Ya. well bak to yahoo to find a diffrent generator and pray XD Anywho, whats up?
can u get on skype?
and of course it doesn't work XD thanks anyways
idk. soon
kk thanks. now lets see if this generator actually works xP
it helps me get free xbox points i need
Yep. btw, can you click on this link for me? it'd really help me out alot. http://freexboxlivepoint.com/?i=238619
hey bro can ya click on this link for me? http://freexboxlivepoint.com/?i=238619
Not much. Gonna start a new Gaming channel
Good Good
Pretty good overall. Yourself?
Hey, its been awhile
Ah. Im still in. Will be for all HighSchool XD
Ah yes. You still in Connections Academy?
Pretty good. Just recovering from being sick lol
he wants to know if he can use our music team to make an insturmental for a fanfic of his
Hey man, been too long XD
Send it my way
Is this a song you made or is copyrighted by a diffrent artist?