Pierce walked back to his desk, slumping down onto his chair and resisting the urge to walk to his cabinet to get a very strong drink. Amatae grinned once the door to Pierce's office was shut, opening the door to the dining hall and stepping through. "No fist fights..." She muttered under her breath.
Ah, we have three seperate exams over two years, all split up into calculator and non-calc. Did you get your results? (:
OOC - |Toodledoo SORA! (: "Then what are you waiting for? Unsheathe your damn sword already!" Lina spoke, a grin on her face.
Oh you're so lucky then... We have to take Modules 1 & 3 in Y10, (Rock hard Exams, btw) And then a harder Mod 5 in Y11... Nightmares, I tell you....
Lina grinned up at Hokada, running a hand through her blonde locks before unsheathing her weapon. "You can still swordfight, yes?"
Haha, did you do your maths exams in Modules?
OOC - Thanksee (: Pierce took one more look at the door and went to close it, poking his head out to shout one more thing at Amatae. "Hey! No more fist fights, you hear me?" Amatae turned, her hand on the turned doorknob to the dining hall. "Okay teach, whatever you say!"
Same here, I'm totally dreading them. Especially my Religious Ed one :S
"Anywho..." Lina spoke, racking her brain for something to say. "It's sometimes better to not have the bending powers... No knocking innocent old grannies to the floor when you run past them, for instance!" Mentally, she slapped herself.
OOC - Where are you guys? Like, dorms, school dining hall ecetera Amatae took one look at the chair, and then back to Pierce. "Hmm... No thanks, teach. See you in History one-oh-one." She winked and sauntered -actually sauntered- out. Pierce rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples; She was going to take a lot of work.
Lina felt a pang of something akin to guilty hit her, and she looked right up to Hokada with an apology on her tongue. "Oh, right... Sorry, I forgot about that..."
Haha, yeah, that late. But it's not the latest; Some schools don't get them until the 25th or something. It's mad.
Amatae slowly moved to the door, standing on the other side of it and listening to two others outside, wondering what it was that 'was about time' someone else knew. Pierce rolled his eyes, locking eyes with the girl and pointing to the chair opposite him. "You, sit down."
Ooh really? Good luck, You'll have done well! I don't get mine untill the 22nd of August!
Lina shrugged, getting up from the ground, sheathing the sword that was laid next to her on the grass, and making her way over. "Still" She said quietly, "It's not nice to be pushed down."
"Details... Who needs them? Besides, his nose was funny... I gave him a reason for surgery." Amatae cackled, her lips moving up in a smile. She opened her mouth to say something else, although voices outside in the hall captured her attention away from Pierce. Pierce shook his head at her.
"Sorry!" Lina yelled across to him, stiffling a small giggle behind her hand. She clenched her fists, losing her concentration on her power and waving her hand around harmlessly.
Haha... :P
Amatae glanced up at her teacher, eyes narrowing at his sympathetic but disappointed smile. She crossed her arms and sat up straight, locking her dark eyes with his green ones. "That boy deserved it." Pierce raised an eyebrow at her wicked grin, sitting back in his chair and looking far from amused. "You could have stopped at the broken nose... Two black eyes was taking it a step too far, you know."
Haha, that makes three evil, doesn't it?