Hercules, Shang, Aladdin, Kronk and animal-wise, Thomas O'Mally (: *Hums tune to Thomas O'Mally*
I could never like Gaston, from Beauty and the Beast. Even as a kid I hated him!
If my post count rose that quickly, I'd be bleedin ecstatic! (: :| It's taken three years to get to 75! o_e
Ah shoot, guess I'll have to start popping up an awful lot in the threads then :) Thanks, I'll go take a look.
Heheh, thanks :) Any idea how and where I can get a name change, by any chance?
I'm not usually the type to eat my own words... Really, I'm not. And I swore I'd never return to this site! Odd how things turn out, huh? Well, I'm back, and if you all remember me, I salute you! If not... Hey! :D Much loves to the site I've dearly missed <3 Nicky :)
I'm afraid it is... This site has crumbled... I honestly cba with it anymore xD
[ Nothing more to say really... The site has gone to hell in a handbasket... Compared to last year, the site is crap... See ya!! ]
Lol xD......
Yeah, same here. I log on, see how many notification I have, respond to them, and then log out... Theres nothing to do anymore really :S
<.< >.> ....... :rockband:
Im bored....
Hello! No, no we haven't,... The sites starting to bore me ={ How are you?
Woo! NOISE!! Lol xD So....Hi all! Who's Uber shocked about MJ? I am! =Z
Hey! Feeling a bit strange... It's so weird that MJ is gone... It's not right... You?
Oh really? Well, it must be because I hang around with you! :D Therefore, so do...
Thats good! :)
Aww! Feel better soon!
Oohs,, Whats your username Dark_Dragon_Heartless? And you two sisters then?
...Well, do you have a fanfiction account? Hi newest newbie..!