The Maximum Ride series by James Paterson. Great series, loved every moment of it!
I believe I can shed some light on that mystery. First place receives 11 points Second place receives 9 points And third place receives 7 points.
Does that mean you'll have the next theme up in the next couple hours? (please let it be a freestyle/MLP round)
I second the fan-music idea!
Book 4 of the Septimus Heap series, Queste. Now I'm reading The Angel Experiment
Easily the BEST movie I've seen in the past 5 YEARS!
Hey guys, so this thread is all about the band Group1Crew. How many people have heard of them and if you have, whats your favorite song from them? My favorite song from them is Live Out Loud
Update time! Spoiler: 007 - Miracles and Magic Are Real Part 1 Puella Magi Twilight Magica By darkponyD 007 – Miracles and Magic Are Real Part 1 Location: Ponyville Medical Center, Ponyville East Rainbow Dash was truly living up to her name as she ‘dashed’ through the halls of the Ponyville Medical Center. Her destination, Acoustic Blues’ room. The unfortunate incident outside the hospital was still fresh in the filly’s mind, hence why she had come to talk to her friend. She stopped outside the colt’s room, stopping a moment to catch her breath, before knocking on the door. As she finished knocking, however, the door swung open of its own accord, revealing an empty room. She just stood there dumbly, not knowing what to do, until she heard a voice behind her. “Oh, are you here to see Acoustic?” Rainbow turned to see Nurses Redheart and Tenderheart standing behind her. “U-um, y-yes,” she stammered, her face blushing profusely. Nurse Redheart chuckled. “I’m sorry. His examination schedule got moved up, so he’s in physical therapy right now.” Rainbow closed her eyes in defeat. “Oh, I see,” she said as she turned and started walking back to the elevator, but not before giving a sullen thank you to the nurse. “She comes to see him quite often, doesn’t she?” Tenderheart asked her colleague, watching the depressed filly walk away. Redheart nodded. “It’s a big help. He’s a difficult case, that colt.” She paused, sighing. “I really hope she’ll become the encouragement he needs to recover.” The pair start walking again, passing the filly as she boards the elevator. “Before the accident,” Tenderheart said. “He was a foal prodigy, wasn’t he? On the guitar?” Redheart nodded again. “Even if he’s able to walk, or even fly again, his wings will probably never regain the dexterity to be able to play again.” *** ‘Why did it have to be Acoustic?’ Rainbow Dash thought in depression as she rode the elevator back to the ground. She moves her wings into her line of sight. ‘My wings work perfectly, but what good are they? Why couldn’t it have been me instead of Acoustic?’ Rainbow closed her eyes as she folded her wings against her barrel. ‘If I were to use my wish to heal his body, what would Acoustic think about it? Would he just say, “thank you” and that would be the end of it? Of am I hoping he’ll say something more?’ The cyan filly stood there lost in the deep recesses of her mind as she mutters “I’m such a horrible pony.” ‘Now that I think about it, I really didn’t understand anything back then. Neither what it meant to pray for a miracle, nor the price of one.’ *** Location: Home of the Sparkle family, East Ponyville Twilight sat staring at the plate in front of her, an egg staring back, the yellow yolk resembling the eyes of the Night Mare that took Pinkie’s life. Her family around her was easily going about the day as if it were any other day. Twilight, however, could not get the images of the previous day out of her mind. Over and over again, she witnessed the Tiro Finale striking the Night Mare, and over and over again, she saw it snake down to the pink filly, taking a bite out of her head. “Twilight!” Velvet’s voice cut into her brooding, snapping her out of the trance of shock she was in. “If you don’t hurry and eat, you’ll be late for school.” The filly just nods numbly, taking her fork in hoof, and taking a bite out of her breakfast. That’s when she finally breaks down, the tears coming, unbidden, to her eyes as she begins to cry. There was silence for what seemed like an eternity, but in actuality, was only for a few seconds, until it was broken by the toddler in the room. “Sis, wat’s wrong?” Shining asked from his high chair. “D-does it taste bad, honey?” Night chimes in from the kitchen. Twilight shakes her head. “No… It tastes good,” she manages to choke out between sobs. “Really, really good... I’m alive… And your cooking… Tastes so good, dad…” *** Location: Central Park, Ponyville Central “So I was like, ‘Jeez, Lyra!’” Rainbow said as she, Rarity and Twilight trudged to school. Both Rainbow and Twilight were feeling the aftershock of the previous day’s events, but it seemed that only Twilight had broken. “‘You still don’t get it even after all that?!’” Rainbow continued. “And she was like, ‘huh? Did I say something weird again?’ and got all weepy. I wanted to laugh so bad!” ‘Rainbow,’ Twilight called to her friend through Kyubey’s telepathy. ‘About yesterday…’ ‘Sorry,’ came the reply, as Rainbow continued to chatter away with Rarity. ‘But can we talk about this later?’ *** Location: Ponyville Middle School, Ponyville Central “While a mare’s prime age for foalbirth is indeed based in medical fact, counting backwards from there to determine whether she is of a marriageable age is an extremely grave mistake!” Cheerilee said, her class looking almost asleep, with the exception of two fillies dealing, in their own way, with their best friend’s death. “In other words,” she continued, oblivious to her class’s current state. “Of course mares over the age of 30 still have a chance of marrying for love. Therefore we would use the present progressive tense here instead of the past perfect.” *** Morning break found the two fillies sitting on the roof of the school, staring off into the distance. Neither one of them said a word, reflecting on the past few days, until Twilight finally broke the silence. “It… feels like we’re in a foreign country or something,” she said softly, barely audible to her friend. “Even though nothing about school or Rarity has changed since yesterday, somehow it feels like I’m surrounded by strangers…” Rainbow turned her face up, towards the sky. “It’s because no one knows. No one knows about Night Mares… or Pinkie… It’s because we know, and nopony else does. It’s like we’re seeing and living in an entirely different world from them.” Twilight turns to her friend. She had never seen or heard Rainbow Dash act this way before. “But our world had already changed long before this,” she continued. “We should have realized that sooner.” She then turned to face Twilight. “Twilight, do you still want to be a Magical Filly, even now?” The two fillies stared at each other, one waiting for an answer, the other struggling to find an answer. Twilight eventually turned away and stared at the floor, Rainbow soon doing the same. “Yeah, I know,” she said. “Well, I can’t blame you.” Twilight’s eyes started to fill with tears. “I know it’s unfair,” she said, barely able to hold it together. “I know its way too selfish of me to back out now, but… But I just can’t. Just thinking about the way she died… Even now, it gets so hard to breathe…” She was on the verge of breaking down now, tears streaming down her face. “I’m scarred… I don’t want that…!” That’s when she finally broke down, her body convulsing as she cried. Rainbow reached over and wrapped her hooves around her friend, giving her a much needed hug. “Pinkie was truly a kind-hearted pony,” she said softly, trying to comfort the sobbing filly. “To make us really understand what kind of resolve we’d need in order to fight, she…” she stopped before she finished her sentence, not wanting to upset her friend any more. Instead she turns her head to look at the creature that had watched the entire exchange. “Hey, Kyubey… What’s going to happen to this town? Who’s going to fight to protect everyone from the Night Mares from now on?” Kyubey looked straight into Rainbow’s eyes, a total lack of emotion emanating from the creature. “This town has been Pinkie’s territory for a long time. But once the other Magical Fillies realize she’s gone, they won’t stay back for long. I’m sure one of them will arrive here soon to hunt Night Mares.” “But all they care about are finding Grief Seeds, right? Just like that transfer student,” Rainbow countered. Twilight had finally gotten control of her emotions, but was still wrapped in Rainbow’s hug. “It’s true that Magical Fillies like Pinkie are rare,” Kyubey admitted. “Most do approach Night Mare-hunting with their own benefit in mind. But it’s natural for ponies to want to be rewarded for their work.” “Then-“ “But,” Kyubey continued, cutting off Rainbow’s rebuttal. “I think the only ones who have a right to judge their actions are their fellow Magical Fillies, who bear the same destiny as they do.” The eyes of the two fillies widened a bit, not having thought of that. After a few seconds of silence, Kyubey sighed and nodded. “All right, I understand. It really is an awful shame, but I can’t force you, after all. I guess this is good-bye then. I’d better go search for girls with greater need to make a contract with me.” He turned to leave, but not before Twilight said, “I’m sorry, Kyubey.” Kyubey stopped, stealing a glance over his shoulder. “No, I should be apologizing for getting you mixed up in all this,” he said. “Though we weren’t together for long, thank you, Twilight. It was fun.” With that, the cat-like creature padded away, slowly fading from view, leaving the two fillies alone on the roof. Twilight closed her eyes, a single thought running through her head. ‘I’m sorry.’ *** Location: Pinkie Pie’s apartment, Ponyville Central The smell of stale pastries wafted into Twilight’s nostrils as she stepped into the now empty apartment of Pinkie Pie. She slowly walked up to the coffee table in the living room, taking in the unwashed dishes and cluttered state of the apartment. Once she was standing in front of the coffee table, she took out the notebook that she had made her Magical Filly sketches, and set them down. A fitting farewell to the pink filly. As she stands there, tears begin to once again leak from her eyes. She turns away as the dam slowly breaks. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “For being so weak…” Her sobs begin to wrack her body, forcing her to the floor. “I’m sorry…” *** Twilight slowly walks out of the apartment complex with her head down. Her eyes dry now, but still red from her breakdown. She lifts her head up to start navigating back to her house, when she sees a familiar yellow filly a few feet ahead of her. “Fluttershy…” The yellow filly’s hooves could be heard on the stone pavement as she walks over to Twilight. “You’re blaming yourself too much for this, Twilight Sparkle,” she says, her ever stoic face betraying no emotion, save one. Concern. “No one could criticize you for anything you’ve done.” She pauses, her face hardening for an instant as she looks away. “And even if they did, I wouldn’t allow it.” She turns her head back to the purple filly. “It seems you’ve taken my warning to heart.” Twilight looks down to the ground, her voice barely audible. “Yeah…” *** Location: Industrial District, Ponyville South “If only I had listened to you earlier…” Twilight said. The two fillies were walking along an unused road in the industrial district of Ponyville, the factories churning out black smoke as they walked past. “It wouldn’t have changed Pinkie Pie’s fate,” Fluttershy replied, her head bent, staring at the ground. “But I was able to change yours. I’m glad I was able to save at least one pony.” Twilight lifts her gaze up to the yellow filly at that comment. “Um, Fluttershy. You seem like you’re a veteran too. Though in a different way from Pinkie…” “Perhaps,” the yellow filly replied evasively. “I won’t deny it at least.” Twilight bit her lip as she considered the way she should approach her question. “Have you seen a lot of ponies die like yesterday?” “Yes.” “How many?” “Too many to try keeping count anymore.” Twilight looked down as she kept walking gloomily along. “I wonder if Pinkie’s apartment will just stay like that.” Fluttershy kept her steady, piercing gaze trained ahead of her as she replied. “Pinkie Pie had no close relations. It’ll be a long time before a missing pony’s report is even filled for her.” “Then, no one will even know that Pinkie’s dead?” Fluttershy closed her eyes. “It can’t be helped. If somepony dies on the other side, there won’t be a body left behind. In this world, she will simply remain a missing pony forever. That is the end that all Magical Fillies meet.” Twilight gave a little gasp, her eyes widening, before tears flooded her eyes again. She stopped as she started to quietly sob again, her head hanging down towards the ground. Fluttershy stopped as she noticed the sound of Twilight’s hooves missing from the sounds around her. She turned to see the sobbing filly. The yellow filly wanted nothing more than to go comfort her, tell her it would be OK. But it was no longer in her nature to be kind or comforting. She kept her face neutral as she watched the purple filly sob. “That’s horrible!” the purple filly finally choked out. “She fought to protect everypony for so long on her own! To think nopony will even realize she’s dead, it’s just too much!” “That’s the nature of the contract that grants us the power we hold,” Fluttershy replied, closing her eyes. “And we don’t fight to protect ponies. We fight for the sake of our own wishes. If our deaths go unnoticed by others and we are ultimately forgotten by this world, I suppose that can’t be helped.” “I won’t forget…” Fluttershy’s eyes flew open, taking in the determined, though still tearful face of the purple filly. “I’ll never forget about Pinkie! Never!” The yellow filly nodded, turning away from Twilight. “I see. I’m sure with that alone, Pinkie Pie must truly be happy. I envy her.” “You too, Fluttershy!” Twilight cried, a new fire burning in her eyes. “I swear I’ll never forget you either! I’ll never forget the way you saved us yesterday!” Fluttershy’s gaze hardened after the purple filly’s outburst, prompting Twilight to back away a little. “Fluttershy…?” “You’re too kind for your own good,” the yellow filly spoke in a low voice, as if she was fighting back tears. “Remember this; that kindness may bring about an even greater tragedy someday.” With that, the yellow filly turned, unfurled her wings and took off, leaving a very confused earth filly behind.[spoiler/]
I'm gonna vote for entry 1, mostly because I feel that whoever did that song did a better job overall singing and mixing his entry.
Sending submission in now!
Urk, stupid iPod! I'm gonna need a couple hours to get my recordings off of my iPod, please give me about 7 - 12 hours.
I'll get mine to you in the next 12 to 24 hours.
OK, I just uploaded a new song, hope you all enjoy!
...Who's seen it, where can I find it with english subtitles online and how was it?
Um guys, I feel I should say something about the trophies right now. It doesn't matter if you overwrite the save file, the trophies are a totally different function, so they're carried over no matter how many times you erase the save data, unless you completely purge the data. So you should have no problem restarting the game and getting all trophies. I've actually done it already.
I know right?!? I bet theres some logical explanation for this, but the theory that they're all related to each other is so much more interesting.
Also, I don't think you noticed, but around the area Cid is standing, the guy who gets his heart stolen is just standing there, and you can talk to him.
Switchfoot's new album Fading West was easily the best album of last year!