"With pleasure." Alex run towards the Relplica and sung her sword. ooc: totally an unexpected twist.
Don't pledge to her. Don't go back to her. Alex thought but her actions didn't listen to her thoughts. She went down to one knee, held one hand to her heart. "Please forgive me for betraying you. Please allow me to work by your side once more." What am i an idiot? her mind trailed off. ooc: OMG! unexpected twist?!
"Almost prefect." What am i saying? If this keeps up, I may work for her again. Come on Alex pull it together. she thought
"Like Sora and his lackys?"
Alex stood in silence and looked up at Maleficent. What should i say now? I know she can be cruel and heartless but her could blame her. "Is that why you always yelled at meand forced me to get the job done quickly?"
ooc: i see. "whatever. you were never concerned before. so why now?"
ooc: are you a mind reader? "Whoa, why are you concerned about my life?"
ooc: just to let you know maleficent took the stone to prevent alex from going back to the past to stop her. "really?"
"You know perfectly well. You took the stone to bring sora and his friends 70 years into the future. So don't play dump."
"I hope master Cross is here somewhere."
"Don't make me laugh. All i need to know is where is my time stone?"
"Because there are something i must ask you."
ooc: oh i see...where is everyone?
Allen stood in confusion. "I thought I heard Sky's voice. Where did she go?" Allen stood in the hallway.
sorry i was busy with cleaning all weekend. T.T
ooc: whoa what i miss?
Alex closed her eyes. She thought of how good it would feel just to give up and die here. but not by Maleficent's hands. A gust of wind blew in and Alex disappeared. then appeared behind Maleficent. "I can win if i want to."
anytime would be nice. general cross is the only one who can find ariana
ooc: okay see ya.
yeah it is.