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  1. daxma
    Both of them are epic, they explore a portion of the pysche that usually goes un-explored or in most cases mis-interperated. They show a very cruel but a good representation of what might happen in the event of a zombie infection.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 31, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. daxma
    I didn't state that i "know" her, i merely gave my evaluation of her from what i see of her and the people fawning over her death, i also never claimed to have any more experience than anyone else of the subject of profiling and such. To know someone and to be able to do an evaluation of them are different things. I can evaluated everyone and everything and make an opinion on that, but that doesn't mean i know her. One point i would also like to make is that if she had someone like PR manager or any decent agent her image wouldn't allow people to so easily make comments like mine or make jokes about her death. If she had someone working PR she might've been able to stay away from the drugs and she mightn't even be dead now.

    Chevalier, i'm sickened from the stand point that because people use broad terms that allow for no accountability, things like this happen and its considered to be the fault of said broad terms i.e. drugs. Zero accountability means that things will always remain the way they are.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 29, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  3. daxma
    I'm sorry Ienzo, while i respect what you're saying, you are too naive. You talk about her problems as if no one understands them or knows about them when in fact all of us understand her problems, especially broken people of this forum.

    What i'm trying to show you is that it pointless blaming a general issue such as drug addiction on a very specific individual. Because of the way people like you think, it allows people to believe its acceptable i.e. Amy Winehouse.
    She drew attention on herself because she believed that she was deprived of things that others had and felt that she deserved pity to the extent that she fed on it like an emotional vampire, or as the psychological term is, a sadist, this branched to narcissism. She intentionally did all of these things to gain the attention of others and gain their sympathies. She was narcissistic enough to believe that she deserved all this attention and she never grew to appreciate and chose to continue. she had no care for those closest to her, and continued to do drugs regardless.

    What defines us is our decisions and her decisions defined her as a Narcissistic Sadist Sociopath. You know exactly what i mean because your decisions have brought you to the point that you are at right now haven't they? same with me, and same with whoever else is reading this comment. I have had many chances to be similar to that but i chose not to, that is the reason i can make the decision to make a comment like this.

    A person like that doesn't deserve respect in death Ienzo, and the fact that so many people resonate with her(alot of people i know seem to along with others around the world) is frankly sickening.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  4. daxma
    98 people died on an Island off the coast of Norway with bodies still missing, and 100 seriously injured in the process on top of a building being blown sky high by the same guy in Oslo, all of the people involved in which were innocent. And then some narcissistic sociopath goes and kills herself by overdosing on drugs and people all start mourning. She died because she was stupid, she doesn't deserve any respect in death. The only people who deserve respect are those humbled by it, she wasn't and now she can rot in hell.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  5. daxma
    Dude i was talking about the online manga :P
    In it Senji comes in and saves ganta and tells him to run down the passage behind him and practically commits suicide in order to guard the passage with a cool extension of his usual branch of sin.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. daxma
    Anyone read the most recent chapter...i just said "hell ya" the very second Senji came into the room. For some reason i felt an emotional response to this chapter.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. daxma
    Forsaken began a project like that with members playing as characters, i tried to demo which was really good, but i don't know what became of the completed version.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 22, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. daxma
    One thing i have say is expand on your game library.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 13, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  9. daxma
    Since when have me and Britishism been a fake couple? I'm flattered and all but i didn't know :P
    Post by: daxma, Jul 13, 2011 in forum: 2011
  10. daxma
    To be Honest this is exactly what i was looking for because i thought that it was bland its just i have a much larger picture. I'm doing stories about the main characters then expanding to the main story and beyond. its all up in my head its just getting it out on paper in the right way.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 13, 2011 in forum: Archives
  11. daxma
    This is something i posted awhile back except i did alot more improving to it. Tell me what you guys think.

    Demon Children Stories: Kyle

    The first story is set in a small town in Ireland. This first Demon Child whose story is to be told is Kyle beginning on the 8th of April 2009.

    He walked to school in the pouring rain in his Uniform. It was raining heavily, just the way he liked. He decided to take detour and go through to nearby park across the bridge. He had 20 minutes, he thought, so he went for a walk. Other Students coming opposite to him and he saluted them as they passed even engaging in small banter with them. He hated wearing his uniform. Everything was navy, the pants, the socks, the jumper and the tie except for the shirt he wore under the jumper which was sky blue and the shoe’s which had to be black leather shoes.

    He walked across the bridge. It was a fine built stone bridge that dated back to a time Kyle never thought to remember. He stroked the walls of the bridge and it felt smooth and slightly wet because of the rain that was said to have come last night.
    Suddenly felt the bridge come from under him fell into the river as, what looked like black lightning struck it. He felt a panic at his core as his heart turn to ice as he felt the ground go from under him. He went to grab a hold of something as he fell down into the river but then realises he was there, on the bridge leaning on knee, his heart throbbing, “what just happened†Kyle thought. Kyle felt a bit panicked. He got up and kept walking on. He reached the park and it was peaceful because it was raining and it was a weekday which helped ease him about his little hallucination. There were trees lining the park with a giant wooden gazebo in the centre and grass everywhere except for the path he walked there upon with his favourite bench just away from the gazebo overlooking the water. He saw a willow tree and went over to it on the tree line. He touched its bark, rough and coarse and in his peripheral vision he saw something on the branches to his right. He looked at its branches and suddenly it went up in black flames. He ran over to put them out, grabbing bits of dirt and throwing it at the flames in futility until he realised as he stood back where he had stood only seconds ago. It was as before. He decided to just go to school because the walk wasn't doing him the deal of good he thought it would.

    He went to school. He entered the Gate. He looked at the front of the school and thoughts in his head felt heavy, as they always did when school was concerned. It looked beautiful from the outside because of the numerous glass panels and three sections of the slanted roof overlapping each other but on the inside it was just a building, like any other. He walked up the paved path, passed the old oak tree with its wooden seat and entered the schools doors. He put his hand in his hair and brought it towards the left of his face so that his blonde hair almost came over his left eye. He entered the door to find his year sitting in General Purpose Area, waiting to go to religion class.

    The place smelled of cigarette smoke or at times bad eggs because a person let off a stink bomb. Railings lined the General Purpose Area and steps led down to grey stools where people usually sat. The floor was a smooth and flat lino that was dark teal colour and a giant panel of glass sat between the people in the General Purpose Area and the elements outside. Steel supports hung 6 meters above everyone’s heads which supported the roof. The walls consisted of pure white cement blocks that were rough to the touch. There were weird assortments of posters on the walls, out-of-date and in-date. The secretary’s office was just beside the door where behind it, the principal office lies. He assumed they put the office there to keep a watch on students as they came in.

    He went over to his year to find his friends, Matt and Scott. Matt was a skinny, black haired 17 year old with a very impressive soul patch, while Scott was skinny 17 year old with short brown, spiked up hair who loved to discuss the instrument work of certain rock songs. Kyle was in between them both of them, he wasn't as built as Matt but was built enough, and had side-cut blonde hair. They were all Hardcore Manga fans which was there one common bond which led to development of their friendship.
    "Hey Kyle, what’s up man?" Matt asked as they sat on the benches.
    "Nothing don‘t worry" he said.
    Scott then said with a knowing nod "Sleep-lose".
    "Ya I think it is†Kyle laughed convincingly concealing his panic. "I think I’ll go see the councillor after religion" he told them as they picked up their bags to go to religion.

    The councillors’ office was a very small room which was lined with a big book shelf filled with books about careers, and psychology which took most of the wall. The carpet on the office floor was the same teal colour as the floor of the halls and General Purpose Area. There was very little light coming from a small light on the ceiling. There was a desk with a computer at the top of the office where the councillor was sitting. Kyle inquires "excuse me Mr. Faridey but can I ask you about something? I have been having these Hallucinations all of a sudden can you help me out?â€
    Mr. Faridey was a black haired, browned eyed skinny man who might’ve looked brittle but he wasn’t as brittle as he looked. He did a lot of sports with the school and proved that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. He has fine chiselled features with a hooked nose and a genuine smile on his face constantly.
    Mr. Faridey responds "Well Kyle…†and after this it seemed to be mindless fragments of conversations which Kyle was too lazy to put together. “Now Kyle, Have I explained what could be happening" he asked Kyle.
    "Kind of?" he said confusedly.
    "Basically it could be down to any number of reasons. Just go home relax cut down on the Videogames a bit and get some fresh air, after that, if you still have these flashes then come back to me" said Mr. Faridey as he ushered Kyle out the door. He sat back at his desk and took out his phone. “I’ve found one but something is happening to him that hasn’t been recorded with others. He’s flashes started only within a hour period and then stopped, I will crush his resolve somehow and see if I can stop the change, if not we can just kill him†he said as he pocketed his phone and put it on silent...

    Kyle walked out of the office as he looked at clock on the wall of the General Purpose Area, just over where his year usually sat as he headed for the door and realised it was 6 o' clock and walked home feeling, to say the least, different. He rang up Matt, got the homework and did it in his bedroom while listening to music until half nine. After he was done his homework he felt unnaturally sleepy and went to sleep, the second he hit the bed.

    He woke up to the find that he had only slept for 4 and a half hours. It was raining heavily out. He had fallen asleep fully clothed so he jumped off his bed and walked down stairs. He took his black jacket and put it on. He walked out the door to be met with the brilliant lights which lit the street on which his house lay and the rain falling on his head. He felt as if something was unusual. It was too quiet, not a thing stirred. Even though it was early in the morning, the area was devoid of any movement, whether it’s from the cars of people early for work or on their way elsewhere. Kyle walked to the park. Kyle could feel a single presence, a powerful presence. He walked through the park and saw someone sitting in his favourite bench. He wore a black trench coat, black jeans, black boots and long dead blonde hair or which his face wasn’t distinguishable. The man had a cigar in his hand and smoke emitted from his mouth. “Sit down, will you†the man asked in a tame voice. Kyle sat down, and felt smothered by this man’s sheer existence. It was hard for Kyle to understand. The man just sat there with Kyle for what felt like hours just emitting smoke from his mouth as he smoked his cigar. Finally the man turned to Kyle and merely said “Heh, so you’re my precursor... do you know who I am?†he asked as his presence seemed to grow and grow, until eventually it began to crush him. It crushed and crushed and crushed until he was nothing but a thought floating above his body. As that floating thought he saw something which amazed him, but horrified him at the same time. The man began to transform. He fell out of bed came awake.

    That dream haunted him all week, in his classes; all he could think of was that feeling of suffocation, the question it posed to him and that transformation that began to happen. He felt distorted, as if he wasn’t real after that dream… He felt like he knew him but he didn't know how...He wondered whether he should drop into Mr. Farideys office. He looked over at the picture beside his office as he walked into school. Even though Mr. Faridey looked young with finely defined features and jet black hair, he had been working ten years and knew what he was talking about “didn’t he?†Kyle thought.
    That week seemed to go perfectly. All of Kyle’s worst classes all had been cancelled because of the food in the staff room making the teachers sick. The Wednesday of that week Mr. Faridey dropped €50 and Kyle picked it up to hand it back to him but Mr. Faridey "Just keep it, I have enough of money lining my pocket" he smiled as he continued walking.
    Matt was kind of jealous but Scott just said "Cool".
    All of the classes the three would usually have had were suspended due to food poisoning of the teachers a meeting during the weekend. Their year was assigned to the computer lab for the week with one teacher supervising all through the day.
    The computer was a giant room lined with computers. The three were separated but they simply logged onto facebook and began to chat on there on a different tab so that the teacher wouldn’t know, as did everyone else in the room did for that matter, even though they had a project due for Geography. For them it was an interesting week of talking on facebook during school which in everyones eyes was better than doing a Geography project regardless of the fact that everyone would receive detention for it.
    The weekend was spent sleeping constantly and to Kyle’s surprise that dream he had a week ago didn’t come as it hadn’t all week.

    The Monday had come again and he headed off to school. He entered the door to see his best friends sitting in the General Purpose Area as he always did. It was nice to walk in and see his friends sitting there waiting. Scott talking about which rock band was better to someone and Matt talking to someone about the latest developments in his favourite Manga. Kyle walked down to them and waved at them as he walked. Something caught his eye outside just within sight through the glass panels. It was a man in all black clothes with a balaclava to hide his face holding what looked like a sniper rifle. Before Kyle could take time to react in anyway two shots had been fired.

    Kyle turned to see Matt and Scott were on the floor, blood everywhere; their faces were obscured by blood. They were dead. He looked out the glass panels of the front of the school at the shooter who threw his gun on his back and began to run away from the school. Kyle felt a sudden illumination clearer than the sunrise. Suddenly Kyle felt a burning in his heart, a fiery fury at the death of his friends. He felt sadness but it was overcome by something that existed in him. He knew what he was going to do and without knowing how he did it. He dashed and smashed through the glass panels as he collided with the person who took the shots. The shooter was startled and mid-run he turned around to shoot him point-blank with the sniper rifle but when the man took his shot, Kyle felt the bullet near his left shoulder and parried the bullet as he twisted around to hit the assassin in the face with the back of his left hand. The hit landed and the assassin was hit hard enough to throw him into the school gates and break them in two. The mangled bars of the gate had cut the assassin right across the face taking out his left eye along with it. The assassin got up and with his left hand, kept the balaclava together but Kyle could feel a hatred being directed at him.
    “I’ll be back for you, you *******†the assassin said with venom in his words. Unexpectedly, with one movement, the man made one colossal jump in which he disappeared. Kyle wanted to follow but he could not. He needed to stay for people to recover the bodies of his former friends. Kyle now understood that dream. After the bodies were recovered he disappeared for two days.

    Two days later a twin funeral for Matt and Scott was held. The Graveyard was full of the living, more than there was dead. It was raining on the graveyard heavily. The graveyard was one of the biggest he’d ever seen with angels on every single one of the hundreds of grave within his vision. Matt’s and Scott’s parents were well off. He was wearing a black trench coat, black jeans, and black boots. Seats lined the graveyard and there was a seat reserved for Kyle but he stood behind the lines of seats with something in his hand. He had cut his hair short to match his stubble of a beard.
    As the ceremony began, everyone began to cry and wail. As the coffins were put in the graves everyone’s crying grew ten-fold. As the funeral ended, they all retreated to the tent, a short way away from the grave site. Kyle walked amongst the talking crowds talking playfully about his exploits with his friends. Laughter became infectious and eventually the occasion was no longer as sad as it had been. Standing over their graves were two stone angels on a pedestal each poised in serenity. Kyle opened the box in his hand to reveal Scott’s and Matt’s favourite manga’s. He rested them inside of plastic cases so they would endure the weather, if only for awhile. Everyone was watching Kyle as he began to walk out of the graveyard.
    Suddenly Matt’s and Scott’s parents came out of the crowd of guests and Matts mother spoke out of the four of them as Kyle had his back to her continuing to leave "How dare you!!! How dare you come here and desecrate their graves!!! You show up to the funerals of those you called friend and d-" but she was interrupted by Kyle who remained with his back to them. Everyone’s eyes were on him.
    “How exactly did I do that?†he asked.
    “By making people laugh as if this was some party and by putting those comic-things on their graves†she exclaimed.
    “And what would you have me do? Bow my head at them and cry at the fact that they are dead? No. That’s something they wouldn’t want, if anything they would want themselves remembered and I gave people my memories of them. They also would’ve wanted manga’s on their grave because manga was something they loved. If that’s desecration then what do you think will honour their memories?†he asked her. There was no answer. He glanced back at them and they could see his face, not full of sadness but with a look of calm on his face. He could feel everyone’s shock at the sight.

    Kyle had walked from the graveyard to the main road out of the town. He wanted to find meaning in his existence. He could hear a noise which was growing in intensity…he heard a voice under this same noise “Make this fast and swift, don’t give the ******* time to change otherwise the Spiders are going to get really pissed offâ€.
    Kyle had not even walked 10 steps before he turned his head to the sky to see two helicopters coming down on top of him loaded with armed men. Once the Helicopters reached the ground the armed men came out and pointed various guns directly at him. As the Helicopter began to take off one more came out, Mr. Faridey. He had a huge scar on his face with a patch over his left eye.
    “Hey there Kyle, long time no see, let me introduce my team of people to kill you†he said in a smog confident voice. “As you can see I was the one to shoot your friends but then again I felt that it needed to be done. I feel that it’s your own fault this situation has broken out. I mean you made your friend’s sacrifices completely in vain by choosing to harness the power of a demon but then again…who cares. Life is random. Guys kill him†he said as the men opened fire. Kyle was shrouded in what looked like a dappled effect. He began to change. His Skin turned to gray, his hands turned to claws, a mask of bone grew which from above his nose down to his chin, and horns grew out of his head, which came around then down from the back of his head to just above his forehead. As Kyle felt bullets coming at him he swept his hand in front of him which caused a burst of extremely hot air powerful enough to deflect the bullets.

    “4...8...12...16...20...not including Faridey…†he thought.
    Kyle was too fast for them to see as he slipped under one of them, took the man’s knife and cut the man’s arm off as he channels heat through the blade of the knife to increase its cutting power. As the other men got a hold on Kyle’s position they shot at him again but Kyle threw the knife into the man’s leg as his bone mask disappeared and breathed a breath of black fire at them. The front four men were dead and the four behind them were severely burned…Faridey looked mildly entertained and he was sitting in the middle of a street with his M4 carbine at his side, just watching his men getting slaughtered…
    “15 men left†he thought to himself as he looked into the face of the panicking men, seeing that all powerful fear that was common in someone’s innocent youth and that fear of death. They shot panicked shots all around them as if making sure someone invisible didn’t attack them. Kyle jumped over them and with blew another breath of black fire down on top of them and the blazing heat of the fire burned the tarmac they stood. Three had been burnt alive and every other man was severely burnt…Faridey merely sat there, entertained by the scene. As Kyle touched the ground he let out a fierce breath in which flames went up into meet the cold air to create almost instantaneous rain clouds. The Men looked confused and scared as it began to rain and within a second, Kyle had disappeared. Suddenly a ring of fire burst out around them that dissipated almost immediately. Kyle had created a mist.
    From the mist came a tree which smashed against half of the men and pinned them to the tarmac.
    “It’s about time I finished this†he said as all the men all went back to back to each other and began to fire everywhere.

    The first man felt the knife come out of his holster and a half a second later he fell over as he felt his leg cut apart from his body…. Another half a second the second man felt his arm drop to the ground and he began to follow….Another half a second passed and the third man felt a deep slash go from his shoulder to his hip and he fell back….Another half a second passed by the four man felt his hand break as his hand turned around to shoot the fifth and sixth man in the legs and on the next half second the four man shot himself into the leg against his will….In two and a half seconds he had incapacitated all six men. He threw the knife into the tarmac with such force that it was stuck in it; it was unbelievable for Faridey to comprehend as Kyle walked right at him. With a click of his fingers a fire of black flames surrounded the men.

    “So this is it Kyle?†he said his gun fell out of his hand. “Why did you breath fire at those men when a click of your fingers and they would’ve gone up in flames?†Faridey asked intuitively.
    “Because…it’s more frightening to see a person produce fire than it is for it to simply to appear…†The heat from the black fire burning the bodies rose and the rain began to stop…
    “But then again is that really the case, how should I know though, I mean you’re the analyst. I mean it’s really all pointless isn’t it†the air felt hot and light….
    “Well what we do isn’t pointless Kyle; we are part of the order of the world. We kill demons so that calamities don’t repeat themselves. Some of the most significant people in history were demons and the damage they caused was catastrophic and this is why we exist. We exist to protect the world simple as that. It‘s nothing personal Kyle, you merely threaten a value held by many people other than yourself so no hard feelings†Faridey says with satisfaction in his voice. There was a static feeling in the air…
    “Well then who is “we†Faridey?†Asks Kyle as he comes to a stop directly in front of Faridey.
    “Well that’s just going to be a secret you’ll have to find out if I don’t kill you first†he smiled as before Kyle could move another step Faridey was behind him. “Prototype speed and strength enhancement gear†He said as he throws a punch at Kyle except Kyle leans down to dodge the punch and brings his foot up to kick Farideys arm but Faridey was already ten foot away. Faridey tries to smile but by the time he found out that Kyle was directly behind him.
    Kyle let out a fierce breath of Black fire that engulfed him as he immediately jumped back. After the fire dissipated Kyle saw that Faridey had used his arms and legs to defend his body. His sleeves from the elbow up and the legs of his pants from his shins down were incinerated to reveal what looked like a black fiber with nodes on the fiber was on his arms and legs.
    “Your good Kyle but not good enough….this stuff is fire resistant and can take the physical strength of a demon….†he panted. The air had become so light and hot that for a human, it was almost smothering….

    “I think it’s about time I finished this up with you Faridey†Kyle said as he appeared immediately in front of Faridey and grabbed his left arm crushes it, grabbed his right arm and smashes his hand off his knee, tripped faridey up and grabbed faridey by the throat. He smashed him into the ground and put his hand directly over Farideys heart.
    Farideys head was pounding from the hit he received and he knew he was finished. The strength with which Kyle he smashed him into the ground broke his spin and he couldn’t’t feel anything below the waste.
    “It’s time for you to die Faridey….†he said as the roar of thunder and lightning rolled through the sky.
    “I guess I might aswell….say something positive….So goodluck….you’re going to need it….Demon Child†he said as he looked at the sky as he rd it roar.
    “Goodbye Faridey†he said as powerful electricity powered around his body. Kyle pressed his hand on his chest and as Faridey closed his eye’s and before he could open his eye once more he heard the roar of the thunder and lightning as Kyle brought the lightning down from the heavens…then Faridey heard a whisper “Only Joking†and Kyle had disappeared and the lightning had struck the trees in the surrounding rather than him. Faridey called in medics in order to save the men he brought in.
    Tuesday 17th of April began the journey of a new demon child…â€.
    Thread by: daxma, Jul 12, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. daxma
  13. daxma
    Try and expand your horizons besides sticking with the safe stuff. I mean half the stuff i read now i wouldn't have even considered a long time ago for example Nijigahara Holograph. Not to say you should view that specific one but expand on what you read by looking at suggestions from others or doing genre searches on Manga websites.
    Let me make one suggestion which is Akumetsu. Its about a guy who seems to be immortal killing political evils. Its supposed to be the precursor to death note.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. daxma
    Once again the taboo on drinking in the forum rears it ugly head. Something you must understand Misty is that people who get destroyed with drink once and awhile do it for a reason. Its to drown themselves in such a way that the problem will die for awhile. No one will understand this except that person. Everyone has their stuff and its clear she has stuff to deal with that she prefers people remain ignorant to.

    Second i would like to acknowledge that if she is you're friend you would make an active effort to go out with her someday to get a bit of perspective besides making a judgement of a life-style you neither understand or even try to understand. Friendship isn't simple, you have to make an effort to hang out with people outside of school even if you don't feel up to it. Otherwise the friendship goes to nothing but empty conversations.

    Third, people who haven't tried alcohol or drank it for long enough clearly don't understand what alcohol can do to you and your state of mind. Give alcohol a try and don't be so enclosed. My friends brought me out for a friends 18th and though i was reluctant i really liked going out drinking. The atmosphere is great. I didn't even drink that much but even when your friends are drinking the mood becomes lighter. Sure people overdo alcohol every so often but friends are there to get them through it.

    The title is not fitting because the only reason that your horizons are closing is because you're reclusive. And fair enough Alcohol does do changes to your brain but so does mindless hours on the computer. Your saying you're losing faith in humanity when people have gone their own way and you won't try seeing the world the way they do.

    The last thing i want to acknowledge is your attitude towards people. Making blanket statements like "pretty much just the same as everyone else in this town" won't get you any friends and it is such an ignorant statement to make. What gives you any right to talk down to/about others? What defines you as any different from anyone else in your town really? the only thing that defines you is that you believe that you have a much more refined opinion on matters outside of the superficial, which is not the case because contrary to popular belief on these forums, just because people act a certain way doesn't mean that they are any less of a person than you.

    I might seem harsh but i'm telling you this because if you understand, i believe you will be a better person for it, but then again i could be wrong but i guess only you reading it will give us that answer.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 6, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  15. daxma
  16. daxma
  17. daxma
  18. daxma
    Personally i treat life like a book. Everything within life is easily read and interpreted just so long as you take the time out and look beyond the surface. Many people your age think about this sort of stuff they just need it to be brought up in a conversation so that they can say anything without feeling weird. Try it sometime.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  19. daxma
    Sure 2 years isn't much of a difference in age anyway so who cares if you have a philosophical discussion with me. there are a number of ways to describe life in reality, just so long as you understand that there is more to the term life then as a scapegoat in an argument in which you are stuck for an intelligent answer.
    Post by: daxma, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  20. daxma
    I believe life may be responsible for everything but at the same time its the term people use to put the blame on a very general and vague term. If people were able to fully understand their situation as they are under the illusion they are, they would understand that blaming life is meaningless and you should blame that which is truly responsible. You may not get over it but putting the blame where it belongs will allow you to move on.

    Just out of interest what age are you? and something which i have learned is that taking advice from other people will get you nowhere simply because people don't show you the way they understand it. This whole thing about hanging with people your own age sounds like the vague-est piece of advice ever.

    Nah i'm not lucky don't worry about that :P
    Post by: daxma, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: Help with Life