Search Results

  1. Aurangzeb56

    Yo Guys me again,this time i made a video about a battle from BBS but in KH2 but it didnt went well since i tried giving hayner red textures but it didn't worked out since his textures well pretty strange ^^" So i modded the color to brighten them and made Lea(Axel) a lil smaller to match the size of Ven(Roxas) like in BBS ^^

    also if anyone is interested in the codes then here

    2032F06C 03020100
    E011FFFD 0034D45C
    11CE0B68 0000005A
    21c957f0 58455f42
    21c957f4 00303234
    21c957f8 00000000
    21c95810 00000000
    21c95814 00000000
    21c95818 00000000
    21a981e4 30000000
    11CE0B6C 00000023
    209d3e74 00e07540
    11C37718 00000051
    21ab4810 3f500000
    21ab47fc 00FFFFFF
    21a7e0bc 00FFFFFF
    11c6c284 00000D48
    21c6c408 00FF00FF
    21c6c40C 00FF00FF
    Press R3 when selecting Hayners battle in the struggle match in Twilight Town and well then everything is ready ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 4, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  2. Aurangzeb56

    Just a fun battle that i thought of doing ,thinking that Roxas and Axel must have sparred at least once when both of them were in the organization so i just made this battle of that sparred that might have happened ;)

    Like Ven and Lea Spared with each other in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep ;)
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 3, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  3. Aurangzeb56
    Yo guys made this code a long time ago but never made a vid of it since i forgot about this code XD but well i was bored and i found this code of mine so i thought i should make a vid of it so i did :P Enjoy :D

    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 3, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  4. Aurangzeb56

    Yo guys this vid i did myself cause i was bored :P But well to spice things up i gave Terra Marluxias Effects and also i gave Sora Terras Effects but it would really bright up Sora so i removed it and went with Marluxias Effects only XD so yeah Enjoy ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 1, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  5. Aurangzeb56

    Hey guys this fight was requested by ThaLulz19 but i tweaked it a bit by throwing in Roxas and Axel also no target mods were applied its just some basic model hacking and i dont know why Xemnas is attacking Axel maybe his revenge that Axel betrayed the organization :P But honestly no target mods were applied this was just an after effect that occurred when i used Axel in this fight XDD Well enough said ENJOY :D
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 1, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  6. Aurangzeb56

    Hey guys just so that no ones asks stuffs on how to configure Pcsx2 and HOW to makes dumps of games so yeah ^^ also view in HD for best resolution ;)

    and Emuhaste to make Dumps:
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 27, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  7. Aurangzeb56

    Hey guys another tutorial and this about how to mod characters animations!! :D so yeah hope u guys learn quick and for best viewing experience play in HD and full screen ;)

    also here is KH2 Model Viewer
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 26, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  8. Aurangzeb56
    Hey Guys another Vid i made in HD but this of Gathering ^^ and well i hope you like watching it ^^

    Download Link:
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  9. Aurangzeb56
    Hey guys thought i should record and upload this video since there wasn't one for an HD version ^^ so enjoy,also i went through a lot of troubles so please no criticism ^^

    Download Link:
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 23, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  10. Aurangzeb56
    TUTORIAL TIME: How To Mod Texture Of characters In Kingdom Hearts 2 And Final Mix!!

    Hey guys i used to got alot of requests on how to make texture mods for characters so i finally decided to make a vid of it and showing it so yeah ^^ HAPPY LEARNING :D

    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 22, 2010, 15 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  11. Aurangzeb56
    Hey guys i need some help with PDF files,first can you giys tell me how to CREATE a PDF files with multiple pics e.g. like Strategy guides,visual Art books and etc. and second do you know how to CONVERT a PDF files into JPG,BMP,PNG etc. formats??thanks ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 18, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. Aurangzeb56
    Guys can anyone tell me how can i play old PC Games like Variable Geo Custom(V.G. Custom) i have it but whenever i click the exe of it an error pops up and when i click ok the game closes :(

    this is the error

    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 8, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  13. Aurangzeb56
    Hey guys can anyone tell me that how can i extract the background pics from Megaman ZX Advent NDS Rom and by background Pics i mean pics like these in the game

    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 1, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  14. Aurangzeb56

    Hey guys well this code is almost complete just a few more lines and it would be complete and as you can see this code well i wanted to make this code so i made it :P


    E024F7FF 0034D45C
    21CD51C8 58455F57
    21CD51CC 00303130
    01C9553F 00000005
    20191C70 00000000
    2032EF0C 80528231
    2032EF10 81088109
    2032EF14 810B810C
    2032EF18 810D810E
    2032EF1C 81108111
    2032EF20 810A810F
    21C6C93C 04040404
    21C6C940 00000004
    21C95854 5F303131
    21C95858 464C5442
    21C95874 5F303131
    21C95878 464C5442
    21C9587C 65736D2E
    21C95880 00000074
    2036D8E8 61786F72
    2036D8EC 00000073
    21C95894 000A000D
    01C9584F 00000013
    2032ED10 0050003E
    01C9589F 0000000A
    21CE2704 00C000C2
    11C556E0 000008F8
    21C6C1A4 00FF00FF
    20D88694 00000000
    20D887B4 00000000
    20D88604 00000000
    21C957F0 58455F42
    21C957F4 00303234
    21C957F8 00000000
    21C95810 58455F42
    21C95814 2E303234
    21C95818 7465736D
    21C6C01C 00000D48
    E004FBFF 0034D45C
    2116CE74 00C0DBC0
    207C8374 00BFAB40
    213047B4 00C1AB40
    21304694 00C1AB40
    E001FEFF 0034D45C
    21C6C018 00000D48[/spoiler]

    [B][U]AR MAX:[/U][/B]
    Things Mod:Jokered To R1
    Textures Mod:Jokered to L1
    Hp Mod :Jokered To L2

    After you go into Terras portal and whatch the scene where he is waking up press and hold R1 till the battle starts.After the battle
    starts press L1 for the textures and then press L2 to refill bosses HP note you have to lock him press L2 and then lock out and
    lock in again
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, May 20, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  15. Aurangzeb56


    All Limit Attacks
    8009C75A 0FFF
    Experience Modifier
    8009C774 ????
    Level Modifier
    3009C739 00??
    Max Strength
    3009C73A 00FF
    Max Vitality
    3009C73B 00FF
    Max Magic
    3009C73C 00FF
    Max Spirit
    3009C73D 00FF
    Max Dexterity
    3009C73E 00FF
    Max Luck
    3009C73F 00FF
    Infinite Hp
    8009C764 270F
    Max Hp
    8009C766 270F
    Infinite Mp
    8009C768 03E7
    Max Mp
    8009C76A 03E7
    Enable All Limits
    8009AEF2 02DB
    Lucky 7777 Fever
    8009D85C 1E61
    8009D85E 1E61
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009AEDE FF01
    [B][U]YOUNG CLOUD:[/B][/U]
    Level Modifier
    3009CA51 00??
    Max Strength
    3009CA52 00FF
    Max Vitality
    3009CA53 00FF
    Max Magic
    3009CA54 00FF
    Max Spirit
    3009CA55 00FF
    Max Dexterity
    3009CA56 00FF
    Max Luck
    3009CA57 00FF
    Infinite Hp
    8009CA7C 270F
    Max Hp
    8009CA7E 270F
    Infinite Mp
    8009CA80 03E7
    Max Mp
    8009CA82 03E7
    Level Modifier
    3009CAD5 00??
    Max Strength
    3009CAD6 00FF
    Max Vitality
    3009CAD7 00FF
    Max Magic
    3009CAD8 00FF
    Max Spirit
    3009CAD9 00FF
    Max Dexterity
    3009CADA 00FF
    Max Luck
    3009CADB 00FF
    Infinite Hp
    8009CB00 270F
    Max Hp
    8009CB02 270F
    Infinite MP
    8009CB04 03E7
    Max Mp
    8009CB06 03E7
    All Limit Attacks
    8009C862 0FFF
    Enable All Limits
    8009AFFA 02DB
    Lucky 7777 Fever
    8009DC9C 1E61
    8009DC9E 1E61
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009AFE6 FF01
    All Limit Attacks
    8009C7DE 0FFF
    Experience Modifier
    8009C7F8 ????
    Enable All Limits
    8009AF76 02DB
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009AF62 FF01
    All Limit Attacks
    8009C9EE 0FFF
    Enable All Limits
    8009B186 02DB
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009B172 FF01
    RED XIII:[/B][/U]
    All Limit Attacks
    8009C96A 0FFF
    Enable All Limits
    8009B102 02DB
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009B0EE FF01
    All Limit Attacks
    8009C8E6 0FFF
    Enable All Limits
    8009B07E 02DB
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009B06A FF01
    All Limit Attacks
    8009CB7A 0FFF
    Enable All Limits
    8009B312 02DB
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009B2FE FF01
    All Limit Attacks
    8009CAF6 0FFF
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009B27A FF01
    [B][U]CAIT SITH:[/B][/U]
    All Limit Attacks
    8009CA72 0FFF
    Enable All Limits
    8009B20A 02DB
    When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full
    8009B1F6 FF01
    Item Modifier Slots:

    1st Position
    8009CBE0 C???
    2nd Position
    8009CBE2 C???
    3rd Position
    8009CBE4 C???
    4th Position
    8009CBE6 C???
    5th Position
    8009CBE8 C???
    6th Position
    8009CBEA C???
    7th Position
    8009CBEC C???
    8th Position
    8009CBEE C???
    9th Position
    8009CBF0 C???
    10th Position
    8009CBF2 C???
    11Th Position
    8009CBF4 C???
    12Th Position
    8009CBF6 C???
    13Th Position
    8009CBF8 C???
    14th Position
    8009CBFA C???
    15th Position
    8009CBFC C???
    16th Position
    8009CBFE C???
    17th Position
    8009CC00 C???
    18th Position
    8009CC02 C???
    19th Position
    8009CC04 C???
    20th Position
    8009CC06 C???
    21st Position
    8009CC08 C???
    22nd Position
    8009CC0A C???
    23rd Position
    8009CC0C C???
    24th Position
    8009CC0E C???
    25th Position
    8009CC10 C???
    26th Position
    8009CC12 C???
    27th Position
    8009CC14 C???
    28th Position
    8009CC16 C???
    29th Position
    8009CC18 C???
    30th Position
    8009CC1A C???
    31st Position
    8009CC1C C???
    32nd Position
    8009CC1E C???
    33rd Position
    8009CC20 C???
    34th Position
    8009CC22 C???
    35th Position
    8009CC24 C???
    36th Position
    8009CC26 C???
    37th Position
    8009CC28 C???
    38th Position
    8009CC2A C???
    39th Position
    8009CC2C C???
    40th Position
    8009CC2E C???
    41st Position
    8009CC30 C???
    42nd Position
    8009CC32 C???
    43rd Position
    8009CC34 C???
    44th Position
    8009CC36 C???
    45th Position
    8009CC38 C???
    46th Position
    8009CC3A C???
    47th Position
    8009CC3C C???
    48th Position
    8009CC3E C???
    49th Position
    8009CC40 C???
    50th Position
    8009CC42 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\51st Position
    8009CC44 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\52nd Position
    8009CC46 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\53rd Position
    8009CC48 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\54th Position
    8009CC4A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\55th Position
    8009CC4C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\56th Position
    8009CC4E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\57th Position
    8009CC50 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\58th Position
    8009CC52 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\59th Position
    8009CC54 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\60th Position
    8009CC56 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\61st Position
    8009CC58 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\62nd Position
    8009CC5A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\63rd Position
    8009CC5C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\64th Position
    8009CC5E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\65th Position
    8009CC60 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\66th Position
    8009CC62 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\67th Position
    8009CC64 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\68th Position
    8009CC66 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\69th Position
    8009CC68 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\70th Position
    8009CC6A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\71st Position
    8009CC6C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\72nd Position
    8009CC6E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\73rd Position
    8009CC70 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\74th Position
    8009CC72 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\75th Position
    8009CC74 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\76th Position
    8009CC76 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\77th Position
    8009CC78 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\78th Position
    8009CC7A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\79th Position
    8009CC7C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\80th Position
    8009CC7E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\81st Position
    8009CC80 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\82nd Position
    8009CC82 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\83rd Position
    8009CC84 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\84th Position
    8009CC86 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\85th Position
    8009CC88 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\86th Position
    8009CC8A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\87th Position
    8009CC8C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\88th Position
    8009CC8E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\89th Position
    8009CC90 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\90th Position
    8009CC92 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\91st Position
    8009CC94 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\92nd Position
    8009CC96 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\93rd Position
    8009CC98 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\94th Position
    8009CC9A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\95th Position
    8009CC9C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\96th Position
    8009CC9E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\97th Position
    8009CCA0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\98th Position
    8009CCA2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\99th Position
    8009CCA4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\100th Position
    8009CCA6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\101st Position
    8009CCA8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\102nd Position
    8009CCAA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\103rd Position
    8009CCAC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\104th Position
    8009CCAE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\105th Position
    8009CCB0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\106th Position
    8009CCB2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\107th Position
    8009CCB4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\108th Position
    8009CCB6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\109th Position
    8009CCB8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\110th Position
    8009CCBA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\111st Position
    8009CCBC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\112nd Position
    8009CCBE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\113rd Position
    8009CCC0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\114th Position
    8009CCC2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\115th Position
    8009CCC4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\116th Position
    8009CCC6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\117th Position
    8009CCC8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\118th Position
    8009CCCA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\119th Position
    8009CCCC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\120th Position
    8009CCCE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\121st Position
    8009CCD0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\122nd Position
    8009CCD2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\123rd Position
    8009CCD4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\124th Position
    8009CCD6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\125th Position
    8009CCD8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\126th Position
    8009CCDA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\127th Position
    8009CCDC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\128th Position
    8009CCDE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\129th Position
    8009CCE0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\130th Position
    8009CCE2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\131st Position
    8009CCE4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\132nd Position
    8009CCE6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\133rd Position
    8009CCE8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\134th Position
    8009CCEA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\135th Position
    8009CCEC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\136th Position
    8009CCEE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\137th Position
    8009CCF0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\138th Position
    8009CCF2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\139th Position
    8009CCF4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\140th Position
    8009CCF6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\141st Position
    8009CCF8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\142nd Position
    8009CCFA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\143rd Position
    8009CCFC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\144th Position
    8009CCFE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\145th Position
    8009CD00 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\146th Position
    8009CD02 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\147th Position
    8009CD04 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\148th Position
    8009CD06 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\149th Position
    8009CD08 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\150th Position
    8009CD0A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\151st Position
    8009CD0C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\152nd Position
    8009CD0E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\153rd Position
    8009CD10 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\154th Position
    8009CD12 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\155th Position
    8009CD14 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\156th Position
    8009CD16 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\157th Position
    8009CD18 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\158th Position
    8009CD1A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\159th Position
    8009CD1C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\160th Position
    8009CD1E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\161st Position
    8009CD20 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\162nd Position
    8009CD22 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\163rd Position
    8009CD24 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\164th Position
    8009CD26 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\165th Position
    8009CD28 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\166th Position
    8009CD2A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\167th Position
    8009CD2C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\168th Position
    8009CD2E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\169th Position
    8009CD30 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\170th Position
    8009CD32 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\171st Position
    8009CD34 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\172nd Position
    8009CD36 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\173rd Position
    8009CD38 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\174th Position
    8009CD3A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\175th Position
    8009CD3C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\176th Position
    8009CD3E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\177th Position
    8009CD40 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\178th Position
    8009CD42 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\179th Position
    8009CD44 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\180th Position
    8009CD46 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\181st Position
    8009CD48 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\182nd Position
    8009CD4A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\183rd Position
    8009CD4C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\184th Position
    8009CD4E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\185th Position
    8009CD50 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\186th Position
    8009CD52 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\187th Position
    8009CD54 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\188th Position
    8009CD56 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\189th Position
    8009CD58 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\190th Position
    8009CD5A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\191st Position
    8009CD5C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\192nd Position
    8009CD5E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\193rd Position
    8009CD60 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\194th Position
    8009CD62 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\195th Position
    8009CD64 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\196th Position
    8009CD66 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\197th Position
    8009CD68 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\198th Position
    8009CD6A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\199th Position
    8009CD6C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\200th Position
    8009CD6E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\201st Position
    8009CD70 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\202nd Position
    8009CD72 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\203rd Position
    8009CD74 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\204th Position
    8009CD76 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\205th Position
    8009CD78 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\206th Position
    8009CD7A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\207th Position
    8009CD7C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\208th Position
    8009CD7E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\209th Position
    8009CD80 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\210th Position
    8009CD82 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\211Th Position
    8009CD84 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\212Th Position
    8009CD86 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\213Th Position
    8009CD88 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\214th Position
    8009CD8A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\215th Position
    8009CD8C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\216th Position
    8009CD8E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\217th Position
    8009CD90 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\218th Position
    8009CD92 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\219th Position
    8009CD94 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\220th Position
    8009CD96 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\221st Position
    8009CD98 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\222nd Position
    8009CD9A C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\223rd Position
    8009CD9C C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\224th Position
    8009CD9E C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\225th Position
    8009CDA0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\226th Position
    8009CDA2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\227th Position
    8009CDA4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\228th Position
    8009CDA6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\229th Position
    8009CDA8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\230th Position
    8009CDAA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\231st Position
    8009CDAC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\232nd Position
    8009CDAE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\233rd Position
    8009CDB0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\234th Position
    8009CDB2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\235th Position
    8009CDB4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\236th Position
    8009CDB6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\237th Position
    8009CDB8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\238th Position
    8009CDBA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\239th Position
    8009CDBC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\240th Position
    8009CDBE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\241st Position
    8009CDC0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\242nd Position
    8009CDC2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\243rd Position
    8009CDC4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\244th Position
    8009CDC6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\245th Position
    8009CDC8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\246th Position
    8009CDCA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\247th Position
    8009CDCC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\248th Position
    8009CDCE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\249th Position
    8009CDD0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\250th Position
    8009CDD2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\251st Position
    8009CDD4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\252nd Position
    8009CDD6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\253rd Position
    8009CDD8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\254th Position
    8009CDDA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\255th Position
    8009CDDC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\256th Position
    8009CDDE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\257th Position
    8009CDE0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\258th Position
    8009CDE2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\259th Position
    8009CDE4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\260th Position
    8009CDE6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\261st Position
    8009CDE8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\262nd Position
    8009CDEA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\263rd Position
    8009CDEC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\264th Position
    8009CDEE C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\265th Position
    8009CDF0 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\266th Position
    8009CDF2 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\267th Position
    8009CDF4 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\268th Position
    8009CDF6 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\269th Position
    8009CDF8 C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\270th Position
    8009CDFA C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\271st Position
    8009CDFC C???
    "Item Modifier Codes\272nd Position
    8009CDFE C???
    Item Digits:
    600 Potion
    601 Hi-Potion
    602 X-Potion
    603 Ether
    604 Turbo Ether
    605 Elixir
    606 Megaelixir
    607 Phoenix Down
    608 Andidote
    609 Soft
    60A Maiden's Kiss
    60B Cornucopia
    60C Echo Screen
    60D Hyper
    60E Tranquilizer
    60F Remedy
    610 Smoke Bomb
    611 Speed Drink
    612 Hero Drink
    613 Vaccine
    614 Grenade
    615 Shrapnel
    616 Right Arm
    617 Hourglass
    618 Kiss of Death
    619 Spider Web
    61A Dream Powder
    61B Mute Mask
    61C War Gong
    61D Loco Weed
    61E Fire Wang
    61F Fire Veil
    620 Antartic Wind
    621 Ice Crystal
    622 Bolt Plume
    623 Swift Bolt
    624 Earth Drum
    625 Earth Mallet
    626 Deadly Waste
    627 M-Tentacles
    628 Stardust
    629 Vampire Fang
    62A Ghost Hand
    62B Vagyrisk Claw
    62C Light Curtain
    62D Lunar Curtain
    62E Mirror
    62F Holy Torch
    630 Bird Wing
    631 Dragon Scales
    632 Impaler
    633 Shrivel
    634 Eye Drop
    635 Molotov
    636 S-Mine
    637 8-Inch Cannon
    638 Graviball
    639 T/S Bomb
    63A Ink
    63B Dazers
    63C Dragon Fang
    63D Cauldron
    63E Sylkis Greens
    63F Reagan Greens
    640 Mimett Greens
    641 Curiel Greens
    642 Pahsana Greens
    643 Tantal Greens
    644 Krakka Greens
    645 Gysahl Greens
    646 Tent
    647 Power Source
    648 Guard Source
    649 Magic Source
    64A Mind Source
    64B Speed Source
    64C Luck Source
    64D Zeio Nut
    64E Carob Nut
    64F Porov Nut
    650 Pram Nut
    651 Lasan Nut
    652 Saraha Nut
    653 Luchile Nut
    654 Pepio Nut
    655 Battery
    656 Tissue
    657 Omnislash
    658 Catastrophe
    659 Final Heaven
    65A Great Gospel
    65B Cosmo Memory
    65C All Creation
    65D Chaos
    65E Highwind
    65F 1/35 Soldier
    660 Super Sweeper
    661 Masamune Blade
    662 Save Crystal
    663 Combat Diary
    664 Autograph
    665 Gambler
    666 Desert Rose (New)
    667 Earth Harp (New)
    668 Guide Book
    680 Buster Sword
    681 Mythril Saber
    682 Hard Edge
    683 Butterfly Edge
    684 Enhance Sword
    685 Organics
    686 Crystal Sword
    687 Force Stealer
    688 Rune Blade
    689 Murasame
    68A Nail Bat
    68B Yoshiyuki
    68C Apocalypse
    68D Heaven's Cloud
    68E Ragnarok
    68F Ultima Weapon
    690 Leather Glove
    691 Metal Knuckle
    692 Mythril Claw
    693 Grand Glove
    694 Tiger Fang
    695 Diamond Knuckle
    696 Dragon Claw
    697 Crystal Glove
    698 Motor Drive
    699 Platinum Fist
    69A Kaiser Knuckle
    69B Work Glive
    69C Power Soul
    69D Master Fist
    69E God's Hand
    69F Premium Heart
    6A0 Gatling Gun
    6A1 Assault Gun
    6A2 Cannon Ball
    6A3 Atomic Scissors
    6A4 Heavy Vulcan
    6A5 Chainsaw
    6A6 Microlaser
    6A7 A*M Cannon
    6A8 W Machine Gun
    6A9 Drill Arm
    6AA Solid Bazooka
    6AB Rocket Punch
    6AC Enemy Launcher
    6AD Pile Banger
    6AE Max Ray
    6AF Missing Score
    6B0 Mythril Clip
    6B1 Diamond Pin
    6B2 Silver Barrette
    6B3 Gold Barrette
    6B4 Adaman Clip
    6B5 Crystal Comb
    6B6 Magic Comb
    6B7 Plus Barrette
    6B8 Centclip
    6B9 Hairpin
    6BA Seraph Comb
    6BB Behimoth Horn
    6BC Spring Gun Clip
    6BD Limited Moon
    6BE Guard Stick
    6BF Mythril Rod
    6C0 Full Metal Staff
    6C1 Striking Staff
    6C2 Prism Staff
    6C3 Aurora Rod
    6C4 Wizard Staff
    6C5 Wizer Staff
    6C6 Fairy Tale
    6C7 Umbrella
    6C8 Princess Guard
    6C9 Spear
    6CA Slash Lance
    6CB Trident
    6CC Mast Axe
    6CD Partisan
    6CE Viper Halberd
    6CF Javelin
    6D0 Grow Lance
    6D1 Mop
    6D2 Dragoon Lance
    6D3 Scimitar
    6D4 Flayer
    6D5 Spirit Lance
    6D6 Venus Gospel
    6D7 4-Point Shuriken
    6D8 Boomerang
    6D9 Pinwheel
    6DA Razor Ring
    6DB Hawkeye
    6DC Crystal Cross
    6DD Wind Slash
    6DE Twin Viper
    6DF Spiral Shuriken
    6E0 Shotgunball
    6E1 Magic Shuriken
    6E2 Rising Sun
    6E3 Oritsuru
    6E4 Conformer
    6E5 Yellow M-Phone
    6E6 Green M-Phone
    6E7 Blue M-Phone
    6E8 Red M-Phone
    6E9 Crystal M-Phone
    6EA White M-Phone
    6EB Black M-Phone
    6EC Silver M-Phone
    6ED Trumpet Shell
    6EE Gold M-Phone
    6EF Battle Trumpet
    6F0 Starlight Phone
    6F1 HP Shout
    6F2 Quicksilver
    6F3 Shotgun
    6F4 Shortbarrel
    6F5 Lariat
    6F6 Winchester
    6F7 Peacemaker
    6F8 Buntline
    6F9 Long Barrel R
    6FA Silver Rifle
    6FB Sniper CR
    6FC Shotgunshot ST
    6FD Outsider
    6FE Death Penalty
    6FF Masamune
    700 Bronze Bangle
    701 Iron Bangle
    702 Titan Bangle
    703 Mythril Armlet
    704 Carbon Bangle
    705 Silver Armlet
    706 Gold Armlet
    707 Diamond Bangle
    708 Crystal Bangle
    709 Platinum Bangle
    70A Rune Armlet
    70B Edincoat
    70C Wizard Braceletlet
    70D Adaman Bangle
    70E Gigas Armlet
    70F Imperial Guard
    710 Aegis Armlet
    711 Fourth Bracelet
    712 Warrior Bangle
    713 Shinra Beta
    714 Shinra Alpha
    715 Four Slots
    716 Fire Armlet
    717 Aurora Armlet
    718 Bolt Armlet
    719 Dragon Armlet
    71A Minerva Band
    71B Escort Guard
    71C Mystile
    71D Ziedrich
    71E Precious Watch
    71F Chocobracelet
    720 Power Wrist
    721 Protect Vest
    722 Earring
    723 Talisman
    724 Choco Feather
    725 Amulet
    726 Champion Belt
    727 Poison Ring
    728 Touph Ring
    729 Circlet
    72A Star Pendant
    72B Silver Glasses
    72C Headband
    72D Fairy Ring
    72E Jem Ring
    72F White Cape
    730 Sprint Shoes
    731 Peace Ring
    732 Ribbon
    733 Fire Ring
    734 Ice Ring
    735 Bolt Ring
    736 Tetra Elemental
    737 Safety Bit
    738 Fury Ring
    739 Curse Ring
    73A Protect Ring
    73B Cat's Bell
    73C Reflect Ring
    73D Water Ring
    73E Sneak Glove
    73F HypnoCrown
    Materia Slot Modifier:
    1st Position
    3009CE60 00??
    1st Position Master
    3009CE61 00FF
    8009CE62 FFFF
    2nd Position
    3009CE64 00??
    2nd Position Master
    3009CE65 00FF
    8009CE66 FFFF
    3rd Position
    3009CE68 00??
    3rd Position Master
    3009CE69 00FF
    8009CE6A FFFF
    4th Position
    3009CE6C 00??
    4th Position Master
    3009CE6D 00FF
    8009CE6E FFFF
    5th Position
    3009CE70 00??
    5th Position Master
    3009CE71 00FF
    8009CE72 FFFF
    6th Position
    3009CE74 00??
    6th Position Master
    3009CE75 00FF
    8009CE76 FFFF
    7th Position
    3009CE78 00??
    7th Position Master
    3009CE79 00FF
    8009CE7A FFFF
    8th Position
    3009CE7C 00??
    8th Position Master
    3009CE7D 00FF
    8009CE7E FFFF
    9th Position
    3009CE80 00??
    9th Position Master
    3009CE81 00FF
    8009CE82 FFFF
    10th Position
    3009CE84 00??
    10th Position Master
    3009CE85 00FF
    8009CE86 FFFF
    11Th Position
    3009CE88 00??
    11Th Position Master
    3009CE89 00FF
    8009CE8A FFFF
    12Th Position
    3009CE8C 00??
    12Th Position Master
    3009CE8D 00FF
    8009CE8E FFFF
    13Th Position
    3009CE90 00??
    13Th Position Master
    3009CE91 00FF
    8009CE92 FFFF
    14th Position
    3009CE94 00??
    14th Position Master
    3009CE95 00FF
    8009CE96 FFFF
    15th Position
    3009CE98 00??
    15th Position Master
    3009CE99 00FF
    8009CE9A FFFF
    16th Position
    3009CE9C 00??
    16th Position Master
    3009CE9D 00FF
    8009CE9E FFFF
    17th Position
    3009CEA0 00??
    17th Position Master
    3009CEA1 00FF
    8009CEA2 FFFF
    18th Position
    3009CEA4 00??
    18th Position Master
    3009CEA5 00FF
    8009CEA6 FFFF
    19th Position
    3009CEA8 00??
    19th Position Master
    3009CEA9 00FF
    8009CEAA FFFF
    20th Position
    3009CEAC 00??
    20th Position Master
    3009CEAD 00FF
    8009CEAE FFFF
    21st Position
    3009CEB0 00??
    21st Position Master
    3009CEB1 00FF
    8009CEB2 FFFF
    22nd Position
    3009CEB4 00??
    22nd Position Master
    3009CEB5 00FF
    8009CEB6 FFFF
    23rd Position
    3009CEB8 00??
    23rd Position Master
    3009CEB9 00FF
    8009CEBA FFFF
    24th Position
    3009CEBC 00??
    24th Position Master
    3009CEBD 00FF
    8009CEBE FFFF
    25th Position
    3009CEC0 00??
    25th Position Master
    3009CEC1 00FF
    8009CEC2 FFFF
    26th Position
    3009CEC4 00??
    26th Position Master
    3009CEC5 00FF
    8009CEC6 FFFF
    27th Position
    3009CEC8 00??
    27th Position Master
    3009CEC9 00FF
    8009CECA FFFF
    28th Position
    3009CECC 00??
    28th Position Master
    3009CECD 00FF
    8009CECE FFFF
    29th Position
    3009CED0 00??
    29th Position Master
    3009CED1 00FF
    8009CED2 FFFF
    30th Position
    3009CED4 00??
    30th Position Master
    3009CED5 00FF
    8009CED6 FFFF
    31st Position
    3009CED8 00??
    31st Position Master
    3009CED9 00FF
    8009CEDA FFFF
    32nd Position
    3009CEDC 00??
    32nd Position Master
    3009CEDD 00FF
    8009CEDE FFFF
    33rd Position
    3009CEE0 00??
    33rd Position Master
    3009CEE1 00FF
    8009CEE2 FFFF
    34th Position
    3009CEE4 00??
    34th Position Master
    3009CEE5 00FF
    8009CEE6 FFFF
    35th Position
    3009CEE8 00??
    35th Position Master
    3009CEE9 00FF
    8009CEEA FFFF
    36th Position
    3009CEEC 00??
    36th Position Master
    3009CEED 00FF
    8009CEEE FFFF
    37th Position
    3009CEF0 00??
    37th Position Master
    3009CEF1 00FF
    8009CEF2 FFFF
    38th Position
    3009CEF4 00??
    38th Position Master
    3009CEF5 00FF
    8009CEF6 FFFF
    39th Position
    3009CEF8 00??
    39th Position Master
    3009CEF9 00FF
    8009CEFA FFFF
    40th Position
    3009CEFC 00??
    40th Position Master
    3009CEFD 00FF
    8009CEFE FFFF
    41st Position
    3009CF00 00??
    41st Position Master
    3009CF01 00FF
    8009CF02 FFFF
    42nd Position
    3009CF04 00??
    42nd Position Master
    3009CF05 00FF
    8009CF06 FFFF
    43rd Position
    3009CF08 00??
    43rd Position Master
    3009CF09 00FF
    8009CF0A FFFF
    44th Position
    3009CF0C 00??
    44th Position Master
    3009CF0D 00FF
    8009CF0E FFFF
    45th Position
    3009CF10 00??
    45th Position Master
    3009CF11 00FF
    8009CF12 FFFF
    46th Position
    3009CF14 00??
    46th Position Master
    3009CF15 00FF
    8009CF16 FFFF
    47th Position
    3009CF18 00??
    47th Position Master
    3009CF19 00FF
    8009CF1A FFFF
    48th Position
    3009CF1C 00??
    48th Position Master
    3009CF1D 00FF
    49th Position
    3009CF20 00??
    49th Position Master
    3009CF21 00FF
    8009CF22 FFFF
    50th Position
    3009CF24 00??
    50th Position Master
    3009CF25 00FF
    8009CF26 FFFF
    Materia Digits:
    00 MP Plus
    01 HP Plus
    02 Speed Plus
    03 Magic Plus
    04 Luck Plus
    05 EXP. Plus
    06 Gil Plus
    07 Enemy Away
    08 Enemy Plus
    09 Chocobo Plus
    0A Pre-emptive
    0B Long Range
    0C Mega All
    0D Counter Attack
    0E Slash All
    0F Double Cut
    10 Cover
    11 Underwater (Now a Real Materia)
    12 HP (-)
    13 W-Magic
    14 W-Summon
    15 W-Item
    16 Booster
    17 All
    18 Counter
    19 Magic Counter
    1A MP Turbo
    1B MP Absorb
    1C HP Absorb
    1D Elemental
    1E Added Effect
    1F Sneak Attack
    20 Final Attack
    21 Added Cut
    22 Steal
    23 Quadra Magic
    24 Steal
    25 Sense
    26 Law
    27 Throw
    28 Morph
    29 Deathblow
    2A Manipulate
    2B Mime
    2C Enemy Skill
    2D (Glitch)
    2E (Glitch)
    2F (Glitch)
    30 Master Command
    31 Fire
    32 Ice
    33 Earth
    34 Lightning
    35 Restore
    36 Heal
    37 Revive
    38 Seal
    39 Mystify
    3A Transform
    3B Exit
    3C Poison
    3D Demi
    3E Barrier
    3F Mabarrier
    40 Comet
    41 Time
    42 Reflect
    43 Rifuabu
    44 Destruct
    45 Contain
    46 Full Cure
    47 Shield
    48 Ultima
    49 Master Magic
    4A Choco/Mog
    4B Shiva
    4C Ifrit
    4D Titan
    4E Ramuh
    4F Odin
    50 Leviathan
    51 Bahamut
    52 Kjata
    53 Alexander
    54 Phoenix
    55 Neo Bahamut
    56 Hades
    57 Typoon
    58 Bahamut ZERO
    59 Knights of Round
    5A Master Summon
    89 (Glitch)
    In Battle Codes: (Note:Turn These Codes off When Not in Battle)
    Infinite Hp Slot 1
    800F840C FFFF
    Infinite Hp Slot 2
    800F8474 FFFF
    Infinite Hp Slot 3
    800F84DC FFFF
    Infinite Mp Slot 1
    800F8408 03E7
    Infinite Mp Slot 2
    800F8470 03E7
    Infinite Mp Slot 3
    800F84D8 03E7
    Limit Speeds Up Slot 1
    800F5E6A 00FF
    Limit Speeds Up Slot 2
    800F5E9E 00FF
    Limit Speeds Up Slot 3
    800F5ED2 00FF
    Time Speeds Up Slot 1
    800F5BBC FFF0
    Time Speeds Up Slot 2
    800F5C00 FFF0
    Time Speeds Up Slot 3
    800F5C44 FFF0
    Straight To Level 99
    801FFDD6 0100
    8009D7DA 0100
    The code has to be off when entering a battle. When you have killed the last guy and you 
    are doing the victory dance turn the codes on, then before you go to the next screen 
    with the gold (gil) turn it off or it will lock up. Now everyone that joins your party
    will start at level 99.

    Miscellaneous Codes: (NEW PHS ALWAYS ENABLED)
    Time In Menu Stops
    8009D264 0000
    Save anywhere and PHS always Enabled
    8009D2A4 FFFF
    8009D2A6 0000
    .If youhave less than 3 characters (and no characters in the 'inactive'
    group),and you enter the PHS menu, you can't exit out, as you have to 
    make a three-member party but won't have enough members.
    Infinite Gil
    8009D260 FFFF
    Ap Modifier After Battles
    8009D7DC ????
    Experience Modifier After Battles
    8009D7D8 ????
    No Random Battles (World Map)
    8011627C 0000
    No Random Battle (Elsewhere)
    8007173C 0000
    Gold Point Modifier-Golden Saucer
    8009D3D2 ????
    Battle Point Modifier-Golden Saucer
    8009D3D8 ????
    Turn Any Growing Chocobo Into A Gold Chocobo
    8009BC4E 0400
    Learn Enemy Specials
    8009B5F8 FF2C
    8009B5FA FFFF
    Gold Chocobo Code
    800E5674 0004
    When riding a normal Chocobo, activate the Start With Gold Chocobo Code, and it will 
    gain all the abilities of a gold chocobo (go over mountains, oceans, etc.) You can't do 
    this with wild chocobos that you catch you have to catch a chocobo, send it to the 
    Chocobo Farm, name it and ride it out of the farm, then activate the code. This 
    effectively prevents you from using this code until about halfway through Disc 2 
    when the option of chocobo breeding is available to you. Secondly, you can't leave 
    the World Map while the code is on, so you'll have to turn off the code before
    entering any area. When you come back out, the Chocobo will have reverted to normal, 
    so you'll have to get back on and flip the switch up again to re-activate the code.
    Midgar Door Activator
    80074F16 0004
    As soon as game is loaded turn the codes off, then walk up to Midgar door and turn 
    the codes on, walk thru door then turn the codes off and explore Midgar freely on
    the first Disc. To exit Midgar turn the codes on, step out of the gate, then turn the 
    codes off again. These steps will avoid the game freezing.
    Change Overworld Music Modifier
    801159E0 00??
    04 will change it to battle music.
    While the code is on when you start the game if the music is not different, just go
    into town then back out again.
    Debug Room
    8009A05C 0041
    8009ABF6 0041
    Once the debug room has loaded, SWITCH OFF the GS/AR (you cannot enter the other 
    debug rooms otherwise).
    Character Modifier Codes:
    Character Modifier 1st Position
    3009CBDC 00??
    Character Modifier 2nd Position
    3009CBDD 00??
    Character Modifier 3rd Position
    3009CBDE 00??
    Character Modifier 4th Position
    3009CBDF 00??
    Character Modifier 5th Position
    3009CBE0 00??
    Character Modifier 6th Position
    3009CBE1 00??
    Character Modifier 7th Position
    3009CBE2 00??
    Character Modifier 8th Position
    3009CBE3 00??
    Character Modifier 9th Position
    3009CBE4 00??
    Character Modifier Digits:
    00 Cloud Strife
    01 Barett Wallace
    02 Tifa Rockheart
    03 Aerith Gainsborough
    04 Red 13
    05 Yuffie Kisaragi
    06 Cait Sith (sometimes, Young Cloud)
    07 Vincent Valentine (sometimes, Sephiroth)
    08 Cid Hiwind
    09 (Young Cloud)
    0A (Sephiroth)
    0B (Chocobo)
    0C (Glitch)
    0D ('Glitch)
    FF Nothing
    0E-FE havent tested it yet,may need some help
    Well guys thats all the codes i have till now,but don't worry ill keep updating it as i make new codes and also if someone wants to help me then ill be glad ^^
    Note:Ill also upload my dump of the game when i end it since im still in the first disc,but if someone wants to give me their save data and they are in the end then that would be great,since ill load the data and make a dump of it and upload it here ^^

    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, May 7, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  16. Aurangzeb56

    PS3 Hacking

    Hmm guys do you think PS3 Hacking is possible??
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Apr 20, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Aurangzeb56

    Yo Guys im back with a new vid and well this thought just randomly occured to my mind that i should try to fix that sora code i was working on a while back and well yeah here it is ^^" but its still got some bugs and well i need to fix those too so yeah ENJOY
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Mar 2, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  18. Aurangzeb56

    Peace Guys ^^

    Well yo guys Aurangzeb56 here and well yup its true im leaving the site cause of some life problems thts occurring to me now a days so i may rarely come on MSN too so yeah and also ill miss all of my friends on KHV ^^ so yeah peace

    and also i knw some of u would miss me so try to miss me even if u dont wanna :P

    and also Jose i knw u would think tht i would come back BT i wont so yeah peace ;)
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Feb 8, 2010, 17 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  19. Aurangzeb56

    Yo guys well i don't like to write really big description so ill write it short

    well this is my last codeing video since i wont ever come online for some reasons and well i hope that u will like the codes and well here are the codes ^^

    BBS Mickey *made by keytotruth* And a little Edited by "Aurangzeb56"(R2): (Goto the throne room of Land Of Dragons to activate)
    E011FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B68 00000318
    2032E3B4 8189821B
    2032E3B8 819F81A0
    2032E3BC 81878187
    2032E3C0 809E8196
    2032E3C4 81958195
    2032E3C8 80A380A3
    2032E3CC 81978197
    2032E3D0 81978197
    21C6C93C 05050000
    21C6C940 00000000
    21C6C900 0A090964
    21C960F0 58455F57
    21C960F4 5F303130
    21C960F8 00003033
    2032e364 FFFFFFFF
    2032e36c 06080606
    21c9f2bc 00020000
    11CE0B6A 0000005B
    21c9578c 04000001
    21c957d4 001C0002
    2083f204 00c6b2c0

    DW Roxas with Spinning Keyblades:
    11CE0B68 00000323
    21cd53f0 46495254
    21cd53f4 00004c5f
    21cd53f8 00000000
    21cd5410 46495254
    21cd5414 00004c5f
    21cd5418 00000000

    Regular DW Sora(FIX)
    21CD51C8 58455F57
    21CD51CC 00303130
    01C9553F 00000005
    20191C70 00000000
    2032EF0C 80528231
    2032EF10 81088109
    2032EF14 810B810C
    2032EF18 810D810E
    2032EF1c 81108111
    2032EF20 810A810F
    21c6c93c 04040404
    21c6c940 00000004
    21CE0B6A 01360136
    201C99A0 0000102D
    201C9A80 0000102D
    01D49448 00000006
    01D493C8 00000005
    21c98e4c 0000000C
    201A1A08 00000000
    201A1D78 10000006
    4032F064 00130001
    03020100 00000000
    2032E028 FFFFFFFF
    2032E02C FFFFFFFF

    Play as DW Lion Sora:
    11CE0B68 0000028A
    21c9c8cc 01000000
    01C9C91F 0000000A
    21cd5348 58455f57
    21cd534c 5f303130
    21cd5350 46544c55
    21cd5354 00004c5f
    21CE267C 004A003B

    Shadow Roxas DW: (Might work on PS2)
    11CE0B68 0000005A
    21c95730 58455f50
    21c95734 00303331
    21C6C93C 05050000
    21C6C940 00000000
    21C6C900 0A090964
    201C9A80 0000102D
    201C99A0 0000102D
    2032e028 FFFFFFFF
    2032e030 06080606
    21c9572c 01000000
    21c95774 00090001
    01c9577F 0000000A
    21cd53c8 58455f57
    21cd53cc 5f303130
    21cd53d0 46544c55
    21cd53d4 00004c5f
    21cd53a8 58455f57
    21cd53ac 5f303130
    21cd53b0 46544c55
    21cd53b4 0000525f
    01c9f62f 00000001
    11CD4394 0000077A

    DW Shadow Roxas: (Might work on PS2)
    11CE0B68 00000323
    21c9f630 58455f50
    21c9f634 00303331
    21c9f638 00000000
    21C6C93C 05050000
    21C6C940 00000000
    21C6C900 0A090964
    201C9A80 0000102D
    201C99A0 0000102D
    2032e028 FFFFFFFF
    2032e030 06080606
    21cd5408 58455f57
    21cd540c 5f303130
    21cd5410 46544c55
    21cd5414 00004C5f
    21cd53e8 58455f57
    21cd53ec 5f303130
    21cd53f0 46544c55
    21cd53f4 0000525F
    01c9f62f 00000001
    11CD4394 0000077A

    Play As DW Sora(KH1)
    11CE0B68 000006C1
    21caec2c 01000000
    21cd51c8 58455f57
    21cd51cc 00303130
    01caec7f 0000000A
    21c6c93c 05040000
    21c6c940 00000000
    21ce267c 006000BB
    1032F024 00008052
    11CD4394 0000077A ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Dummies)

    Play As Warrior Sora(KH1)
    11CE0B68 000006C1
    21caec2c 01000000
    21cd51c8 58455f57
    21cd51cc 00303330
    01caec7f 0000000A
    21c6c93c 05040000
    21c6c940 00000000
    21ce267c 00BB0060
    1032F024 00008052
    11CD4394 00000949 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Shield Dummies)

    Sora With Two Organizations Weapons:
    1032E020 00000029
    01c9553f 0000000A
    21cd51c8 45485f57
    21cd51cc 00303030
    21c6c93c 04040404
    21c6c940 00000004
    11CD4390 00000845 ------>Weapon Mod(Weapon Dummies or Xaldins Lances)
    11CD4394 00000846 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Dummies)

    Roxas With Two Organizations Weapons:
    11CE0B68 00000323
    1032E020 00000029
    01C9F62F 00000001
    01C9572F 00000001
    21CE267C 003F00AC
    21cd5408 554d5f57
    21cd540c 00303030
    21c6c93c 04040000
    21c6c940 00000000
    11CD4390 00000845 ------>Weapon Mod(Weapon Dummies or Xaldins Lances)
    11CD4394 00000846 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Organizations Weapons)

    Sora in summon:
    11CE0B68 00000058
    21c95678 4631484b
    21c956bc 00020000
    21caeed0 58455f50
    21caeed4 5F303031
    21caeed8 XXXXXXXX --------> Summon Model Mod
    21caeef0 58455f50
    21caeef4 5F303031
    21caeef8 XXXXXXXX --------> Summon Mset Mod
    21caeefC 65736D2E
    21caef00 00000074
    21caeecc 01000013
    21caef14 00050006
    21c6c93c 05050000
    21c6c940 00000000
    1032e084 00000052
    201A1A08 00000000
    201A1D78 10000006
    0032E02F 00000063
    2032E028 FFFFFFFF
    21C6C900 0A090964
    20370bac 3E000000
    11CD4390 0000077A
    11CD4394 0000077B

    VALOR FORM: 464C5442
    WISDOM FORM: 4647414D
    LIMIT FORM: 4631484B
    MASTER FORM: 46495254
    FINAL: 46544C55
    ANTIFORM: 464C5448
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jan 31, 2010, 50 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  20. Aurangzeb56

    Hey guys well this is another code beside Boss Sora im working on and well by the looks of it it looks awesome :P oh and also watch the vid till the end for something else too ^^​
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 27, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Video Showcase