Search Results

  1. Aurangzeb56
    Yo guys I'm currently making and editing the Songs (opening/closing) full versions of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood to kill some time.(TBH I'm hell bored these days since my exams are near -_-.)

    So yeah anyway hope you like the songs and the vids. :3

    Again By YUI:

    Hologram By Nico Touches the Walls:

    Golden Time Lover By Sukima Switch:

    Period By Chemistry:

    Rain By SID:

    Uso By SID:

    Let It Out By Fukuhara Miho:

    Tsunaida Te By Lil'B:

    Shunkan Sentimental By SCANDAL:


    NOTE:Also for all the other people,Mods,Admins etc. Don't worry,I'm recording the boss battles and cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts Re Coded,it's just that my exams are starting fro Tuesday which is day after tomorrow here,So I've been a little busy with studies lately and also im recording Fullmetal Alchemist BrotherhooDs Episodes in WMV format.So I'll record the rest of Re:Codeds cutscenes and Boss battles after those are done. ^^ (Hope you all are at ease now. :P)

    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Oct 25, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Aurangzeb56
    Yo guys,i need help with something on megaupload and thats like this

    I've seen some video files on megaupload,which ALSO says "View on Megavideo" below its name like this


    Now i wanted to ask you if i want that to appear,then do i upload the video file on megaupload OR megavideo??

    Since i uploaded a video on megavideo but it doesnt allow me to download the fiel unless i have a premium account :/

    Hope someoen can help me. ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Oct 19, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  3. Aurangzeb56
    Game ID: BKAJ-34A21EC0

    creators: elixerdream, basher11,other coders

    ::Game Enabler Code (bypasses AP)
    E20004A0 0000004C
    E59F002C E5901000
    E59F2028 E1510002
    059F1024 05801008
    059F1020 058010A8
    059F101C 05801148
    059F1018 058011E8
    E12FFF1E 020D1164
    E15F4ED3 36AA8EFD
    36AA4415 36AA19B8
    36AA9B60 00000000
    520009F8 E12FFF1E
    020009F8 EAFFFEA8
    D2000000 00000000

    !Misc Codes

    ::Max EXP
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02197004 0098967F
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All KeyBlades
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02197114 00010101
    C0000000 0000000C
    021970E0 01010101
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Status Chips
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 0000003A
    221970A0 00000032
    DC000000 00000001
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Attack and Magic Chips
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 00000048
    2219753A 00000001
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 00000000
    C0000000 00000048
    D8000000 0219753B
    DC000000 00000003
    D4000000 00000001
    D2000000 00000000

    :Clock Gauge Multiplier

    5206CD5C E886F78D
    1206DD5C 00000068
    D0000000 00000000

    5206CD5C E886F78D
    1206DD5C 000000A8
    D0000000 00000000

    5206CD5C E886F78D
    1206DD5C 000000E8
    D0000000 00000000

    5206CD5C E886F78D
    1206DD5C 00000128
    D0000000 00000000

    5206CD5C E886F78D
    1206DD5C 00000168
    D0000000 00000000

    :Movement Speed Multiplier

    520C8C34 FFFFF4CD
    020C9C38 00000399
    020C9C3C 000004CC
    D0000000 00000000

    520C8C34 FFFFF4CD
    020C9C38 000004CC
    020C9C3C 00000666
    D0000000 00000000

    520C8C34 FFFFF4CD
    020C9C38 00000600
    020C9C3C 00000800
    D0000000 00000000

    NOTE:I haven't tested all of them so if someone else can test them and tell me which one works and which one don't.
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Oct 13, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  4. Aurangzeb56
    hey guys im trying to play Fullmetal Alchemist Akatsuki no Ouji (Prince Of The Dawn) (WII) on the dolphin emulator and its giving me this error after i start the game like as in press A and B together so it brings us to a menu and this message and i cant do anything meaning whatever i press doesnt work although the game is still running


    also no i dont understand Japanese so thats why im not able to solve the problem ^^" so can someone please help me??
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Oct 11, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. Aurangzeb56
    hey guys i have downloaded a rom of kingdom hearts re coded but everytime i start it up,it doesnt works meaning the screen is white and i hear no sound or anything :/ can someone tell me how can i fix it
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Oct 7, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: Technology
  6. Aurangzeb56
    yo guys theres this game called Star Ocean The Last Hope International and well i really wanted to play this game but this game never came out in the country where i live. :( So i downloaded it from the net and now im having one problem,and that's how do i actually play it on my PS3?? ^^" I would be really glad if someone can help me. :D
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Sep 29, 2010, 27 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. Aurangzeb56

    Well just as the title says,this is a code which was discovered recently by SilverRupee on youtube but before that was discovered by KeyToTruth on youtube.Well i just made a short story of it showing that Sora DREAMS that in the future he is holding alot of keyblades and in the end he sees two man,one in black cloak and the other in an armor with two swords fighting each other,So yeah HOPE YOU ENJOY IT :D

    ALSO i would like to thanks Zerox for the young Xehanort pic that was shown in this video ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Sep 26, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  8. Aurangzeb56

    Yo guys a preview of a code which was first found by Key To Truth and then was later found by SilverRupee AKA Rukato in KHV XD well enjoy ;D
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Sep 26, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  9. Aurangzeb56
    Guys i need help with jdownloader since i cant understand what to do in it,since everytime i put something to download in it it says connection failed and then tried to reconnect but even reconnecting fails :( so can someone help me please?? ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Aug 4, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  10. Aurangzeb56
    Guys can anyone tell me how to disable the aspect ration in No$Zoomer since whenever i try to re size it,the whole window gets resized completely as in vertically AND horizontally ^^"
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Aug 3, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. Aurangzeb56

    Yo guys this was a request fight by TrueOfLight67 so i hope you enjoy it and also i hope everyone who watches it enjoys it ^^ also NO COMMENT ABOUT THE SONG :P

    also ignore the two people who came online :P

    also here are some new codes

    Struggle Match Hayner Characters Mod:

    21c3bed8 0000????

    21c3bf18 0000????

    21c3bfbc 0000????

    21c3bffc 0000????
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 31, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  12. Aurangzeb56

    Yo guys first of all im terribly Sorry about the Camera since i had to get close to them but not too close other wise Terras attack would have killed me ^^"

    Well this video was requested to me by i dont remem his name and im really sry bout tht ^^" well i hope you see it and enjoy it ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 29, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  13. Aurangzeb56

    Another Fun Video I made Of Terra,Ven and Axel fighting the 1000 heartless as a trial to proving each other who the strongest of them is ^^ well hope you enjoy the video :D
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 29, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  14. Aurangzeb56

    Yo guys ^^ I'm not going to release these codes yet since i have to play this game from the very beginning with all three characters to find out every digit about all the bosses ^^" so it will take some time though ^^

    Well anyway Enjoy the video and this awesome Remix of Rage Awakened by Sasukeshika.
    His Channel :

    And also guys My Friend is doing a play through on Sonic DX and after that KH 358/2 Days so be sure to check his channel too ^^

    CODES RELEASED,Special thanks to Roxas The 13th for helping me test the digits :D

    [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Aquas Story:[/COLOR]
    [B][U]Land Of Departure:[/U][/B]
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 00000040
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 0000003F
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 0000003E
    Dark Balls Fight:
    20355A30 00000201
    10355A36 0000004B
    [B][U]Castle Of Dreams:[/U][/B]
    Guide Jack To The Hole:
    20355A30 00000303
    10355A36 00000037
    Cursed Carriage:
    20355A30 00000603
    10355A36 00000038
    [B][U]Enchanted Dominion:[/U][/B]
    Magic Mirror:
    20355A30 00000902
    10355A36 00000039
    Maleficents Minions:
    20355A30 00001104
    10355A36 00000035
    Get Out Of The Castle With Prince Philip:
    20355A30 00000204
    10355A36 00000038
    Dragon Maleficent:
    20355A30 00000A04
    10355A36 00000039
    [B][U]Radiant Garden:[/U][/B]
    Defear The Unverse With King Mickey In Radiant Garden:
    20355A30 00000A06
    10355A36 00000038
    Trinity Armor:
    20355A30 00000606
    10355A36 00000039
    Vanitas First Form:
    20355A30 00000306
    10355A36 0000003A
    [B][U]Olympus Coliseum:[/U][/B]
    Defeat All The Unverse With Hercules In Olympus Coliseum:
    20355A30 00000108
    10355A36 00000036
    Round 1 In Olympus Coliseum:
    20355A30 00000408
    10355A36 00000038
    20355A30 00000408
    10355A36 00000039
    Ice Titan And Hades:
    20355A30 00000608
    10355A36 00000044
    [B][U]Deep Space:[/U][/B]
    Defeat All Of The Unverse In Deep Space:
    20355A30 00000309
    10355A36 00000037
    Defeat Unverse Alongside Stitch:
    20355A30 00000109
    10355A36 0000003A
    Eliminate All The Unverse Riders(Space):
    20355A30 00000A09
    10355A36 00000041
    20355A30 00000909
    10355A36 00000039
    [B][U]Disney Town:[/U][/B]
    Fruit Scatter 1st  Round:
    20355A30 00000E0C
    10355A36 00000058
    Vanitas Second Form:
    20355A30 0000080B
    10355A36 00000038
    [B][U]Keyblade Graveyard:[/U][/B]
    Braig (Final):
    20355A30 00000C0D
    10355A36 0000003C
    20355A30 00000C0D
    10355A36 0000003D
    Vanitas Sentiment:
    20355A30 0000380D
    10355A36 00000058
    [B][U]Radiant Garden Darkness:[/U][/B]
    Terranort Second Form:
    20355A30 00000D06
    10355A36 00000048
    Terranort Final:
    20355A30 00000E06
    10355A36 0000004C
    [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Terras Story:[/COLOR][/U][/B]
    Land Of Departure:
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 00000040
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 0000003F
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 0000003E
    Dark Balls Fight:
    20355A30 00000201
    10355A36 00000049
    Master Eraqus:
    20355A30 00000101
    10355A36 00000046
    Enchanted  Dominion:
    Defeat All The Unverse Enchanted Dominion:
    20355A30 00000704
    10355A36 00000034
    Wheel Master:
    20355A30 00000C04
    10355A36 0000003A
    Dwarf Woodlands:
    Defeat All The Unverse Dwarf Woodlands:
    20355A30 00000702
    10355A36 00000035
    Magic Mirror:
    20355A30 00000902
    10355A36 0000003A
    Castle Of Dreams:
    Defeat All The Unverse Castle Of Dreams:
    20355A30 00000603
    10355A36 00000036
    Protect Cindrella:
    20355A30 00000803
    10355A36 00000033
    Protect Cindrella Part 2:
    20355A30 00000A03
    10355A36 00000035
    Symphony Master:
    20355A30 00000903
    10355A36 00000039
    Radiant Garden:
    Defeat All The Unverse In Radiant Garden:
    20355A30 00000306
    10355A36 00000035
    Trinity Armor:
    20355A30 00000606
    10355A36 00000036
    20355A30 00000B06
    10355A36 00000037
    Olympus Coliseum:
    Defeat All The Unverse In Olympus Coliseum:
    20355A30 00000508
    10355A36 0000003B
    Olympus Coliseum First Match Round:
    20355A30 00000408
    10355A36 0000003C
    Zack With Helmet:
    20355A30 00000408
    10355A36 0000003D
    Zack Without Helmet:
    20355A30 00000408
    10355A36 0000003E
    Deep Space:
    Defeat Alot OF Unverse(Space):
    20355A30 00000D09
    10355A36 0000003D
    Defeat All The Unverse In Deep Space:
    20355A30 00000109
    10355A36 00000034
    Experiment 221:
    20355A30 00000609
    10355A36 00000035
    Disney Town:
    A Track Without Any Traps:
    20355A30 0000040C
    10355A36 00000033
    Never Land:
    Defeat All The Unverse In Never Land:
    20355A30 00000B0B
    10355A36 00000035
    Peter Pan:
    20355A30 00000D0B
    10355A36 00000036
    Defeal Alot Of Unverse In Never Land:
    20355A30 00000D0B
    10355A36 00000037
    Keyblade Graveyard:
    Vanitas and Master Xehanort:
    20355A30 00000A0D
    10355A36 00000038
    Master Xehanort:
    20355A30 00000A0D
    10355A36 00000039
    20355A30 00000B0D
    10355A36 0000003A
    Vanitas Sentiment:
    20355A30 0000380D
    10355A36 00000057
    [COLOR="Lime"]Vens Story:[/COLOR]
    Land Of Departure:
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 00000040
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 0000003F
    20355A30 00000601
    10355A36 0000003E
    Dark Balls Fight:
    20355A30 00000201
    10355A36 0000004A
    Dwarf Woodlands:
    Find The Dwarfs:
    20355A30 00000202
    10355A36 00000033
    Protect Snow White:
    20355A30 00000802
    10355A36 00000036
    Mad Trent:
    20355A30 00000802
    10355A36 00000037
    Castle Of Dreams:
    Cindrellas Cat:
    20355A30 00000D03
    10355A36 00000034
    Enchanted Dominion:
    Maleficents Minions:
    20355A30 00000304
    10355A36 00000033
    20355A30 00000604
    10355A36 00000040
    Vanitas First Form:
    20355A30 0000010D
    10355A36 00000033
    Vanitas First Form With King Mickey:
    20355A30 0000010D
    10355A36 00000034
    Radiant Garden:
    Trinity Armor:
    20355A30 00000606
    10355A36 00000034
    Defeat All The Unverse Radiant Garden:
    20355A30 00000306
    10355A36 00000033
    Deep Space:
    The Giant Unverse First Form(Space):
    20355A30 00000D09
    10355A36 00000036
    Reach The End Of The Area In Deep Space:
    20355A30 00000C09
    10355A36 0000003B
    The Giant Unverse Last Form With Stitch:
    20355A30 00000809
    10355A36 0000003C
    Olympus Coliseum:
    Defeat All The Unverse With Hercules and Zack :
    20355A30 00000508
    10355A36 00000034
    Defeat The Large Amount Of Unverse With Hercules:
    20355A30 00000508
    10355A36 00000037
    Never Land:
    Defeat The Unverse In Never Land:
    20355A30 0000080B
    10355A36 00000033
    Captain Hook:
    20355A30 0000010B
    10355A36 00000034
    Keyblade Graveyard:
    Vanitas (Final):
    20355A30 00000C0D
    10355A36 0000003E
    Vanitas(Without Helmet):
    20355A30 0000330D
    10355A36 0000003F
    Vanitas Sentiment:
    20355A30 0000380D
    10355A36 00000056
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 27, 2010, 27 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  15. Aurangzeb56

    Yo guys just an extra video i made in my spare time for fun :P It shows Riku,Sora,Roxas and Mickey Fight Terra Sentiment to decide who the real Keyblade Master is and as you can see Roxas gets defeated and in the end Sora defeats Terra so i think you guys know by now who the real Keyblade Master is ;P

    well Hope you enjoy the video and YES Roxas is attacking Terra not Riku or Sora ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 27, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  16. Aurangzeb56
    Guys does anyone know any undetectable hacking tools that doesnt close the game when we open that hacking tool?? :(
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 19, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  17. Aurangzeb56
    Yo guys Thought i should make a tutorial on basic hacking so yeah here it is

    Part 1: How to Search Known Values

    Part 1.5: How to search for transparency,color and size mod(Kingdom Hearts 2 Exclusive)
    Yo guys me again and This time im going to tell you how to make transperancy,color and size mods for Kingdom Hearts 2 ^^ so yeah here we go
    .First we go to the heartblock of a character you want to search the mods of and a heartblock is where all the pointers of that characters are like pointers for textures,animations and etc.
    .KK then when you are on the pointers go to the Animations Table pointer and go down 32 lines and when u come to the 32nd line below the Animations Pointer thats the transparency Mod for that character ^^

    .Well congrats on finding the transparency mod ^^ NOW go 34 lines below the transparency address and when u r on the 34th line thats the Color Mod for that character ^^

    .Now just go 5 lines below the color mod and thats the size mod for that character ^^ and well CONGRATS YOU FOUND THE THREE MODS FOR THAT CHARACTER :D

    And that concludes my tutorial on how to find color,size and transparency mod for characters in KH2 ;)

    Part 2: How To Search Unknown Values

    ALSO GUYS please visit my friends channel too since hes making a playthrough of Sonic Adventure DX so please and thank u^^

    ThaLulz19 :

    Part 3: How To Make Play As Bosses Codes(Kingdom Hearts 2 Exclusive)

    Yo Guys A Special Tutorial on a special day which was yesterday btw ^^"
    I meant to upload this video yesterday but i was with my friends the whole day so didnt got thee time for this so yeah sorry for the delay ^^"

    also the last two songs remix is remixed by Sasukeshika
    Visit his channel for more remixes ^^

    Well so yeah guys ENJOY and HAPPY LEARNING ^^

    BTW here is the play as Roxas Code which i used and Jus made in the battle ^^
    20842458 00C4AEC0
    20842468 00C4AEC0
    E002FFFB 0034D45C --- Model and Texture Mod
    207D7458 00BF0E90
    207D7468 00C137C0
    E01EFFFD 0034D45C ---- Animations Mod
    208CA878 00E68660
    208CA7B8 00E88EA0
    208C75B8 00E91130
    208CA738 00FEA5B0
    208C76F8 00E9B910
    208C7738 00EA9280
    208C7778 00EB6FB0
    208C77B8 00EC33E0
    208C77F8 00ED10A0
    208C7838 00EDC350
    208C7878 00EE6E40
    208C78B8 00EEE310
    208C78F8 00EFD300
    208C7938 00F04AC0
    208C9A18 00FF3A10
    208C9A58 00FF3A10
    208C9D58 00FF3A10
    208C9F18 01023820
    208CA6B8 01038F20
    208CA6F8 01038F20
    208CA498 01041D00
    208C7E78 01080F60
    208CA198 0108C180
    208CA1D8 0108C180
    208CA458 0108C180
    208C8318 010556B0
    208C8398 010A0320
    208C8618 010DE3C0
    208C8254 010DE3C0
    Press R3 before selecting Roxas Battle.The effects would automatically turn on.Press L3 in the battle for the animations ^^

    Part 4: How to Mod Soras Effects to get him to have Bosses Effects(Kingdom Hearts 2 Exclusive)

    Yo guys another Tutorial and this time about Effects !! XDDD

    The final tutorial you guys need to make your own play as bosses code but wait theres still one more tutorial left and thats the Joint mod and the overall texture Mod.After you learn those things you can make your own play as bosses codes using all of the three (four the last one ill release later) tutorials so yeah goodluck guys and happy learning ^^ ;)

    The songs remixed by TechnoStriker check out his account ^^

    Part 5: How to Mod Animations of Characters In Kingdom Hearts 2 AND Final Mix 2

    Hey guys another tutorial and this about how to mod characters animations!! :D so yeah hope u guys learn quick and for best viewing experience play in HD and full screen ;)

    also here is KH2 Model Viewer

    Part 6: How To Mod Texture Of Characters In Kingdom Hearts 2 And Final Mix
    Hey guys i used to got alot of requests on how to make texture mods for characters so i finally decided to make a vid of it and showing it so yeah ^^ HAPPY LEARNING :D

    Part 7:How To Make Target Mods For Kingdom Hearts 2
    Hey guys after alot of request i finally did a video on how to make target mods so yeah ^^ hope you guys understand it ^^

    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 12, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  18. Aurangzeb56
    Hey guys can anyone please tell me that how can i play PSP games with my PS3 Controller in remote joy ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 7, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. Aurangzeb56

    Yo Guys A Special Tutorial on a special day which was yesterday btw ^^"
    I meant to upload this video yesterday but i was with my friends the whole day so didnt got thee time for this so yeah sorry for the delay ^^"

    also the last two songs remix is remixed by Sasukeshika
    Visit his channel for more remixes ^^

    Well so yeah guys ENJOY and HAPPY LEARNING ^^

    BTW here is the play as Roxas Code which i used and Jus made in the battle ^^
    20842458 00C4AEC0
    20842468 00C4AEC0
    E002FFFB 0034D45C --- Model and Texture Mod
    207D7458 00BF0E90
    207D7468 00C137C0
    E01EFFFD 0034D45C ---- Animations Mod
    208CA878 00E68660
    208CA7B8 00E88EA0
    208C75B8 00E91130
    208CA738 00FEA5B0
    208C76F8 00E9B910
    208C7738 00EA9280
    208C7778 00EB6FB0
    208C77B8 00EC33E0
    208C77F8 00ED10A0
    208C7838 00EDC350
    208C7878 00EE6E40
    208C78B8 00EEE310
    208C78F8 00EFD300
    208C7938 00F04AC0
    208C9A18 00FF3A10
    208C9A58 00FF3A10
    208C9D58 00FF3A10
    208C9F18 01023820
    208CA6B8 01038F20
    208CA6F8 01038F20
    208CA498 01041D00
    208C7E78 01080F60
    208CA198 0108C180
    208CA1D8 0108C180
    208CA458 0108C180
    208C8318 010556B0
    208C8398 010A0320
    208C8618 010DE3C0
    208C8254 010DE3C0
    Press R3 before selecting Roxas Battle.The effects would automatically turn on.Press L3 in the battle for the animations ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 6, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  20. Aurangzeb56

    Yo guys another Tutorial and this time about Effects !! XDDD

    The final tutorial you guys need to make your own play as bosses code but wait theres still one more tutorial left and thats the Joint mod and the overall texture Mod.After you learn those things you can make your own play as bosses codes using all of the three (four the last one ill release later) tutorials so yeah goodluck guys and happy learning ^^ ;)

    The songs remixed by TechnoStriker check out his account ^^
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Jul 4, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Video Showcase