Lucky for me it's only the last two chapters that go over my head, but I still need to make sure I understand them for the test next week. All of this stuff with confidence intervals, Student t, and all that crap is so confusing, especially when all of the formulas seem so similar. I'm worried I'll be spending too much time trying to figure out if I'm using the right formula on the test next week instead of actually doing the question. Oh, and all that stuff with finding crap the critical value, forget that.
It's been going on for about 13 hours now, with lightning non-stop (makes me giddy) And now apparently everything is closed because the streets are flooded. That means I'm not going to work right now, and we'll see in a few hours if I get any pay today at all. At least I managed to get the last part of my ITEC project done.
1: My dad brought home 16GB of RAM for my PC because it was on sale at MicroCenter, meaning my computer now has 24GB of RAM 2: I went to a Japanese Festival in Houston today and it was interesting. I tried takoyaki for the first time, which was pretty good. I saw a lot of interesting t-shirts. Recognized every cosplay I saw, including Kakashi Hatake, Lucy from Fairy Tail, Ichigo Kurosaki, a Shy Guy, and Goku. Oh, these were also there for an overly priced amount of $25 for a cheap piece of plastic. At least the size was right View attachment 44508 There was also a Zangetsu, God of War blades, SAO blades, Master Swords, and a bunch of other things. It makes me sad how much I recognized without even trying to think about it. ....I just noticed my parents in that shot on the far left. I should tell them not to photobomb
I got talking with a co-worker at work about Kingdom Hearts, and how she needed to at least watch the story of CoM, Days, BBS, Coded, and DDD, since she had only played 1 and 2, and ever since I want to play BBS so much. Then I think about emulating it. Then I remember there's an HD version on 2.5. Then I remember it's on the PS3. Then I remember I don't have a PS3. Then I remember it's not ever going to be on Playstation Now for PS4. Then I remember HD uses two analog sticks and no PSP controls. Then I remember how I'm not a fan of playing PSP controls. Then I remember I still want to play the game since it's the only one I haven't played yet. Then I start the loop all over again. Anyone have a PS3 they never use and want to give to me so I may by all the PS3 games i missed out on? Oh, and since I can't make another thread after this one for a while, enjoy looking at this.
Why does it seem like the story is basically a self-fulfilling prophecy? The whole point was that the students were shown Darkness would win in the end, and they tried to stop it, but in so doing, they end up going different routes and fighting each other, which basically sounds like the story from Kingdom Hearts, where they say "people became greedy and started to covet the light". You'd think these guys would have thought about this just a little more.
So for anyone who's gotten decently far in Unchained X, have you been able to find a reliable way to get Mythril Crystals, or even Shards? I'm trying to level up my Starlight keyblade but I need the crystals right now. Supposdly someone on khinsider claims you can farm them in quest 41, but for some reason I've had no luck. Anyone else able to confirm them?
I'm getting a C in my marketing class. I hate marketing. I find it hard enough to understand, and I still have more classes to take that deal with it.
They are going to suck (insert every possible sailor word you can think of here) I'm going to have an annoying time in the summer, but now my Fall semester is looking to be just as bad, with three classes having lab and lecture, separate from each other, so 3 of my days are already taken, and I will not work saturdays or sundays. My mom claims I should work afternoons, but she doesn't know how much I do schoolwork in the afternoon after everything is done already. UH, I spit on you and your class scheduling
If nothing else, people are using math for personal amusement so others don't have to. But it's nice to know an old game certainly has a long life-value...?
I know there was weird ideas in Dragon Ball, but in all my years of enjoying it, I never realized this nonsense How the heck is the entire universe of Dragon Ball taking place in a fricken bulb? I mean, sure, it would explain how the universes are set apart, but what's the space in between, the void? Plus, wouldn't that mean that anyone who decided to keep going straight up in a rocket would eventually reach heaven without dying? Ow, my brain is hurting again
Apparently the main water pipe broke a little while ago so all of our subdivision has no water. Would have liked to know that before I needed to use water for anything.
Lost Odyssey Tales of Vesperia Dragon Quest Heroes Xenoblade Chronicles Devil Survivor Overclocked Ocarina of Time Infinite Undiscovery Shadow of Mordor Project X Zone 2 Hyperdimensional Neptunia And I'm not even halfway with Mass Effect or started Hyperdimensional Neptunia II or III before I buy IV. Why can't I learn to just beat games before I buy more?
In Fire Emblem Awakening, having the kids made sense because of the plot and them coming back in time. This time, there's really no use for the kids except to use to maps and level up, and I only see that being a huge thing in the Conquest campaign. I'm basically rushing through these maps and I still feel like I'm dragging through them. Some of the designs are nice at least
I got a jury summons in the mail it seems. 21-years old and already having to fill that crap out for my first time. Worst part is that it's on a day I have off and I usually do school. Maybe I'll get lucky and it gets canceled though. Plus, filling in that I attend a higher level institution might make me exempt, so here's praying
So for my statistics class, my group is doing a study on how and if looking up information on games affects purchasing, and I made a little survey for it. It's only 10 questions, so can I please ask as many of you as possible to submit your responses? Edit: I realized I should have added another question in, so if you already took the survey, can you see if you can go in and edit your answers to answer the new question 8?
More specifically, my Distribution Channels class hates me. I've managed to barely hold a B in that class, and now I get a 55/100 on my stupid quiz for this week. I would like to point out that I officially hate marketing, and find it to be almost as hard to understand as Government. I much prefer my practical classes, like Photoshop stuff, and Statistics using Excel
So I bought Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1, 2, and 3 on Steam for $31, which is a steal, considering full price they'd cost about $90 total, and I'm not kidding, 3 minutes in, I get a picture of this Spoiler And these are moving pictures, the bounciness is still there. How is this T-rated again? Even the other two games have you do a birth date check before even looking at the content. Oh japan, I just don't understand you, but at the same time, I love you
It makes me remember I still have yet to complete that game. I think I stopped because of all the I have Digimon to play, and PXZ2, Fire Emblem, and more games will come out soon. Wonder when I'll get to playing it, much less beating it
Are the Hyperdimension Neptunia games any good? I keep coming back to them and looking at them because I see them here and there, and I debate if I want to try them or not. And apparently they are on sale on steam for up to 70% off, so any response would be good.
I've tried to understand this series' continuity, but I fail to understand it at all. So first off, seasons 1 and 2 are the only thing that tie to each other, because the very first thing you notice is that one of the Holy Beasts that shows up is in Season 3, but there's no mention of it at all. Online it says apparently they were sealed by the Digimon Emperor, but there's no mention of that either in Season 3. And then there's the games where you play as some kid who takes part in the background of seasons 1 and 2, and shows up in the season 3 show, and even in a flashback in season 2, but nothing relates to it besides his silhouette. Oh, and let's not forget the Olympus XII and Royal Knights. I can't even tell who's supposed to be the higher point of authority. Plus, is this all on the same place? Because you have Yggdrasil who's supposed to be the God of the digital world, but it's only on one server of the network, who supposedly has the royal knights and claims to go to another server to fight the Olympus XII. Not too mention, apparently Yggdrasil lost some of its body or something to Bagramon, who's in the Digimon Fusion series, but there's no mention of Yggdrasil in the show outside of Data Squad. But Yggdrasil shows up in some of the Digimon games, and I can't tell if that's the same Yggdrasil, or if it's even part of the continuity. Not too mention, what about the fact that digimon is a card game in season 3, but no one knows of them in data squad until they find that portal or whatever, and in Fusion they apparently have existed long before technology, or something like that? Gah, my head hurts. Part of this makes sense, but other parts don't.