Been a very very very very long time people, where is everyone at? The Forum looks like Madona without her make up, by which I mean on the verge of death.
Its funny because the gods were as inbred as the Spanish monarchy :D
Agreed! I'm not on this much either tbh but its worth it to get back in touch with the online community here. Its not the same considering its so...
Hey don't go worrying about me, the day when i stop responding online is the day people should be worrying. There is nothing better than diving into a new anime or manga that you find interesting. If anyone else deters you, don't listen to them, if they had input they wouldn't say "get on with your life" vaguely. You feel better eventually.
I like you as a person if that makes you feel any better and i don't mean that in a sappy way i mean it in a very genuine way. I know how you feel completely, i just dropped out of college this year. And personally i felt(and still do fell tbh) what you are saying but the difference was that people didn't particularly see me as the person who broke down into a depressive state and that i was built of rocks, who bore the cross on his shoulders. Its tough whatever way you look at it, whenever i felt depressed i dove head long into a new manga series. I personally found prefer to read about cruel realities and grim outcomes and themes and plots that made you think. If that didn't work i would find a movie about some far off and distant reality and watch as i was sucked into someplace else. Eventually i would be struck by something, something that connects to me, personally. some circumstance which i'm lucky not to be in, or a person who doesn't have the luxury of changing. Sorry if these are way too abstract but i can only go by what has helped me so far, hopefully they will help you.
Its been way too long for my liking. Its actually not been great lately, hence why i'm back here :P Still the next time we are both online proper...
Why hello again! I've decided to hang out here again for awhile and due to boredom thought i would drop in and see whats up :D
Bob Kelso of course.
Good to see a familiar name around here, i feel like a senile old man :P Whats up anyway? :D
F*ck yes i've been keeping up, Still RPing like a pro i assume? also loving the GIF good ole' justice league. Yes indeed i am keeping up to date, Bleach has just been amazing as of late. Naruto is just starting to get good again but of course....break for a week just after flashbacks.
From what you are saying it sounds like there is more than just that one problem said person has with you. Chances are that you've done or said other things that you probably don't see are either offending or annoying him. I've noticed this with some of my own friends but i don't get annoyed and indignant with them for the most part, i call them out on it. The grammar comment was probably just an opening to problems this person might have with you on a personal level but not necessarily that you intentionally went out of your way to do bad by them. If you are reasonably good friends then you should call him out on it and ask him whats the story other than that you shouldn't be concerned.
I have not been around in quiet awhile, when did this because become so "fabulous" for lack of a better word.
Okay, haven't been online in quiet awhile, liking the improvements guys! Now i wanted to know if anyone here has ever read Hideout simply because its one of the best horror manga's currently in manga, this is my speculation anyway. Its relatively short and i would recommend it to anyone who is a psychological horror. So anyone who has read it?
Credible defence, its april fools day :P
You do not win the argument with a woman but i can guarantee if you have a woman you don't care about the argument :D You can only win a conversation with Chuck Norris
If you want to pull a real prank hide numerous people in your roommates room with a camera and watch as she slowly finds them. It was awesome.
Quite frankly boobs are just awesome, they make good pillows, make a hug feel much better and they are nice to the touch :D Size doesn't necessarily matter, shape does though, just saiyan.
Personally i believe that you are all too naive to accomplish what you discuss as are most people. there are very few of the people in this discussion that have any impact because all you discuss are ineffective idea's that you can't put into practice. Things like "Sky Cites" and "Colonize the Moon" are about as practical as saying cross into a dimension where thought has precedence. Let the world change one discovery at a time. Many have tried to make radical changes and failed, let the world change one step at a time besides wanting to instantly change for supposed "good". The environment has survived this long, by all logic we should've been killed along time ago from catastrophe after catastrophe but we haven't that is the key thing people cease to understand anymore. The world is alive now and it will alive for millennia after 2012 not because if some radical changes are the extinction of mankind, but because it was designed to outlast and best everything an ignorant species can throw at it.
Right and Wrong are only constructs of society in order to determine what is beneficial to society and what is not. Most other constructs in language are based around how it is beneficial to society, to an individual or to a community. They create an illusion of importance in the ideal's of right and wrong and hence people believe it is the be-all and end-all. Society is designed to push out a certain type of person and what they are pushed out as most people just go with it. This design revolves around personal good as they were taught was good, whether or not they are "good" or bad is a simple conflict as to what they believe they need to live, the importance of certain phrases and their meanings i.e. "good","just","right". You have a narrow mind as to as such a simple question which everyone asks and yet they only want people to confirm their own opinion on the topic.