some of his friends. He founded the Rebellion. Appearance: Played by: Vertigo Haven Name: Saura Cunningham Age: 20 Mutant or Human: Mutant Mutant powers: Short-ish range teleportation Background: A drop-out from Xavier’s academy. She has some kind of personal vendetta against the school, and thus joined the Rebellion. Appearance: Clickity Played by: keybladewarrioroflegend Name: Neal Smith Age: 16 Mutant or Human: Mutant Mutant powers: freezes anything he touches, can manipulate ice into various attacks. Background: Neal became a mutant after an accident in a lab in Antartica Appearance: short, spiked black hair, wears gloves and has blue eyes Played by:SORA! Name: Lilian 'Lily' Jamez Age: 17 Mutant or Human: Mutant Mutant powers: pyrokinesis,invisiblilty and force feilds Background (doesn't have to be huge): she is the only one in her family who is a mutant, she lived with her father, who tried to help her with her powers, but she ended up setting the house on fire by accident,after that he wanted nothing to do with her,she desparatly wants to find out if she is the only mutant in her family. Appearance: Played by: The Joker Name: Bane Age: 33 Mutant or Human: Mutant Mutant powers: Enhanced strength and speed,tolerance to pain, healing at slightly higher irregular speeds at times, teleportation. Background (doesn't have to be huge): Father was on the runs for crimes, Bane never knew what they were, mother died and Bane was put in general population of prison. The Warden called him "Bane" and for him causing trouble, he was put in solitary for causing trouble and escaped. He was put under experimentation and was being transported when he escaped. Joined the Rebellion for his own reasons. Appearance: Bulky, tall, shaved brown hair, black cloack.
All my buddies, I know I've been on less and less lately, and that's because I've got to focus on my school work. It's getting to the end of the year, and because of the musical, my grades have slipped pretty badly. There's something that I really want to do this summer (Princess_of_hearts, you know what I mean!), but I've got to have good grades in order to that special thing. It means A LOT to me, so I'm going to do my best to punch out some good grades! I'm not saying that I won't be on at all, but if I do, it will only be to see what's going on. The free time that I'll have for the computer will go to the Risembool Rangers (I'm on the committee that's trying to get Vic Mignogna to come to Utah for Anime Banzai this year!). I'll be thinking of you all as I'm torturing myself with homework! XD Peace, Love, and Music! --Angelina G.A.
Fear it I say! :D
Okay, so I'm taking a Catholicism class this year (it's required for my school), and I'm not much of a religious person. This is all very confusing to me. My class just took our midterm, but we ran out of time, so our teacher is letting us complete the essay section at home. She said that we could use any resource that we want, so I'm asking my fellow Rangers! It has to be in three paragraphs, so it's not very long (that's good for me!). The topic is to "Identify the roots of the Sacraments." and "Give examples." I'm not fully sure what that means, which doesn't help in the writing part, and I was wondering if someone could explain it to me, and maybe give me an idea on how to start this little essay. I've got a C in the class and this essay is the determining factor to get that C to a B! Please help!
It's the whole picture (my scanner wouldn't fit it all). Up at the top, I had lyrics from "Nothing I Won't Give," Edward's name, and "The Fullmetal Alchemist." Sorry it's so big. My scanner, as most of you know, is a piece of crud. >.<
It's not the whole picture (my scanner couldn't fit it all). Up at the top I had lyrics from "Brothers," Alphonse's name, and the Elric crest. Sorry it's so big. ^^' My scanner, as most of you know, is a big piece of crud. >.<
I need a deadly sin! (Besides the 7 that everyone already knows.) This is for an upcoming thread. If you like Full Metal Alchemist (winkwink), please help!
Taking plot a year before the events of Prince Caspian: Return to Narnia, our story follows sixteen year old Alexandria Barton, seventeen year old Elizabeth Coburn, seventeen year old Luke Reed, and sixteen year old William Barton. Respectfully, they attend the same schools as the Pevensies. The four are very good friends and spend most of their time together. One day, while walking towards their homes together, the four experienced an odd feeling when they passed under the archway to Alexandria and William’s house (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3203/2856155811_6ae7fa5817.jpg?v=0). The next thing the four companions knew, they were in an unknown forest with no sight of home. MAP: http://toknowasiamknown.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/narnia-map.jpg TOP ORIGINAL CHARACTERS: Alexandria (Alex) Barton (16) [Garxena] – She enjoys reading, singing, and horses. When she’s not with her friends and twin brother, she’s studying up on a variety of subjects. Her interest in mythical beings often gets her in a hotspot in the classroom. When she decides to do something, she won’t stop until it’s done. Tired of her long, black hair constantly falling in her face, she cut it down to her shoulders, and usually keeps it in a loose ponytail. Her bright blue eyes are “more lovely than the sky” according to Luke. Alexandria and Elizabeth are said to be “joined at the hip” and can usually be found with the other if gone missing. Elizabeth (Liz) Coburn (17) [Princess_of_hearts] - She enjoys drawing, debates, and science. She prides herself in finding the answer to every puzzle presented to her. Her milk chocolate brown hair falls in waves to the middle of her back, contrasting her darker brown eyes. Elizabeth keeps to herself and her friends during school hours, but tends to open up once she's away from a large crowd of people. During debates, she looks above the heads of the crowd to avoid her stage fright. Luke Reed (17) [mrsbaggins] - He enjoys extracurricular activities such as archery, and football (known in the USA as soccer). He has stunningly bright blue eyes and slightly long black hair that curls at the end, just brushing his shoulders. Though William does not approve of it, Luke has, what he calls, the jitters for Alexandria. He keeps his distance so as not to upset his best friend. He also finds a great deal of interest in breaking the rules; the excitement of going against the norm, of making things his own way, makes him absolutely giddy. “Rules don’t apply to me,” he once said to his coach. But Alexandria does not approve of this attitude and has often told Luke that most rules are for safety and should be obeyed. He, however, has never listened to little speeches such as that. Luke lives by his own rules and is a very sore loser. If something is against the rules, but will benefit him, he'll forsake the rules and do what he wants to. William (Will) Barton (16) [AxEL0220]- He enjoys spending time with his best friend Luke. He keeps his black hair very short and his blue eyes are often covered by sunglasses. He is kind and can usually been seen helping someone. He likes to keep an eye on his sister and also keeps her in line. He's her calming factor when she gets into heated arguments. He enjoys doing experiments in the school lab when he has some free time. He'll often bore everyone by going off on rants of his results. Always having a good intention, William is a major pacifist. He hates the war just as much as everyone else, but with some extra reasons. OTHER ORIGINAL CHARACTERS (NARNIANS): Username- Name- Age- Gender- Race (fawn, dwarf, centaur, minotaur, animal [specify], giant)- Picture/Description- Short Bio- NARNIANS (characters that have no specific name can be given one): Alsan [lion] - Everyone Trufflehunter [badger]- Garxena Reepicheep [mouse]- Peepiceek [mouse]- Patterwig [squirrel]- Trumpkin [dwarf]- Nickabrick [dwarf]- Glenstorm [centaur]- AxEL0220 Glenstorm’s wife [centaur]- Glenstorm’s first son [centaur]- Glenstorm’s second son [centaur]- Glenstorm’s third son [centaur]- Wimbleweather [giant]- Tyrus [minotaur]- Asterius [minotaur]- TELMARINES: (Prince) Caspian X- Last of the Organization (King) Miraz- (Queen) Prunaprismia- Professor Cornelius- General Glozelle- Lord Sopespian- Lord Scythley- Lord Donnon- Lord Gregoire- Lord Montoya- PEVENSIES (Remember, they'll come in MUCH later.): Peter- Last of the Organization Susan- Edmund- AxEL0220 Lucy- RULES: 1) OCs are allowed, but they must be Narnians (go ahead; be creative!). 2) DON'T MAKE ME ADD MORE RULES! 3) You can pick any of the above characters. First come, first serve. 4) Alsan is up for grabs for anyone. If you need him in your post, use him. 5) Keep the swearing the absolute MINIMUM!! 6) Violence stays at PG-16 7) Put “For Narnia!” in your first post in blue. 8) Color coat you characters, please! 9) If you get into a fight with someone, please take it to PM. 10) Romance will be kept at PG-13. (There’s really no need for any higher than that in Narnia.) INTRODUCTION: “It started out as a feeling, Which then grew into a hope, Which then turned into a quiet thought, Which then turned into a quiet word. And then that word grew louder and louder Till it was a battle cry. I’ll come back when you call me. No need to say good-bye.” “Alex, you’ve been singing those lyrics for days now,” William complained. “I can’t help it,” Alexandria answered. “I like them.” “And we don’t mind when you sing them. Right, Will?” Luke spoke up, ruffling his friend’s hair. “Calm down, you two,” Elizabeth laughed, walking backwards in front of the other three. “Let’s hear the rest of it, Alex.” Alexandria smiled and continued: “Just because everything’s changing Doesn’t mean it’s never been this way before. All you can do is to know who your friends are As you head off to the war. Pick a star on the dark horizon And follow the light. You’ll come back when it’s over No need to say good-bye. You’ll come back when it’s over No need-” “Hey!” William cut her off and pointed ahead, causing Elizabeth to turn around to see what had caused the distraction and the others to halt. “Planes....” Luke breathed the word. The four looked at each other in fear; war planes had come over their city. They broke into a run at the same time, heading for the twin’s house since it was the closest. The ground shook as the bombs connected with the ground. Unbeknownst to each other, they were all wishing they were somewhere else, somewhere away from the war. They hurried through the front doorway, for once not stopping to look at the intricate carvings above the archway..., and stumbled over branches and leaves on the other side of it. None of them could make any sense of what just happened, but they knew that they were no longer where they considered to be home. Each was silent as they looked around. Finally they all met eyes. “What do you supposed just happened?” Alexandria asked, not sure whether to be excited or scared. “I don’t really know,” Luke responded. “We just… walked through the doorway.” “We need to find someone,” Elizabeth said matter-of-factly. “Either we’re impossibly all having the same dream, or we really did just walk though a doorway together to get… wherever we are now.” “Let’s just… go with it,” Alexandria smiled as she started to wander further into the forest. “Alex!” William called after his twin. He figured she had her mind set on exploring this place, so there wasn’t much to do to stop her, short of tackling her and holding her down. He gave the other two of the four a little nod in Alexandria’s direction and hurried off after her. “I think this’ll be fun,” Luke laughed, hearing Elizabeth sigh as she followed them into the forest.
Why isn't there an X-Men thread on this forum?!?! lulz I just watched the first one last night and I couldn't help thinking, "That's one good base for an RP."
These a pretty old, but my newest of Gaara is too big to fit in my scanner T^T Shading experiment: One of my fav shots of Gaara: Older Gaara (Sorry 'bout the hands, they're my weakness >.< And my eraser smudged next to his eye T^T):