I've been busy. Also, my location is a refrence to the TV show Scrubs.
Quite a bit XD
Same here XD My 3DS is still semi-displeased lol
Lol. Same here. Seems everyone is moving to Kh-mediaflare.
Hey PDAL, srry i have yet to reply to our PM discussion just that i usually\always go on khv on my 3DS (like right now) and it is acting up in...
Heal Aqua
Yep. I don't wanna spoil anything but *Sends threw PM* Yep. xD
Dig it Minecraft Style! Minecraft Style!
Lol. Hey check this out- http://kh-vids.net/threads/storm-of-fate.134119/
Lol. Apparently alot of people on khv dnt like FPS for those 2 reasons. I love 'em truthfully xD
whats wrong with FPS?
Lol. I preordered Halo 4
*shoots guy in black ops with pistol* So, excite- *see's guy getting back up* Die already! *final takes guy out* excited bout any up coming games?
XD Lol. Usually you don't for years lol
He's a problem child *psycotic smile*
Lol. currently mine is gaming. Like MW3 and Halo. Im guessin by 'true love' statment ur relationship had a falling out? (not that im tryin to get...
Lol. Now wat subject to go on...
*puts hands behind head* i didn't sign up for this xD Lol. I don't know wat to say besides hang in there