That is a good question, and a serious plot hole that needs filling. However, all I can offer is speculation, specifically that its entirely possible that the portal to TWTNW was shielded somehow from Ansem's system scans. Its also possible that the portal was created sometime between Sora's waking up and the journey to TWTNW, and that Axel was simply using the Corridors of Darkness to get into the digital Twilight Town.
Hmmm, thats a difficult question... I read a TON of books, and fanfictions last year... OK, I'll tell you all my top 5 books, and top 5 fanfictions from last year. Books first: 5) Age of Ultron (I know, this counts more as a comic book, but I consider it, as well as all manga, a book.) 4) Sword Art Online 3) Psych: Mind Over Magic 2) The Eyre Affair 1) Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus Now for my top 5 fanfictions: 5) Genma's Daughter (Ranma 1/2) 4) Fairy Moon (Fairy Tail/Sailor Moon crossover) 3) Sailor Ranko: Tunnel Vission (Ranma 1/2/Sailor Moon/Terminator crossover) 2) Persona EG (My Little Pony/Persona crossover) 1) Sailor Ranko (Sailor Moon/Ranma 1/2 crossover)
Thanks, that was very helpful, but after I took a look, I found something that was a little higher quality elsewhere. Working on the recording now.
YouTube songs! Rhet & Link B-52's Obscure Alternative Music Owl City Christian Rock
Ugh, believe me, that language switch was a real pain, even with the lyrics right in front of me, and don't even get me started on how many English translations I went through before I found two that I was happy enough to combine! But, in my mind, it was worth it! I really need to work on my vocals, they just don't sound as good as they could...
Ugh, the Beatles... This is gonna be tricky...
First vote! Alright Amethyst, your entry is my favorite this time.
I would highly recommend starting with Persona 3 or Persona 4, though if you don't have the game systems for those games, I'd recommend Persona Q
Welcome, welcome to our humble abode! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! Love your taste in video games by the way, and if you have time for them, I highly recommend trying the Persona franchise, as well as the PSVita exclusive Gravity Rush. Can't really get more artsy than them, unless you look in the rated "E" games...
Working on it now. Its gonna be EPIC!
This is my top 5 list for 2014: 5) How To Train Your Dragon 2 4) The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 3) Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2) X-Men: Days of Future Past Honorable Mentions: Thor: The Dark World The Boxtrolls The Book of Life Guardians of the Galaxy 1) Night At The Museum: Secret of the Tomb
WHEW! Finally! I've been waiting for this! And I get to premier my original song too!
Oops, lost track of time. I'll finish it up as quikly as possible!
Wow, thanks! This will be very helpful for later!
Welcome, welcome, to our humble abode, good sir! Love your taste in games by the way! Especially Persona. Persona is best franchise! Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay here, I know I have :)
Hey guys, any of you here play SAO Hollow Fragment? And if so, can you give me some help with the Hollow Areas/Hollow Missions? I'm kinda at a loss, especially since I keep getting killed there...
YYYEEESSS!!! FINALLY! I get to do a recording of my original song! I can hardly wait!
You did see that I hadn't gotten the Magus Sisters yet, right? In any case, I managed to defeat both of the Dark Aeons guarding the temples. :)
Oh, I see. Thanks guys!
What are the odds of me defeating Omega Weapon in one attack? I ask because thats exactly what I managed to do. I had Yuna summon Yojimbo, and he used a one hit KO attack after I paid him. Seriously, what are the odds that he would use his Zanmato attack? Also, will this Zanmoto attack be able to defeat the Dark Aeons at Besaid and Kilika? I missed the destruction spheres there and I really want to get Anima and the Magus Sisters.