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  1. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Amatae looked to Eliza. "Making my future happen." She muttered quietly, watching as Pierce automatically caught the off-balance past Amatae.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SoraNRikuNkairi


    Thank you! : D
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Amatae was visible getting more frustrated as Pierce, flicking through a book he had procured from his pocket, didn't look up at the passing past Amatae. Something inside her was begging her to do something, and something inside her mind flashed a future where Pierce would never know her. Acting on pure instinct she turned her body to face Rita's and Eliza's, sending a large gust of wind towards the past Amatae and sending her falling sideways... right onto Pierce.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SoraNRikuNkairi
    "That's Pierce..." She uttered out, letting loose a loud curse that was only repeated when the past Amatae walked near him, recognisable mostly by the cocky, know-it-all walk. "Why are you walking past him?" Amatae hissed through her teeth, glancing at her friends in slight worry with a plea of 'What should I do?' behind her eyes.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SoraNRikuNkairi
    "Um, do we interfere or not in our lives... Because I'm getting a real feeling of need to go-" Amatae had gave a nod in agreement before freezing completely, her eyes locked on a person behind Rita. Whether it was the old one or the one from her latest life, Amatae wasn't sure, but she'd recognise that gold waistcoat and green rimmed glasses anywhere.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Amatae gave a nod, smiling and pointing to one of her back teeth. "Yeah, you turned your fist to diamond. Knocked out this tooth. Pierce spend a long time teaching me how to heal the wound and bring back another tooth."
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SoraNRikuNkairi


    Username: SoranRikunKairi
    Name: Alyssa Sakmoto
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Power: Changing of cell structures. (She can change shape/blend into things.) Her drawback to this power is if she blends for too long, she becomes paralysed for a few minutes afterwards.
    History: Accused of Murder when she was just eighteen, Alyssa has spent the last two years of her life in the city jail. Once the jailbreak occurs, she makes no hesitation in leaving and aims to find a way out. Finding out about her powers was a strange surprise; She'd been running from a gang member when she ended up blending into the shadows. She'd not been able to find a way to change back, and had spent an hour paralysed until she could move again.
    Other: She's skilled with a blade, although using guns can come at a penalty, as the recoil triggers her paralysis.
    Preview Post:
    Alyssa stood calmly in her jail cell, bright eyes piercing the guard who was delivering the food to her. It didn't seem to look very nice to her eyes, and she kept her blue eyes on the guard. He gave her a glance, shoving the food through the bars and crossing his arms as he looked at her.
    "Ah, cut yer hair, did ya?"
    "Talk properly, and I might just give you an answer."
    "Listen darlin'. You may have been high and mighty, but now you're no more than da other filth in 'ere."
    "Like you? Hah, don't make me laugh. I had my reasons. My pawn disobeyed, I killed him in reaction. Nothing more to it. It doesn't make me filfth whatsoever."
    "For a twen'y one year old, you sure have got lip." The guard pulled the shears from her cell, their eyes locked on each other before he scoffed and left. Alyssa simply gave a smirk, kicking the plate of food out of the cell and holding back the urge to violently kick at the wall and bars. Instead, she sat down on her bedroll, legs crossed and itchy clothes rubbing on her arms as she waited. She'd get out. Somehow.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Amatae froze at the mention of Pierce, glancing up at Zack. "Oh... I'm fine, Zaccy. Still got the scars from our little bust up. Haha. And yourself?" She then looked at Eliza with a grin. "Nah, it's okay. I did freeze Rita's legs to the floor and sent fireballs at you both. Pierce almost slaughtered me in his office for two fights in one day. That's when I found out I was an angel. I knew I had powers, but not what I was." She spoke fondly, remembering the times and wishing she was back in the school.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SoraNRikuNkairi
    OOC - I'm not sure... I'll take over Toby if no one else wants to...?

    BIC -

    Amatae shrugged. "I want to do something, but at the same time, I want to leave it and leave."
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Amatae gave a nod before allowing her eyes to widen at what the woman had just said. "Brilliant. I do hope we don't screw this up..." She rubbed at her eyes tiredly.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Amatae gave a nod, looking around. "But what if stopping her from doing anything actually makes our lives as it is now? What if letting her look around changes everything? Another thing, do you suppose we'll see our counterparts from our last lives, or will we have to live it as if we are them?" Amatae asked, eyes searching the faces of everyone around her. She'd betrayed Pierce in this timeline, but as she didn't know the exact date, she wasn't sure if it had happened already.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SoraNRikuNkairi
    OOC - I say progress it forward, but I think we'll need to edit the plot a bit ourselves to make it work, to be honest.

    BIC -

    Amatae held her head in her hands before brightening up, eyes locked on her friends. "I've an idea! I can control the elements, yes? How about I start a fire somewhere, or make someone float in the air to distract everybody, and one of you grab Amy?"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SoraNRikuNkairi
    OOC - I might, not sure yet. I hate starting a thread when it's already halfway through >.<

    Amatae nodded. "You've no idea how awkward I feel in a pencil skirt, stockings, heels and a tailored jacket. With glasses." She glanced at the bystanders. "So... Who's up for knocking her out?"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Nov 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SoraNRikuNkairi
    OOC - Ack, I know! I'm sorry for going all 'disappeareo' on you all! >.<

    BIC -

    Amatae, realising she was attracting attention, let go of her gloves and folded her hands in her lap, resisting the urge to fidget with her glasses. She manipulated her control of the elements to cool herself down before she started to sweat. They'd think something was up if she kept on going the way she was.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Nov 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Amatae smiled, tugging at the edges of her gloves to make them tighter on her hands.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Amatae snapped her head up, giving her a false smile. "Me? Oh... I'm fine, thank you. Just... Talking about boyfriends and whatnot... It's strange, is all."
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SoraNRikuNkairi
    "If you know what I'm going to say, why do you keep on fighting?" Pierce asked the girl over his desk. She rolled her eyes at him.

    "That kid deserved it... I only roughed him up a little, and it's not like I used my abilities either." Amatae hissed, serpent green eyes locked with her professor's light green ones.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SoraNRikuNkairi
    OOC - Ooh, okies! Thank you!

    Amatae shifted her footing a little, nervously fumbling with her gloves and trying not to look suspicious. If any of them found out who she was with, if any of them realised... She wasn't sure if their looks would be horrified or scandalized.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Pierce looked over the edge of his dark green glasses at the girl sitting in front of his desk.

    "Save it, professor. I know, I know... Stop the fighting.."
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. SoraNRikuNkairi
    OOC - What have I missed?

    Amatae stood with them, listening but not really speaking, adjusting her gloves and waiting to input into the conversation.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home