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  1. SoulboundAlchemist
    Happy Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. SoulboundAlchemist
    I would love to see a world for the following movies/games, cause they're awesome:

    1) Frozen (I'm pretty sure this was said already)
    2) The Avengers (Marvel is owned by Disney now, so its doable)
    3) Wreck-It-Ralph (great possibility of fourth wall breakages)
    4) Final Fantasy VII/Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (they had both Cloud and Zack, now they need to do a world that talks about their origins in the KH universe)

    Now for the completely ridiculous ones that will never ever be part of Kingdom Hearts, mostly because Disney/Square Enix doesn't own the rights:

    1) Doctor Who (this would be set on-board the TARDIS, exploring the interior, and trying to prevent it from exploding)
    2) Once Upon A Time (this would follow the end of season 1 of the show)
    3) Legend of Zelda (this would be set during Spirit Tracks)
    4) Percy Jackson and the Olympians (this would be set during the Heroes of Olympus series)

    And there's my two cents thrown in. Hope my wishes are interesting enough to set your minds churning :)
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 20, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. SoulboundAlchemist
    I finished reading 1984 for school, and I just finished re-reading the first Percy Jackson series to prepare for the Heroes of Olympus. The last book will be done this fall!
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 20, 2014 in forum: Literature
  4. SoulboundAlchemist
    I play it, my username is darkhorseD, though its been a while since I last played, so I'm a bit rusty.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. SoulboundAlchemist
    Wow, two entries from Frozen! I loved both of them, but entry 4 gets my vote because, not only was it an english cover of a song from Puella Magi Madoka Magica (my all time FAVORITE anime!), but it was also a somewhat well sung and well mixed cover.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 15, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  6. SoulboundAlchemist
    Agreed, now to wait a month or two for it to be released...
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 11, 2014 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. SoulboundAlchemist
    Dissidia 012 - PSP
    Crisis Core: FInal Fantasy VII - PSP
    Final Fantasy VII - PC
    Pokemon B/W 2 - NDS
    Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - NDS

    (So yeah, lots of games)
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 11, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. SoulboundAlchemist
    I've got exceptionally high hopes for this, since it looks very similar to Wicked, which I haven't seen, though have heard it was amazing. Good luck Burton.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 11, 2014 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  9. SoulboundAlchemist
    Good luck!
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 10, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  10. SoulboundAlchemist
    Project Destati: Awakening
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. SoulboundAlchemist
    Hey everyone, I'm here to create a rather unique RP. I call it Courage is Magic. Courage is Magic was originally an MLP version of Dungeons and Dragons, what I am doing is creating an RP version of the game. Follow the link below to get the official booklet detailing the different races, classes, etc., along with the character stat sheet.

    Now for some ground rules:

    1) You are only aloud to have one character. I'm making this rule to avoid having an unmanageably large group.
    2) No overpowering. The stats are there for a reason.
    3) No arguing with the Game Master (GM). He actually knows what he's doing.
    4) If you want to add something, talk to the GM. This goes for adding non-player characters (NPCs), adding original items and adding key items.
    5) Make sure you read the entire document that the link above takes you to! I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we don't want to be answering stupid questions.
    and 6) Have fun! This is a game, not a flame war. (You would not believe how many people start flame wars in the RPs I've been in)

    Now, to add your character, you need to fill out the character sheet found in the link above and post it as an image in a spoiler box.

    Hope to see you all here!

    Onwards and Upwards!
    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 30, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SoulboundAlchemist
    You have a point, I've found that method works from time to time.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. SoulboundAlchemist
    Me and Yukari's entry (that's right, it's a duet) has been sent. Now to wait...
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 28, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  14. SoulboundAlchemist
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. SoulboundAlchemist
    Ahh, makes sense. Good to know that at least some of the fanfics I read got it right.

    Interesting, better not give anymore spoilers than, since there will be a lot of deaths in this story...
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: Archives
  16. SoulboundAlchemist
    Yes, you MUST! It has the ENTIRETY (or at least most) of the the cast, along with Black Gryph0n, and maybe even YOU if you go to the different conventions!

    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 21, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Music
  17. SoulboundAlchemist
    Why thank you :D I do have to ask though, what is the cannon name of Twilight's mother? I've read tons of stuff on fimfic, and the stuff I've read always referred to her as Velvet Sparkle or Twilight Velvet. Also, I'm gonna have to tell you something disappointing; a certain hyperactive pony will die in this story... just a heads up.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: Archives
  18. SoulboundAlchemist
    Thank you!
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. SoulboundAlchemist
    Ssoo, when are you posting the new theme?
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  20. SoulboundAlchemist
    Oh yeah, I forgot about Miserable Wreck. I'm gonna need to post myself singing it sometime soon...
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Mar 17, 2014 in forum: Production Studio