Search Results

  1. SoulboundAlchemist
    One week to go, and I still only have one entry. I repeat, one week remaining! If you're not in panic mode, you should be!
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 16, 2017 in forum: Production Studio
  2. SoulboundAlchemist
    You're not the only Type-0 fanboy. I stick by my opinion that Type-0 was one of the best FF titles.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 9, 2017 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. SoulboundAlchemist
    Alright! One entry in! Looking forward to hearing the coming entries!
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 9, 2017 in forum: Production Studio
  4. SoulboundAlchemist
    No, don't worry, all you need to do is send me your entry when you're done. Remember to send it via PM, or send me a PM with questions.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 6, 2017 in forum: Production Studio
  5. SoulboundAlchemist
  6. SoulboundAlchemist
    Hey guys, got a suggestion for a theme for KHV Idol? Well then, this is the thread for you!

    If you have a suggestion for a theme for us to use, please, post it here!

    Below, you will find a list of themes that have already been suggested, so if you find a theme there that you were planning on suggesting, don't, since it has already been suggested.

    Freestyle (Recurring Theme)

    Movie (Recurring Theme)

    Video Game (Recurring Theme)

    Anime (Recurring Theme)



    Disney Villains

    Rockin' The Decade! (Randomly chosen decade, 80s, 90s, etc.)

    Hymns of Glory (Pick a hymn to sing. This can be a hymn from a video game, like the Hymn of the Fayth, or a hymn from church, like Amazing Grace, your choice)

    Friendship is Magic (Pick a song that is either from, or inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

    Ensemble of 2 (Participants must pair up and sing a song that is considered a group song, an example would be One Day More from Les Miserables)

    Foreign (Pick a song that is not in your native language)

    Utada (Pick a song by Utada Hikaru)

    Beatles (Pick a song by the Beatles)

    Coldplay (Pick a song by Coldplay)

    Party On Dudes! (Pick an EDM or party song. An example would be Shelter by Porter Robinson and Madeon)

    Aria of the Soul (For this round I, SoulboundAlchemist, will be picking your song)

    Gotta Catch'em All! (Pick a song that is from or inspired by Pokemon)

    The Old Rugged Cross (Pick a song by a Christian artist. This can include anything by Relient K, Switchfoot, tobyMac, DC Talk, etc.)

    What the Heck Did I Just Listen To?!? (Pick a parody song. This means that any song by Weird Al Yankovic is up for grabs)

    Smooth Jazz (Pick a song that could be considered Jazz, or Acid Jazz. For examples of Acid Jazz, take a listen to the Persona 5 soundtrack)

    So Long and Thanks For All the Fish (Pick a song that deals either with farewells, or fish. An obvious example is So Long and Thanks For All the Fish from The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy.
    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 5, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  7. SoulboundAlchemist
    Hello everyone! Welcome to the rebooted KHV Idol!
    Now, I know that I am basically just copying and pasting the initial post in the original thread, but I figured that it would be a good idea to use it as the initial post for the reboot thread. I mean, its got all the details you need, so why fix something that isn't broken? In any case, for all the information you need, check below! [​IMG]

    Welcome to KHV Idol! This is a friendly little competition built for all KHV singers in order to show what they've got!


    This works the same way as any other competition on KHV. Each month, there will be a theme. You get to choose a song that fits that theme and sing for your life! You can either choose to mix your own vocals or send them to me for mixing. When all entries have been received and mixed, we will put up a poll, which will run for about a week. The winning entry will be posted on both YouTube, and SoundCloud, as well as any entrants who want theirs up there too :)

    Excited? Awesome! Now then, some rules…


    In order to have the least amount of voting bias possible, all entries will be PM’ed to me by the deadline (the poll will have numbered entries, rather than your names)

    Please keep all songs appropriate to KHV

    If you would like to withdraw your entry or change it, you can do so but it must be well before the deadline. Don’t PM me the hour before and say ‘I wanna change it.’ Especially if I’m mixing your vocals, because then grumpy SoulboundAlchemist will come, and you don’t want that to happen xD

    You can’t vote for yourself. Tempting as it is, I know the entries and I will know who voted for who, so if you do vote for yourself, you will be disqualified! (That means not able to enter for the next 2 rounds)

    This is quite important: If I am mixing your vocals, you must send me your lines and a high quality instrumental at least 3 days before the deadline.

    I can’t stress this enough: DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRIES IN THIS THREAD! Please PM ME with them!!

    We’re keeping it friendly, guys, this is all for fun. I know how some people can get quite competitive and ‘trash talk’ their opponents. This will not be accepted. Its not a very serious competition, and you will always get achievements for participating!

    Comments and criticisms are always welcome, if you have something constructive to say, by all means, say it.

    Duets/Groups are allowed, but please PM me with who is in your group

    Everyone who plans on participating MUST post in the thread that they will be entering the round BEFORE sending me their entry. If you are not sure if you'll be able to participate, send me a PM saying so.

    (Copied from KN, but also apply here If you are sending me your lines). Time your lines, as instructed in the tutorial video, NO WAV FILES (I will NOT accept them anymore, this has been said 1000 times), and things should be okay. I should be able to open the instrumental, line up your file and be done. If it doesn't line up, I'm not going to fix it (I mean if it's extreme, I'll fix the little things). If it's off-time or sounds really messed up or clashy, it's your fault.


    KHVIR #3 theme: Showtunes
    Sing a song that originates from a "show", this includes Broadway musicals, movies, and TV showes, as long as the songs were originally written for a TV show, movie or Broadway musical. Please send the information for your chosen song as soon as possible, preferably before you record so that I can confirm that it is within the rules of the round.

    Deadline: Wednesday September 27

    Happy Singing!

    This thread will be used for discussion about the theme.
    Look forward to seeing everyone’s entries! Good Luck and Have Fun!

    Theme Suggestions Thread:

    Day~Dream: 3
    SoulboundAlchemist: 3
    Hakumei Eien Ibusaki: 3
    Caanan: 3
    Zelda: 1
    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 5, 2017, 26 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. SoulboundAlchemist
    Persona 5 was amazing! Plus, my game was 69 hours and 45 min. This game consumed my life during finals week...
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 5, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  9. SoulboundAlchemist
    Hey guys! Man, has it really been almost 2 years since anyone posted in here? Time to dust this thread off, am I right? Anyway, the purpose of this post is mostly to gauge how many of you would be interested in either resurrecting this clearly dead event, or creating a similar event. Please let me know by replying to this thread, or by PMing me.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 25, 2017 in forum: Production Studio
  10. SoulboundAlchemist
    Hey guys, so I was kinda hoping youguys could help me out. I had a story idea recently which crossed over Harry Potter and Persona 5. Essentially, Harry stumbles upon a world, known as the Metaverse, that allows him to see the world through the cognition and distorted desires of an individual. While there he learns that Dumbledore isn't as light as he presents himself to be, and awakens to the power of Persona to stop him. My problem is coming up with a good starting point in the Harry Potter timeline, and assembling a team to join Harry on his expoditions into the Metaverse. Is there any advice you guys can give me?

    Oh, and if I like how this idea turns out when I write it, I'll post it here for review.
    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 22, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  11. SoulboundAlchemist
    Back after a long silence!
    Status Update by SoulboundAlchemist, Apr 18, 2017
  12. SoulboundAlchemist
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Shadow of Mordor, or Final Fantasy Type-0! That being said my top 5 list is

    1) Final Fantasy Type-0
    2) Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
    3) Undertale
    4) Life is Strange
    5) Child of Light.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Feb 16, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  13. SoulboundAlchemist
  14. SoulboundAlchemist
    New Cover! Tell me how I did!

    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Sep 23, 2015 in forum: Production Studio
  15. SoulboundAlchemist
    Hey guys, I'm currently looking for six singers, or more, who are interested in doing a cover of Hikaru Nara, from the anime Your Lie in April, with me. If you are interested, please check out the lyrics and video below, and either post in this thread, or send me a PM.

    Onwards and Upwards!

    Hikaru Nara Lyrics:

    Singer 1:
    Just like a rainbow bright and warm after a hazy summer storm
    Flowers blooming fresh with drops of dew

    Singer 2:
    Watching you stare into the sky in the crimson sunlight
    That's when I fell in love with you.

    Singer 3:
    Each moment in a picture frame
    I'm holding on no single shot will ever fade

    Singer 4 and Singer 5:
    The movie of this love every part deep within my heart

    Singer 1-7/All Singers:
    You are the spark my light in the dark
    Brilliant and bold through the night
    Bright as the sun no matter what comes
    We can be stars if we shine

    Don’t ever hide those feelings inside
    Whenever you’re sad or you’re blue
    When you can’t cope don’t ever lose hope
    The stars shine their light over you

    Every wish we’ve made has brought us here together
    Til forever
    Underneath the stars and moon and sun we look to the future as one
    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, Sep 23, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. SoulboundAlchemist
    Honestly, I'm flattered to be getting a nomination, even though I have no idea what I'm being nominated for.

    Be that as it may, I'm gonna cast my vote towards the one of the three people I know who were nominated, @Sebax
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: 2015
  17. SoulboundAlchemist
    Hey guys, I recently finished working on the first chapter of a new fanfic, and I could use some feedback. Only constructive criticism please, flames will be used to forge new swords for the protagonist.

    The Equestrian Swordsmen: Memoirs of Two Displaced Cosplayers
    By darkponyD

    001 - Dmetri: The World of Swords

    Listen to our story. It...may be the last chance we get to tell it. It all started with darkness. All around me. The ever present, soul-sucking void. Now how did I get myself and Victoria into this mess? Are we dead? Dying? Unconscious? I don't know. All I know is that buying those swords was a huge mistake. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

    Allow me to start from the beginning...

    =||===> 5 hours ago <===||=​

    =BEEP= =BEEP= =BE - Click. I hate mornings. Mornings are the bane of my existence, I swear! Especially when I need to get up at this ungodly hour! Really, there should be a law against waking oneself up at five in the morning! Well, at least its for a good reason...

    What is this 'good reason', you ask? Well, I'm glad you did! Today is the first day of ComicCon 2020! And me and my gir -er- best friend have some costumes to show off. Speaking of which, I quickly jump out of the bed in my hotel room, making a beeline for the bathroom and cold water shower within. I had gotten quite used to mornings like this, mostly because I spent the first eighteen years of my life traveling between Cambodia and the US every year. By this point, waking up at five in the morning and staying at hotels is second nature to me.

    Hmm? Whats that you ask? Who am I? Oh, please pardon my poor manners. My name is Dmetri. Dmetri Ross. I am 24 years of age, and a huge fan of animated TV shows, particularly anime and shows originally written for kids, such as Phineas and Ferb, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Yeah, thats right, you heard, well read, what I said, I like My Little Pony, but, we're once again getting off track. Lets get back to the story.

    I finish my shower, quickly toweling off before standing in front of my costume. It's truly a thing of beauty. Long black pants, a black t-shirt, and a long, black coat with two sheaths on the back. This is my interpretation of Kirito's armor from the first story arc of Sword Art Online.

    With a smirk, I quickly shed my towel and got to work getting into costume, starting with the pants, followed by the shirt, and the coat. Finally, I quickly retrieved my 3DS, PSVita and iPad, stuffing them into various pockets of my coat. I should probably explain why I'm taking all this stuff with me. You see, I'm just a little *coughverycough* paranoid when it comes to my electronics. As a result, I take them everywhere with me. Its times like these that I really wish the dimensional storage space in SAO was real.

    In any case, with costume in place, items stowed, and ComicCon pass around my neck, I stride over to the door of the adjoining hotel room, giving it a loud rap with my knuckles. A very tired and irritated "I'm coming, I'm coming" answers me.

    After that follows a series of grunts, shuffling, banging and a crash, followed by a few choice Elvish curses. Yes, Elvish. My friends a Lord of the Rings nut, sue me. In any case, the door is soon opened by a young woman of 23, dressed in a red and white breastplate, white undershirt, skirt and boots with an empty sheath on her left hip. This is my friend, Victoria Wroblewski, dressed as Asuna.

    "I still don't see why we need to dress like this," she grumbled, rubbing an eye. "I don't even like Sword Art Online."

    "Don't let anyone at ComicCon hear that," I retort. "Besides, we're dressed like this cause its cool, and you didn't have any better ideas. Theres only so many times you can dress as Kingdom Hearts characters without it getting old!"

    "But I like dressing up as a member of Organization XIII," came her sleep-deprived whine.

    I sigh in exasperation. It's always the same with her. Victoria had developed a bit of an anti-animation mentality when she was younger, due to watching a lot of British comedy programs, particularly Monty Python's Flying Circus. When she finally decided to give animated media a shot, she felt, and I quote, 'like [she] was being talked down to, and treated like a violence loving idiot.' Sad, I know. Thankfully, shes still willing to try some animated stuff, as long as she knows what she's getting into before hand.

    "Look," I reply, trying to sound diplomatic. "You admitted a month ago that the Kirito and Asuna cosplays looked far better than a lot of the other ones we could have done. On top of that, I spent a ton of money on these costumes. Can't you just live with the costume for the day? Besides, you look great in it!"

    Victoria groans in defeat, though not without a slight blush on her cheeks. "Fine, you win. Lets just go before I decide on some form of revenge, otherwise we'll never get to ComicCon."


    About an hour later, and after a quick breakfast at the hotel, we were finally here. New York ComicCon 2020. It truly is a sight to behold. Thousands of people walking around in crazy costumes from all manner of movies, anime, TV shows and video games. As Victoria and I step into this nerd paradise, our breathe catches in our throats as we take in the vast sea of booths, cosplayers, actors, etc.

    "Hey, Dmetri," Victoria nudges me from the side, her eyes not leaving the sea of nerd before us. "What time was that Sherlock panel at?"

    "I believe it starts in an hour," I reply, eying three swords and a dagger hanging in a nearby stall. "But first, I think we need to finish our costumes."

    Victoria turns her head in the same direction I was facing. "Oh no, nuh-uh! No way, no how! Those things are gonna cost a fortune, and you know it!"

    "Oh come on, you know you want a complete costume!"

    "No I don't."

    "Yes you do."

    "No I don't."

    "Yes you do."

    "You're right, lets go."

    With a triumphant grin on my face, I drag her over to the stall I had spotted earlier, where the swords hung, gleaming in the light. Behind the counter was easily one of the creepiest guys I've ever met. He was dressed as the Merchant from Resident Evil 4, so he had the long cloak with overstuffed pockets, but no face mask, and with the creepiest grin ever. He was really getting into character. It almost made me think twice about buying the weapons.

    "Got somethin' that might interest ya'?" Merchant asks us, a deep rasp in his voice.

    "Um, yeah," I reply. "Me and my friend here would like to take a look at those swords, as well as that dagger."

    Merchant raises his eyebrow, as if things weren't quite going according to the script. He turns around, removing the items from their hooks, and setting them down gently on the counter.

    The first sword is a rapier, about 30 inches long, and rather thin as well, with a round guard and simple hilt. The Lambent Light. The second sword is a one-handed sword, also about 30 inches long. Both the blade and the hilt as black as coal, giving off a deadly air. The Elucidator. The third sword is also a one-handed sword, this one about 33 inches long. The blade and the hilt both a gentle, light blue, giving off an aura of gentle, deadly, beauty. The Dark Repulser. Finally, we come to the dagger. Its a Persian design with a curved blade bearing various ancient writings carved into the blade. The hilt is transparent with a jewel embedded at the top, and you could easily see the sand in it. The Dagger of Time.

    I couldn't believe my luck. Four of the greatest (well, I say greatest) blades in all anime/video game history all here, just waiting to be bought!

    "How much for all four?" I ask.

    "For you," Merchant smirks. "$20 for all four."

    With a grin, I quickly hand over the money and grab my newly purchased weaponry. The first thing I did was hand Victoria the Lambent Light, which she quickly sheathed. Next, I sheathed the Elucidator and the Dark Repulser in the sheathes on my back. The Dagger of Time, however, I decide to examine a little closer.

    One could easily tell that the craftsmanship of the Dagger was exquisite, but something about it was bothering me. Before I could figure out what, however, I hear a cry from Victoria. I whip my head in her direction, only to see her slowly fading from sight.

    "Victoria!" I cry as I reach out to her, just managing to grab her wrist before she disappeared, taking me with her into the void.

    And now, here we are, right back at the start of the story. We've been in this void for who knows how long. But wait, is that a light I see up ahead...?


    "...I think its coming around."

    I feel myself slowly coming to in the land of the living, a splitting headache, and a familiar voice greeting my ears. A very familiar voice... Now where have I...

    My eyes quickly snap open to take in the blue face and white face of...

    "Princess Celestia?! Princess Luna?!?!"

    The two faces nod. "Yes, those are our names, but how did a creature such as yourself come to know us?" Asked the white one.

    Of course, I never got the chance to answer, as I promptly fell unconscious in a dead faint.


    The sparkling streets of the Crystal Empire buzzed with activity, with the Crystal Ponies buying and selling their wares, all the while, a dark shadow goes unnoticed, slipping through the crowd. It was of a female, humanoid shape, but aside from that, it was near impossible to make out any of her features, even if she wanted to be seen. Her head was whipping to and fro, searching for something. Or perhaps, it was somepony she was looking for.

    It was at that moment that a loud trumpet was heard. All eyes, including the female's, turned towards the entrance of the street as a large procession made its way through the street. At the front of this procession was a black unicorn stallion in royal garb.

    The female gave a wide smirk. "I have you now!" she said in a cold, cruel voice. She closed her eyes, as a a faint aura appeared around her hands. Almost immediately, as the procession neared her position, an anvil dropped right in front of the black stallion, and then another fell in the crowd, and another, and another, causing the crowd to go into a panic. As it so happens, a white, wall-eyed mail mare was passing by overhead, pulling a shipment of anvils behind her. Unbeknownst to the masses, a faint aura appeared around the lock, causing it fail, which in turn drops the shipment. Coincident, right?

    In any case, while the chaos played out, the female glided to the black stallion's side...
    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jul 22, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Written Works
  18. SoulboundAlchemist
    Dragon Quest Builders... is this supposed to be like Minecraft?
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jul 10, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  19. SoulboundAlchemist
    Did anyone here see the IGN video where they played the demo for P4DAN?
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jun 30, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  20. SoulboundAlchemist
    Honestly, I'm torn between saying Hollow Bastion (KH1 version) is the best KH world, and saying End of the World is the best. I'm gonna say though, that Hollow Bastion beats out End of the World, since it appears in multiple KH games, while End of the World only appears in one.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jun 27, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX