"And you shall count to the number three. No more, no less." "One, two, five!" "Three, sir!" "Three!"
Alright, thank you :3
Hey Wolfie -- remember a couple months ago you posted about some 3D software you were using? What were they? I remember being interested in one of...
I don't know who I am.
Probably Kitty (lolidk why) Reptar um. Wolfie.
I keep forgetting that I'm not a mod.
I stopped playing Runescape after they made all these big changes and stuff. Jagex is now proposing to bring back the Wildy and Free, Unrestricted Trade to Runescape. This would be the greatest thing. Ever. Forever. Vote yes now or die. http://www.runescape.com/wilderness
Everyone stop being mean to eachother! -LOCKED-
I might actually make a return to this wonderful site. Like, a full one, and become active again. Anyone care?
THIS flkajsklfhdahgj jsdfhjasf
To me, Art is anything that invokes my emotions. Abstract work has the power to do that, definitely. Anyone can make a drawing of random lines and scribbles, but not everyone can make that random drawing into something completely beautiful. That is Art.
I really wish America used Celsius. It's a lot easier, and Fahrenheit is kinda pointless.
Yes please, but you're getting the short end of the stick with this trade D:
What the heck, florida
I just remembered my 2010 Resolution was to become Premmy. ITS NOT TOO LATE BRB POSTING RELEVANT POSTS
At first I was like "yu knows japanese?" but then i was like "nah, she only knows batman"
i got an xbox 360 and live and stuff so you should all send me games like acb and dantes inferno kthx
wait what the heck are you guys talking about.
[lolbye] fhsfhasdfget gfh gh