Life sustains everything and everyone, including you. Problems are also created by everyone and everything. No one is perfect, in a sense. If people killed themselves based on what they did wrong or based on whats happened to them then the human race would be extinct. Life is life, very simply put. Life is the definition of being. without it then what is there? That's something you must answer yourself. As for the teaching to kill someone, You are giving someone a tool, and that tool can be helpful, but the trick is to teach them how to use that tool. You can give a boy a wrench and tell him to fix a car and all he will do is dent to bonnet, you can say it to a man and he will fix the car. It is on you of course if something goes wrong because you didn't show enough of an understanding to the person and hence you are responsible. I don't see how this is relevant though. Heh that last comment made me sort of laugh, i forgot to put it in context. i meant on these forums. People like you aren't dead because in that case i would've died a long time ago my man.
Why would you disagree? also thanks for the last bit, its hard to come by people such as yourself anymore.
Failure or success, victory or defeat, misery or joy life is always sweet no matter what the experiences are. It proves you have lived. Life doesn't throw you punches, it doesn't care about you or me or anyone. Life is a term to describe what you are it isn't something that hurts you, that's for everyone else to do. Life defines you and you'll be better for thinking such things as suicide. All the memories that you have in your head defines you, be happy for them because they got you to this point and they will help guide you further. Again i say Life is always sweet.
All of these manga's are all politically related seinen manga's which i would recommend to anyone interested in psychological and philosophical manga's. Ikigami Ikigami is based on a society in which as part of a law, first class student re given a vaccination in which 1 in 1,000 will contain a nano capsule set to rapture at a persons peek age's between 18-24 in order to maintain prosperity. The person receives a Death Notice or "Ikigami" 24 hours before death in order to tie up loose ends and embrace life. This is not always the reality. I recommend this because it raises alot of moral questions and explores the human psyche in various ways. Akumetsu Akumetsu is based in japan now in which a person seemingly just becomes immortal and begins to kill politicians and influentials within japan. This talks about alot of political terms and the political situation in japan. To be completely honest i need to read it again to fully understand it but its very in depth in relation to political philosophies and talks about the value of life but those are only the things i'm sure on. there is alot to interprete. A notable feature of the manga is that it's character bear the exact likeness of political figures and influential people well known in japan but changed their names. it has yet to be recognised by popular media but if it does it is set to spark contraversy, i.e. an Anime conversion. Freesia Freesia like the others is based during a war between japan and "christian" powers in which overcrowding in prisons and inadequate law enforcement has lead to the allowing of a law to exact vengeance on people who have wronged each other in an effort to take the focus off the war and other things within government. The main character is a mentally unstable Ex-military assassin who becomes an Assassin of a proxy agency hired to kill people under the this law. This Manga is complex in many ways, especially when it comes to the main character who battles within himself to integrate into society. This is my favourite of the three even though i recommend them all.
Bleach: One World...Only The concept of this RP is based an idea that was inspired from a manga i've been reading recently. A full scale war between soul society and Hueco Mundo erupts. The Shinigami's led by the captains and the Hollows led by a newly formed Espada go to war. This war becomes so intense that the espada's and the captains resorted to the destroying the opponents world. The shinigami's were made extinct and while Hueco Mundo was destroyed all of the Arrancars escaped to the Human world to Karakura Town. The Espada's remaining realized that their world was destroyed because of there own arrogance. This time they weren't going to be so foolish. The Espada's made the decision to integrate into Human society. They developed a technique known as "Ocultar mis huesos" in order to hide the parts of their masks from humans, occasionally leaving the technique off on Halloween. They created an organisation known as "La Agencia de Gestión de Arrancar". This organisation act as the watchers of Arrancar activity and punish those who threaten the laws set down by them. They also have a special division of Arrancars known as "Los Barrenderos", who have abilities to clean up battles that occasionally happen between Arrancars, Fullbringers or both so that human society wouldn't find out. But of course there were rampant Arrancars who attacked humans at times. With the influx of Arrancars came an influx in people able to utilise Fullbring. 30 years from the time that Soul Society and Hueco Mundo have been destroyed, Arrancars remain a secret upto now but La Agencia de Gestión de Arrancar is falling apart and a faction has broken off of it with the goal of Arrancars ruling over Humans and the Fullbringers are getting mixed into the situation with individual Fullbringers taking sides. This Faction is known as "El Amanecer". The laws of La Agencia are; 1) An Arrancar must not reveal itself to Humans 2) An Arrancar must not get "sexually" with Humans and if a relationship goes that way an Arrancar must break it off. No Exceptions in the eye's of La Agencia! NOTE: An Arrancars relationship to another Arrancar is encouraged in order to blend amongst the humans. 3) An Arrancar must not release below 500 feet of buildings, if so it must be in emergencies 4) A Rampant arrancar may fight with another Arrancar outside of the town but if a fight begins within the town then they are subject to the judgement of La Agencia! 5) This same law can be said for a Rampant Arrancar fighting with a Fullbringer. 6) El Amanecer are the enemies of La Agencia, they are to be engaged in the most suitable area within flying distance. Profile Skeleton Username: Name: Species: (i.e. Fullbringer, Arrancar, Quincy) Allegiance: (i.e. La Agencia, Los Barrenderos, El Amanecer, etc) Bio: Appearance: Fullbring object: (Fullbringer Only) Fullbring Form: (Fullbringer Only, Only if necessary) Release Form: (Arrancar Only) NOTE: I did not include an option to explain powers or abilities simply because those can be learned through the RP but they cannot change once they have been shown in battle, unless something has happened that is approved by everyone. Fullbringers Username: daxma Name: Auron Species: Fullbringer Allegiance: La Agencia Bio: He is a Fullbringer from before the inhabitation of the Arrancars and he is possibly the oldest Fullbringer in existence. He was a bounty hunter in his earlier years until he became a body guard. His jobs were often simple unless Shinigami became involved...when the Arrancars arrived in the Human World he helped in the foundation of La Agencia and became an honorary member of the Espada. He is at the head of La Agencia and he often does the dirty work himself. Appearance: Spoiler Fullbring object: Spoiler Fullbring Form: Spoiler Arrancars ***BLANK SO FAR*** Others ***BLANK SO FAR*** RULES 1) The usual rules of godmodding, etc apply 2) Love stories can branch to everything and anything, just so long as you keep it PG on the thread and anything else can be said via PM. 3) I'm allowing for Quincies in this but only a few 4) Under no circumstances is anyone allowed be a Shinigami 5) Hybrids(mixes) are allowed on permission but i'm only going to allow a certain amount 6) All Story decisions must be discussed on an OOC Lounge thread yet to be made 7) If you want to keep surprise storylines a secret from everyone else, PM me so that i know whats happening.
Ya well i hope they all got proper lives for themselves :)
Still, the place seems absent. What happened to repliku?
Are you for real?! all of them haven't posted? i felt that the forum was slightly emptier when i came back but that's ridiculous.
Nah, I miss Neku(Arc), *Hippie jesus*, Cupcake and Khhottie. P.S. what ever happened to shadowjak and vivi's darkside
I don't know if this is any consolation but thank you. I appreciate people who understand a situation and to be able to spell it out for themselves and others. It shows an understanding of yourself and circumstances meaning you are not nearly as self absorbed as others put in your situation. Its refreshing. Now to begin with in relation to this Ex of yours. From what it looks like she was saying it as an exaggeration to make the separation easier. It probably wasn't always like that but by the looks of things you could see that from the beginning. She's probably hurting too, the thing is some things run there course and think on it, would your relationship have been any better, had it continued? That's a question for you to answer. In relation to your friend who you think you could do more with, as your relationship ran its course, so will hers. In that time i advise you not to hesitate and just go for it. Until that time be as good a friend as you can be. you can do nothing but your best my man. In relation to staying back a year, i can see the dread in it simply because i just finished my final exams and don't want to have to be in the previous year simply because the company isn't all too comforting, except one of my friends is staying back because of his GF. look at it this way if you are friends with people from that year then its all good. f*ck popularity, the people who care about how they look from that perspective are often thought of as shallow and i can tell from at least this post you are anything but. If you don't have friends, make some new ones i mean theres only maybe 1-2 years age difference so that's not an issue. Anyway you will be able to hang out with your friends from your year outside of school so don't worry about that. School is just one of many steps my man, you can just as easily walk a different path.
Sorry for coming into this discussion late but i only just realized the thread was even hear when it was brought up to the top. From this post alone i can tell you that this isn't worth pursuing because i was stupid enough to be caught in this situation twice. Your friend seems to be under the illusion that she is entitled to your unwavering loyalty and attention and should that not be the case she will disregard you as a friend simply because she believes she is above you due to her responsibility to take control of her own situation while ignoring everyone elses. The only thing you can do is confront her straight up and say "You are suicidal, we all know that, your not good at hiding it but then again i doubt you wanted to hide it in the first place. Either let us help you or quit the sh!t" A sob story will ensue at this point and then you simply have to say "We have all tried to help you but you don't trust us enough to help a single bit. We all have our stuff to bear and we are no different from you. You're not in a situation that i or anyone else hasn't been in before. So let us help for god-sake and tell us whats up, it isn't as if we can't keep secrets". If you give her anymore attention as a poor victim she will continue on that path and it will only get worse. If you treat people a certain way they will think its alright to act that way and if you allow that she will be gone. The way I've phrased some stuff above is a bit brutal but contrary to popular belief being nice, sympathetic and kind to some people only makes things worse in every sense of the word, on your part and theirs.
Arousingly(even though it isn't a word) interesting.
What a co-incidence! At the very time you posted this i was freshly out of the shower too! but i was watching Walking Dead again :P
Well said turntech, but while your opinion is well reasoned and very well composed i still believe in what i said if that makes any sense. Its just i'm very biased towards Manga because there is a certain intensity in the powerful words with a single caption, or the immense atmosphere of a character empowered. Examples of these are the following. the first one i have already mentioned from batender. The other is from a manga called "Ikigami" or Death Notice and a graffiti artist who got an ikigami vented his feelings onto a wall; Anime doesn't have the same affect as Manga on me, with a sole exception of Ergo Proxy as i mentioned. I respect if others do not share this :) Anyway another Manga i would like to suggest to people is the one i mentioned above "Ikigami". It talks about an alternative reality in which the japanese government pass the NPPA or "National Prosperity Preservation Act" in which all first year students gain what is called the "National Affairs Vaccination". In 1 out of 1,000 of these vaccines there is a capsule which will rupture within the heart at a specific time in their life. The choosing in completely random(unless under certain circumstances) and this is proven in the manga but its too hard to explain. Within 24 hours of a persona allotted time, they are given an Ikigami or Death Notice. This gives them time to get affairs in order. for these 24 hours also you can use that ikigami to do as you please(within reason). three chapters are given to a single ikigami recipient as you follow them for there final moments. The only central character is the deliverer as he battles within himself as to whether what he is doing is right. Theres alot to explain since it is very grounded in reality theres alot of grey area's which i can't explain with words quiet yet so its a good read. I'm partial to these alternative reality/government related mangas.
My definition is pretty much the very same. Also i didn't understand what you were saying before about idealism but i understand what you mean now and i agree.In relation to your comment on seinen being both anime and manga i would have to disagree for the most part simply because Anime is too censored ever to be considered Seinen, with maybe one exception of course which is Ergo Proxy. The reason i say this is because the others i could name were manga's ever before they were animes and the only two i feel weren't censored and had the same impact would be Deadman Wonderland and Elfen Lied. Anime has more of an influence and wastes hours or TV time with Shounen Anime's with overly idealistic main characters and story plots which are nearly unfollowable after awhile. In my opinion its killing Manga as a media. One comparison i would like to make is compare an anime called "30-sai no Hoken Taiiku" to the following Manga, called "Nijigahara Holograph" and tell me the colossal difference in the definition of "seinen". Links for both are here;
I wasn't being negative, People take it to be negative simply because i say "illusion", it's a complement. I take comfort in illusion.
Nope, it should have ended after number three because at that point i feel that the story and the sub-plots worked well together and it was better to leave it end on a good note.
heh, you think so wouldn't you. KH-vids is a nice illusion
None of this stuff is bad if it is done by someone who is in the right frame of mind, not someone who has been betrayed and chooses to forget themselves so that they don't feel worthless. Personally that's the kind of life everyone should be living but at the same time, you don't drown yourself in it. for example, during my grads three weeks ago, i flirted(well did the best i could) with the girls and i drank three and a half pints after which i had 7 shots in succession. Now i could handle all of that and still stay true to myself and my friends, and that is essential at the end of the night(technically morning). She isn't in the right mind to do this and you need to make that known to her, you need to be cruel to be kind. Tell her that she is only doing this for the sake of the thrill of forgetting that worthless person she thinks she is.
Just hope you don't get caught up in the drama BS on this place :P