Elissa sighed when it started to rain, hugging her Cardigan closer and running slowly into the nearest shop.
Lina moved to walk away, hands tightly gripping her sword before she turned on her heel to face Hokada. "Let's check your reflexes." She muttered loud enough for him to hear, and with a grin she struck again, hoping he'd block it quick enough.
Amatae rolled her eyes, healing her skin to be as strong as rock and repelling Rita's claws. She sent beads of ice up Rita's small body, readying a surge of lightning in her hands.
Heheh (: Ah well, time to start another tiring day of doing nothing!
Lina grinned. "How was it not fair? You weren't quick enough, and so you lost to a girl." She smiled, passing him his sword back but not sheathing her own.
Elissa walked through the streets down in the town, a thin cardigan over her dress and the fabric pulled tight to her body. She ignored most of the people who passed her, her silvery hair blowing around her face in the wind.
Amatae yelped a little when Rita pounced on her, but quickly gathered her wits about her. Her left hand went up to form a fist in Rita's own hair, pulling the girls head back and pushing at it with her right hand - which was burning and flickering vigorously an creating burns on the girls face.
OOC - Hehe, can you start? I'm terrible at these things. :|
Lina stopped her sword inches from Hokada's chest, pressing the flat against him instead. She sidestepped quickly, grabbed his own sword from his hand and moved backwards, twirling it around in one hand whilst she twirled her own in her other.
Amatae simply grinned, willing the redness on her face to heal and made Rita's hand burn with a flame. Once little sparks of flames were visible forming on the girls hand, Amatae sat back, satisfied. "Sweetie, learn to control the temper... That look was far from attractive."
Done and done!
Name: Elissa Scorpiue age: 23 (Vamp 220) gender: Female apperence: parents: Ada and James Scorpiue Name: Adam age: 20 (Human) gender: Male apperence: parents: Unknown
So we haven't! I'll take a look now! (:
Amatae made her way over and sat down on one of the spare chairs at Rita's table. She leaned back in it, a sly smirk on her face. "Yes, but sweetie, at least I wasn't dragged through a hedge backwards."
Lina blocked the slash with her sword, jumping nonetheless and moving backwards a little as she brought her sword up to swing towards Hokada.
.... (: :d
Amatae left Pierce's office a few minutes later, slamming the door behind her and ignoring that she'd accidentally set the wooden knocker on fire. She went back into the dining hall, smirk on face and destination in mind. Pierce smirked at the flames on the door knocker, putting them out with a glass of water and then turning to Amatae's file. She'd be useful.
Pierce had seen the water that was heading towards Rita fly back up to the glass, and although he hid a smirk of revelation, he turned his attention back to Amatae. He walked the few paces to his office, opened the door and pointed inside. "You. Inside." He spoke harshly. "Cool it, teach." Amatae muttered as she walked in.
Still, they're really good grades!
Pierce crossed his arms at Amatae once she had left the hall, his eyes narrowed at her. "What did you just do?" He asked, peering into the hall through one of the windows on the door. His voice had a tone to it that sounded far from impressed. "Nothing out of the ordinary."