Name: Lenxion Age: 17 Side: Dark Powers: illusions Bio: he is a cold-blood assassin and he's Alex's older brother. He she tried to go to darkness, he tried to stop her and almost died. years past and he learned the way of the assassin. then when he had missions to complete, no one know what side he was on. he is known by all and feared by no one. Picture: attached
ooc; hey ansem, i was wondering if i can add one more new charterer that is connected to Alex.
"Right." Alex walked to the window and stared out at the horsion.
"True, but what if that plan fails? What then?"
"Yes, but now they know the true side i chose."
Alex jumped. "Don't do that. Wait, what do you mean the wrong way?"
ooc: so close and yet so far. *Sigh* Alex appeared back at her room. She slammed her fist into the wall hard. "Damn it. I was so close to getting her head. I wonder what Maleficent has to say about this." Alex sighed. "Ohh god."
Alex looked over at him. Then a hug gust of wind came out of nowhere and Alex dissappeared. ooc: for real this time.
Alex blocked one but lost her grip on her sword and got hit by the other. "Ugh.." Alex stood up and made a portal and fled. Those loser will pay. She thought ooc: g2g
sweet thanks. when i get some chapters done i'll let you look at it.
Alex blasted the two orbs with green fire ball. Not good. I can scene Sora coming closer. I must get out of here but I mustn't fail my mission. Damn this is hard. Alex thought.
"Why can't you people stay out of my way!" Alex spoke furiously. Dark aura ran toward her body and she broke free from the claw. She flew towards Xert and threw him to the wall harder.
ooc: oh really? sorry. Alex doged a few bullets but in the end she got hit twice. once in the left arm and right leg. "Hee, you finally hit me. Well, its a good thing i had heavier damage. But this will never do. I must complete my mission" Alex run towards Xert and jumped over and run towards Kairi.
can you make a sig for me plz. Signature Size: idk the normal size i guess. Render: (as high quality as possible) Text: (optional) remembering the king Font: (optional) Vivaldi Effects: (optional) any (i guess) Other:
Alex disappeared before the bullet hit. "You think your little bullets can hurt me, think again." Alex said when appeared on top of a building. ooc: oh, a fight. i love fights.
Damn, so closer and yet so far. Alex thought.She pushed kairi to the side and turned around and faced Xert. She pointed her sword at him. "Now why would i do that. It's my mission to kill her."
oh and i was wondering if i can make a story of kingdom hearts: time matter for fanfiction? i can make a very cool story. i writing one out and...
i know. besides i was going to take kairi somewhere else where no one would look. if thats okay.
Alex took her sword out and put it around Kairi's neck and covered her mouth. "You scream and you'll die."
"I see." alex said when she waited for Kairi.