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  1. daxma
    In literal terms you simple have to be but on a much more philosophical level, it is to have an impact on others, whether its through them remembering you, meeting you, speaking with you, Touching you and knowing you. The impact of your existence is what defines you. Some people such as myself will simply fade with the people with whatever people can stand me existing beside them, while people like Hitler or Obama or Mel Gibson will all be remembered for the good, the bad or the entertaining they did in their lives.
    Post by: daxma, Feb 15, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  2. daxma
    Can anyone, per chance make me somehow unp*ssed off, because it would be much appreciated.
    Thread by: daxma, Feb 15, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. daxma

    Hello KHV

    That would be fine if it hadn't happened twice in a row. I haven't gone out in a month.
    Post by: daxma, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. daxma

    Hello KHV

    *high fives for resonance* I'm the same. The only difference is that i was supposed to go drinking with friends but two had to cancel so everything is gone out the window.I'm pissed to be honest.
    Post by: daxma, Jan 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. daxma
    Your day is kinda like mine -the happy parts and change the cinema to going out drinking.
    Post by: daxma, Jan 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. daxma
  7. daxma
    Sasuke looked at him for a moment. "I'll do training later, i need to do something before hand" he told his leader before leaving. He felt something, he just didn't know what...

    Yamata had left Seiretei and made a good distance from it. He had passed all the districts by a constant use of Shunpo, at the which point he stopped to recover. he was officially outside of a zone of help. He took out some food he had stored from his many traverses into the Human World. He took out all of the plants first and began to cook them with kidou. This was a pass time of his whenever he had the chance of taking out the human foods.
    Post by: daxma, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. daxma
    These guys a complete idiots. For one thing they go on about how easy it was to crack considering it took them 5 years to do so and they have even said they have only 90% of it cracked. Second, they probably aren't the hackers that did it, simply because when Sony see's the video they made they will get locked up and the real hackers will go off Scott free.
    Post by: daxma, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  9. daxma


    Unfortunately i woke up in a bed with my best friend with his girlfriend ontop of him.....with his.....ok 2011 didn't start off right for me even though i did get a good few pranks on him.
    Post by: daxma, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. daxma


    Hey guys, wheres Bueno. I mean the RP is going to die at this rate. I have to put stuff past him in relation to the story.
    Post by: daxma, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  11. daxma
    I know a guy exactly like you, the way you describe yourself is him. He is extremely friendly and if no one will talk to you he will but no one goes down to his house, not even some of his better friends. I've tried to invite him out, most recently i invited him to a house party on the 28th but he's reclusive. He tells us nothing of his parents or family and barely anything about himself. You don't need to be so insecure. Just take the first step to ask if they want to go to the movies on Saturday or something. Show initiative and everything else will follow.
    Post by: daxma, Dec 25, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  12. daxma
    You either have to be on alot or been here along time to be recognized. To be honest I've been on here for a reasonable amount of time and i doubt half the people even realise i still come on here anymore XD
    Post by: daxma, Dec 17, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. daxma
    Yamata had woken up covered in black bandages covering his wounded self. The bandages covered every inch of his body including his eyes. He had plenty of talk with his Zanpukuto while he was unconscious...he had come to the resolution of becoming a Vizard in order to fight Sasuke. Even without Sasukes hollow mask he far surpassed him and alot of others that he knew. There was only one way to beat him...His Captains uniform lay beside his bed with his Haori laid perfectly on top of it. He was tempted to pick the uniform up except he would be comfortable with his full body bandages until he made the 30 second walk to his room just away from the 4th's medic clinic. He snuck out so that Arashi and the 4th herself couldn't see him. He threw on his Armoured trench coat along with a matching pair of cargo pants and boots and a woolly cap with a steel band on the front with a illustration of Yamata No Orochi fighting Susano'o. He threw his Sheath on his back. Once he had these all on he snuck back once to retrieve his Haori and used Kidou to inscribe "Goodbye Commander-san. I need to train and its the kind of training you can't achieve here in soul society, i will explore Soul society for a link to Hueco Mundo and i don't know whether i will return or not. Sorry for leaving all of a sudden but the Vice-Captains are promising. I'm sure one of them will gladly take my place". As he passed the commanders office he threw it to the ground outside the commanders office and then uses shunpo to get to the gates of seiritei.
    Post by: daxma, Dec 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. daxma
    Its been given a release date of 6 September 2011. This trailer unveils gameplay for it and io have to say, Killzone 3 will have a hard time competing with these graphics;
    Thread by: daxma, Dec 12, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming