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  1. daxma
  2. daxma
    heh don't worry, It probably means something is bothering you, sometimes you mightn't be able to pin point it but if you think back to the simplest things i'm sure you'l understand what's causing it.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 24, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  3. daxma
  4. daxma
    OMG P if i have seen this thread sooner i would've posted straight away :P but i must disagree with your comment on idealism. Idealism is common in most Seinen manga's but it isn't exaggerated as it is in Shounen Manga, It has a much greater impact i.e. A personal favourite manga of mine which struck me hard was Bartender as i have said before on other threads.

    There is a particular chapter in which a formerly rich man came to a bar looking for a drink once a month when he had the money to pay for a single drink.The main character is a bartender known for his so-called "Gods Glass" and he uses his drinks to heal the souls of others and he was great at it. The younger bartender which you follow tries to make a drink that will make him move on from his dreams of his old life and after drinking it he replied back with something which really struck me in a way i can't describe with words;
    "I'm Envious of youth, i wish i could've met you sooner..."
    "Youth can be very cruel at times..."
    "I hope young bartenders can remember one thing"
    "Memories are proof that you have lived, Doesn't matter whether you failed or succeeded, it will still be sweet"
    It struck me because memories i used to resent for spending time with people i used to like or be with that i now hated suddenly changed along with all the memories of my own short-comings and failures. They suddenly became happy memories from the time just after the memories. It's incredible to feel something like this, it's what makes seinen manga what it is.

    A manga outside of Bartender i would suggest is Akumetsu. I'd prefer to keep spoilers to a minimum so i'll keep the explanation brief. It is about a boy who seems to suddenly become immortal who killing himself everytime he kills a corrupt politician in order to change the course of the future of japan. Its interesting because it explores political and in a limited respect personal philosophies along with developing this story around the main character and the way it is done is interesting. Something to note is that the politicians look exactly like politicians in similar places of power to the ones in japan currently only with different names and this hasn't come to the attention of anyone with the japanese government yet, if it was made into an anime however it is speculated there would be up roar. It is action-packed but the story takes priority and the fighting isn't unnecessary violence but ways in which to portray the main characters philosophy. Also, it is good to note that this Manga is said to be the precursor and inspiration of Death Note.

    Personally P in these forums Anime takes priority so i'd say it'll only be a very limited discussion of the genre unless manga gets a separate section to anime but this should be an interesting discussion thread if enough of the right people join the thread.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 24, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. daxma
    heh just back again aswell, i guess i see what you mean. People don't move on this forum i thought you knew
    Post by: daxma, Jun 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. daxma
    Yes it was, and?
    Post by: daxma, Jun 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. daxma
    Its not a conventional idea, nor a practical idea simply because people have other things to be doing outside of KHV, not necessarily now due to summer but from like september on then it becomes impractical
    Post by: daxma, Jun 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. daxma
  9. daxma
    Yope, he sold the site for a hefty price.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. daxma
    Personally i find it soothing, it also gives a person a bit of character.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 22, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  11. daxma
  12. daxma
    What you need to do is get highly qualified engineers to make a bridge across the gap.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. daxma


    Perhaps you should play it and find out :P
    Post by: daxma, Jun 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. daxma
    Spdude jokes have been going ever since he bought the site.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. daxma
    I think this is completely appropriate given the situation;
    Post by: daxma, Jun 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. daxma
    yope its real and sure why not?
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. daxma


    Anyone have any form of opinion on anything aside from the obvious random things people are prone to say?
    Thread by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. daxma
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. daxma
    It Katy Perry, not liking her song would be a bit off.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. daxma
    Bound to happen sooner or later.
    Post by: daxma, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone