OOC - All of them? Do they see themselves back in time, or are they living it?
OOC - So what's been happening?
Ava and James both walked into the main school building. Amelia was falling everywhere with her books in her arms, and James was helping to keep her steady everytime she fell.
OOC - What've I missed?
OOC - Hey guys! *waves* I'm alive and back with my b!tchy characters! May I rejoin? Name: Amatae Ceravie Age: 20 Appearence: Powers: Mage; manipulates any of the elements she wishes. Quick info: She's in a relationship with Pierce; no one knows yet, but they'll find out soon enough. She's a lot less b!tchy, although she will be snappy and can't resist a good argument. Name: Pierce Bannidlues Age: 29 Appearence: Once I find the original photo, I'll edit this! Powers: Manifestation mostly, but still has powers of darkness from before he switched sides.
OOC - Shucks, sorry I've not been on to ask to join the thread, SORA! I've been away for a few days, and I only got the VM about ten minutes ago! So, can I re-join? Name: Amatae Ceravie age: 16 apperence: Name: Pierce Bannidlues Age: 24 (Teacher) Appearence: Green spiked hair, long dark green tailcoat, beige waistcoat, green glasses, black trousers, green eyes.
Good! And I had a great birthday, thanks! Ooh, I shall check them out when I'm on later! :)
Seriously big long explanation here. Okay, I've a boy problem. An annoying, pull-my-hair-out boy problem. See, about May time this year, a boy from my class who I'm brilliant friends with asked me out. I didn't feel ready to date then, and I got so scared I said no. But these past few weeks I've started to actually harbour feelings for him, so I confided in my friend. She subtly let him know, and last Tuesday I got a text from him that ended with 'Oh, and could you meet me outside form tomorrow? I've to talk to you! (:' This is where the problem starts. Wednesday morning, I was really nervous, but I had no idea why he wanted to talk to me (I'm ridiculously naive when it comes to relationships - I've never had one before) and at the end of form, my tutor asked me to put the laptops back in the cupboard. When I came out my form block, I couldn't see him anywhere, and figured that he'd just thought 'Oh, she's put the laptops away, no point in talking now, I'll see her at break.' He'd turned up fifteen minutes late to class because he'd been waiting for me to turn up. Wednesday dinner came around, and I was going to ask him what he wanted to talk about, but there was never a moment I could ask him where it would be private. Thursday, I didn't ask him either. FRIDAY, I took the advice of one friend. Result = disaster. I can't even describe how embarrassing it was when I tried to subtly make him realise I liked him. Yesterday, we all went out to celebrate a joint birthday (Mine and my best friends 16th) and there was a really weird air around us, something akin to pity on both our parts. My friend told me that on the Wednesday morning, when I couldn't find him, he was going to ask me out and since I didn't turn up, he's been really put down. I sent him a message when I got home saying I needed to talk to him on Monday outside form, but I've got no reply. My question's are this; A) has he not replied yet because he just doesn't want to talk to me after Wednesday? B) If he doesn't reply, should I pull him aside after form anyway? C) Should I explain that there's a misunderstanding (despite me having left it too long for it to be a misunderstanding) about Wednesday morning? D) He knows I like him, but he's never actually heard it from me. If I let him know, from me, face to face, will he realise I'm not just playing him around? Finally, should I even talk to him about it at all, or just leave it all? I've already let two chances pass me by, do I even deserve a third?
Hey! I'm good thanks... I'm sorry i've not been on much! How are you?
Pierce turned his attention to Amatae, eyes alight in anger as the young girl who he had been asigned counciler to simply kept a steady glare on him. "What did you think you were doing? You could have killed her!" Pierce hissed through his teeth, his warm professor atittude disappearing as anger took his place.
"No, young lady, you shouldn't have... But I saw you go over to strike, so I know that you weren't in the initial fight... However I want you in my office tomorrow at the beginning of your lunch break for twenty minutes to discuss your... ability." He nodded to Eliza, and then turned to Amatae and Rita, waiting for the two bulky boys to lock both their arms behind their backs to restrain them. "Miss Celavie, unfreeze Miss Mordio's legs." Amatae glared up at him, fists clenched as she slowly but carefully burned the ice away from Rita's legs without hurting the skin.
Elissa took refuge in one of the larger music shops in the town. She walked in, thoroughly expecting the place to be booming with loud people and overly-loud music. To her surprise it seemed like she had just stepped through a veil into comeplete silence. She looked around, frowning at the lack of noise and people in the shop. The only other person she could see or hear was a platinum blond at the pay-desk. He was laying back in his chair with a baseball cap over his eyes. Big colorfull headphones could be seen around his neck with music being played so loudly Elissa could hear it from the entrance. He was either asleep or hadn't heard her enter.
Amatae winced when Eliza's fist connected with her face, splitting the skin on her cheekbone. She willed it to heal, readying her fist to fight back against Eliza when the dining hall doors stormed open and attracted her attention. Pierce walked in, two of the much older and bulkier male students behind him and readying to restrain two of the fighting girls. He hadn't expected a third girl to be fighting, however.
Hey hey! Oh yikes, it HAS been a long time since we spoke! I've been gone a long time! :| Haha, anywho, how have you been?!
Aww, she had kittens? How many? Haha, bet your house has been full with miaowing kitty's then! (:
Amatae shrugged with a smirk on her face. "I may be a B!tch, but I'm honest about it." Pierce was far from happy. Over 150 teachers in the school, and his office was closest to the dining hall where most fights broke out. He quickened his pace, following the younger student who had crashed into his office and started yelling about 'magic' and 'fighting' in the dining hall.
Amatae smirked, moving closer and hardening the ice with every step just in case Rita managed to get out of it. Amatae stopped just over arms length in front of her, arms crossed over her chest and eyebrow raised.
Having no shapeshift abilities of her own, Amatae dodged the kids that were thrown towards her. Then she sent ice towards Rita, freezing her feet and calves in place.
Amatae dodged them, setting a circle of fire around herself to stop water reaching her. She then sent small surges of electricity around the room towards Rita.
Amatae quicky froze the waves coming towards her, eyes narrowing on Rita and throwing the lightning surge from her hand towards her, intending to miss and instead hit the wall a few centimetres away from her head.