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  1. daxma
    Meh, all i can say, is goodluck to the pillow. The amount of sleeping together would be unsanitary.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. daxma
    depends on the relationship.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. daxma
    I don't think its an insult...but take it that way just in case.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. daxma
    Yes, you see we are competing with the best of the best.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. daxma
    Daxma and Daxma I love this guy, he's so funny and sensitive.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. daxma
    Everything is relative, take what you know about her, or what you think applies and go with it. Don't take the advice of people who don't fully understand circumstances.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  7. daxma
    Its a piece of hardware easily replaced, don't start an argument with your parents over things so menial.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  8. daxma
    If you didn't say that it means you clearly aren't living your life the way your meant to. Don't worry, just take a bit of advice from people and you'll be fine.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 17, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  9. daxma

    Find the m

    right up there
    Post by: daxma, Jun 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. daxma

    Find the m

    Did i ever tell you that i was good at inception, that was all just a dream.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. daxma

    Find the m

    "M" is just a representation of your subconscious
    Post by: daxma, Jun 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. daxma
    The game Singularity in itself is just freaky and the beginning scares me everytime when your going from the abandoned town.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 16, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  13. daxma
  14. daxma
    This is a thread dedicated to people listing the Mangas that they are reading and have read at the end a recommendation for one in particular. The reason i have made this thread is because there is a strict lack of manga based threads and while there is a thread in which people can ask for recommendations but the reason i made this thread is because if someone takes a recommendation and it happens to be on the mark, all the person has to do is look up through other manga's this person has read or is reading and try them aswell. Its a way of expanding on peoples manga library without having to plod through some manga's you mightn't want to read. So here is mine;

    Deadman Wonderland
    Ao No Exorcist
    Destroy and Revolution
    Sidonia No Kishi
    Oyasumi Punpun
    Wolf Guy Ookami No Monshou
    13 club

    Toujuushi Bestialious
    Blame Gakuen! and so on
    Dead Heads
    Nijigahara Holograph
    Watching TV all the time makes you stupid
    Team Medical Dragon
    King Thorn
    Darker than Black: Shikkoku no Hana
    Shaman King

    The manga i want to suggest to people is Bartender. Its unusual because its author always use's liquor as a core element or his Mangas but he treats alcohol as a medicinal healer rather than a brain smothering killer. Bartender is about a bartender who heals the people who come in for a drink. I never thought i would like this but its a masterpiece. I suggest this manga to anyone who is either into liquor, likes a good story or likes to look deeper into meaning behind things such as life.
    Thread by: daxma, Jun 15, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. daxma
    Its been awhile since I've been here but everyone seems to have gotten more handsome and pretty then when i left :D
    Post by: daxma, Jun 15, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  16. daxma
    Heh, you mightn't hear this from alot of people but depression builds character, contrary to popular belief its a natural state of a human being, not to say its the you should always feel but you should feel it once and awhile it shows that you can feel, it shows that you are alive. Depression allows you to be in a state to think and improve yourself, improve the way you live by relinquishing the hold of something causing your depression. Just plod through and as you go think about life from your respect, make a physical attempt to think down so far into yourself you can imagine your core elements and then fix yourself so that you are a better person for it.

    As for the self-harming I will say something which i doubt others will tell you but self harming isn't a bad thing just so long as you don't go too far, i mean who am I to tell you what is or isn't good for you. Sure it isn't good for you physically but mentally it must feel great doesn't it? But if you can substitute it for something else which can make you feel just as good without the physical scars then that's a better method. One method which i use is the reading of manga or listening to music. One manga which i find extreme soothing when i'm in a bad state is one called Bartender, its about a bartender who makes it his job to help those who come to him to get a drink. Drink is treated a healer for the soul instead of a method of smothering yourself in a sea of alcohol. Here's a link to it;

    I will end on the note of the fact that life will go on around you regardless of if you believe your world is crashing down. if you can't live in your world live in someone elses :)
    Post by: daxma, Jun 15, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  17. daxma
    I have to agree with Styx on this for the most part. Go for the hot girl but only when you have to go ahead from your bro's and if you get in with her then invite her over to drink with your friends, that how me and my friends always operate or of an occasion we leave the one going for the girl go, as long as he knows we'll embarrass the sh*t out of him in front of her as a joke :P

    Also i agree about the Jack and Vodka Spike, bad combo unless you've broken in your liver beforehand.
    Post by: daxma, May 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. daxma
    1) If your friend needs to puke, don't give her a paper bag because that bursts and goes all the way down the bus
    2) If you're going out drinking, don't get moldy before even getting on the bus
    3) Drinking 7 shots and three pints only makes me slightly tipsy
    4) Always bring a jacket with you because it can act as a pillow, a blanket or a seat
    5) Ginger(s) and about 65% of women cannot handle more than 4 pints with getting drunk
    6) If you see a guy try and pick a fight with a bouncer, remind him of the size difference between them otherwise he will be panned out on the road.

    So KHV, those are the new things which i have learned from my magical journey last night/this morning into a night club, anyone else care to add things that they have learned from such experiences?
    Thread by: daxma, May 26, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. daxma
    I think the new arc is really starting to pick up pace especially in the last chapter. Plus there is an added tension because the battles are alot more different simply because they are using real life flesh and blood instead of spirit bodies meaning that people can't take big buster moves repeatedly.
    Post by: daxma, May 3, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. daxma