we're gonna rave? ok ill start
I love the turn this thread took.
how did i not know about this "Zone" meme thing?
What servers do you play on? I have toons on a bunch of servers, I just posted my main.
You play WoW? Server/Faction/Race now, go Cenarion Circle/Horde/Undead
the song that plays at the title screen of kingdom hearts 2, and the instrumental version of passion.
happy .
Because, y'know, Europeans would know more about the US's affairs than the US. k, makes sense. Now listen, I agree that Bush is an idiot, and that the war shouldn't have started, I in NO WAY support anything concerning it, except that the soldiers who for some reason decided to fight in a war that we shouldn't be fighting. But, don't act like I don't know about it. Sure, it had something to do with oil, but it's not like we were gonna just go right out and attack them if they hadn't killed all those people on 9/11. You say it's immature, revenge? It's not just that we're like, "Kso you attacked us? Well see how YOU like it!!" No. They attacked us, so we were dealing with it. They showed that they were willing to hurt the US, so we tried to keep that from happening.
eh .
Dude are you serious? That's freaking hard core.
I'm still running a 2006 Windows XP with only 2 GBs left on the hard drive :>
OMG This. sosad And don't forget Dobby.
Isn't that a little hypocritical? Also, America started a war because the people we started it with BOMBED US. Not because we want oil, jeez. Don't go messin with our stuff and we won't go messin with yours
I don't think there are many Americans who talk about the "American dream", most of us know how unrealistic it is. And, just because Emma Watson wasn't born in Britain doesn't mean she isn't British, if she grew up there that would probably be considered her country.
Sprinkles, and I say Soda, Pop, or Sodapop.
Florida. I don't like it here.
I have a math project I haven't started yet. I didn't know they existed, either.
What's sad is no, I'm talking about Americans of all ages D:
Welsh, Norwegian, and French :3 British (English) accents are nice, too.
I don't like Americans too much. Many of the Americans I've met are fairly poor at thinking for themselves and are really unhealthy. Plus, they think they're more important than everyone else, and are very ignorant. But that's not all Americans. Just the ones that surround me.