Amatae smiled sweetly at Rita, making her way over to the table and placing her hands on it, leaning on it as she smiled. "Oh if that were only the case..." She moved her hand, knocking one of the glasses of drink over the table towards Rita. "Oops... my bad." She gave a smile, then muttered under her breath, "Watch it, Mordio..." With that, Amatae stalked out the hall after Pierce, slamming the door behind her.
"Because if I go with you out that door, Miss Calavie, then it would convienient to you. And I'm terribly done with that... Now follow me." He gave her a triumphant grin and made his way through the hall to the doors on the other side. Amatae followed, lip pursed in anger and eyes shooting glares at anyone who looked at her.
Amatae cursed loudly, glaring up at Pierce and crossing her arms over her chest. "I didn't do anything." "I beg to differ, Miss Calavie. Follow me." He turned to go back through the hall, but she stopped him. "Why not this way, and not through a hall of staring students?"
Pierce made his way through to the door he had came in through, despite it being on the other side of the room. As he predicted, he opened the door, stopped, put one hand to the doorframe to stop a student getting in, and grinned. "Well well, you don't honestly think I wouldn't know you'd do a full circle, do you?"
Pierce ran a hand through his hair, looking thoroughly annoyed. He smiled down at Rita and shrugged. "I'm not sure, why, to be honest. I glimpsed her saying something to you both and I assumed... Anywho, best not to tell her I'm looking for her. Good evening." He gave them both a heartwarming smile and made his way towards the door. "That girl is in so much trouble." He muttered under his breath not too quietly.
Pierce spied Amatae making a get away and strode across the hall, stopping at Rita's table on his way and looking rather startled at her glare. "Good day, ladies. Do any of you happen to know where abouts Miss Amatae is off to?" He asked them, Amatae's school file in his hand and a viewable file that had 'IMPORTANT' stamped across it.
Amatae's eyes narrowed on the door, and although she came closer to Eliza and Rita's table, she calmly walked straight past. "You got lucky" She muttered under her breath to them, slipping out the door just as Professor Pierce made his way into the hall.
Amatae raised a delicate eyebrow at Rita, lips going back into a smirk as her eyes locked on Rita's. She pushed herself away from the food table, intent on making her way over to their table before her gaze tore away and focused on the far left door to the Dining hall.
Amatae took one look outside the halls large windows, leant over to grab a breadstick and took a bite. Her eyes scanned through the hall again before her glance was cast towards Eliza, Rita and the others.
Amatae sauntered over to one of the food tables, grabbing an apple and passing it back and forth between her hands before pocketing it for later. Her eyes scanned through the room and lips tilting into a smirk at the no-show of the boy from her History class.
Lina rebounded as her sword hit Hokada's, staggering slightly before striking again.
Aww, you've done really well! Well done! *hug* (:
Haha good. And yes, doing nothing can be decent, but it's also very tiring! :P (:
I've been okay, thanks (: Been spending the full holidays doing nothing though :| Haha, how about you?
I say make one, but change your privacy settings to the point where no one can even see your information box or profile pic if they're not on your friends list. I was only allowed to make a FB account on that condition!
Heheh... (:
Ah nothing much, just flitting through the site and whatnot. You? (:
Just finished reading 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown... Really gets your brain going and it's a very good book. (:
Hey Hey! (:
Lina smirked, twirling her sword around as she shifted her stance. Then, with her arms tensed for a hit, she moved her arm and swung her sword towards Hokada.