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  1. Iskandar
    First off, I'd like to place this here, just because I'm getting the movie in 2 months anyways
    On to the official note, after seeing this film in theaters, I would have to say that they did a pretty good job on the movie as a whole. I'm going to try my best to avoid any specifics, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one on the site who saw the film today, and if I'm not, others might know what I'm talking about.

    To start off, this film surprisingly did a good job of clearing up a few facts about the series that was confusing. It told of the background about where Luna was and why. Well, I say "told", but it was an intro thing, so yeah, fill in the blanks moments kind of. But it does explain why Luna and Noct are being wed, and where the wedding came from in the first place. It even seemed to delve somewhat onto the plot of the game, though not directly. That whole "night becoming longer and longer" plot seemed to have something to do with stuff they talked about in the movie. I can't say anything more though, because it is a part of the plot.

    The film also does a neat job of showing off bits of Insomnia. For everyone who saw the hour gameplay and saw Insomnia after the events, it's cool to see what it looks like beforehand. Think of something like FF AC's Edge, except a little more advanced, and a hell of a lot bigger. I'm not kidding, that is one MASSIVE city.

    The plot kind of does an Advent Children thing too, where it starts off a little slow in the first 30 or so minutes, but picks up after that. Yeah, it means a lot of action, and things like that, but even in the middle of the action, they did a good job of stopping for like 5 or 7 minutes just to slow down a couple times and get back to the characters and add even a little more development.

    Oh yeah, it's also just fun to mention the references made to previous final fantasy games in the movie too. They show most of them in the trailer, but seeing the weapon from VII and Ultros is fun. There were others, but since those are the only ones in the trailer that I can think of, they'll be the only ones I'll mention.

    One of my few gripes about it actually has to do with the combat though. While it is nice, and I do mean nice, it's almost a little tricky to follow, especially during the last bit. There's a lot going on, and it looks pretty, but unless you have hawk eyes, it's hard to follow the flow because of things flying everywhere. And yes, that includes the teleporting nonsense.

    The characters had a good amount of development for screen time, but there were some that I kind of felt like they could have given even a little more background on to understand their reasoning. A couple of them even have that "I sound like I'm going to be a villain, so yeah" thing, so it's a little meh.

    I also know the animation was done by the same people who did Advent Children, and I'd say they did a nice job passing the bar on it. AC had some really nice animation, but this looked much better. At least in my view. Though I'll admit, there were a couple times where the lip sync seemed off. It wasn't often, maybe 7 or 8 times through the whole film that lasted a couple seconds, but maybe I was imagining it.

    The end credit scene, which appears after what feels like 10 minutes of credits, shows Noct and friends driving down the road and leads directly, and I do mean directly into the beginning of the game, if you know what that is. It's a cute little addition.

    Comparing to Advent Children Complete, without even thinking about it, I'd say I personally preferred AC Complete just because the fights were easier to follow and that was what the majority of it seemed to be. But while AC was made as a sequel to a game and you know the characters and it was filling out the ending to Cloud, I do enjoy how while Kingsglaive was action packed as well, it had a lot more of an emotional feel to it. If I were to actually look at it as a whole, I'd say Kingsglaive does a slightly better job. That's just my two cents though.
    Thread by: Iskandar, Aug 19, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Iskandar
    My f---tard of a sister has been staying at our house for the past couple of days and she has somehow managed to already ruin everything till my parents come on.

    She's made a mess in their bathroom like it was hers.
    She eats all of the food in our pantry, which is not much to begin with.
    She comes and goes at night whenever she wants, making it impossible to keep the alarm on.

    And my favorite part, which makes me seriously, legitimately think about smashing her head through the wall a couple of times, is her eating all of my food I prepared for the weeks my family was gone. I spent about $80 to have enough food for about 2 1/2 weeks and she ends up eating a quarter of it in the span of 6 hours while I'm at work yesterday. Now I have no food whatsoever till sunday, and I'm already at my limit from my paycheck, and I don't get any money till next week. Not too mention, I've been losing money ever since my surgery, so that's not helpful either. I would be screaming my head off, but any time I think of it, I just lose all my energy and become detached. She better f-----g pay me at least $25 for the food she's wasted and what I'm going to have to buy now for the next couple of days, because I can't afford this crap. And I can tell you that my parents aren't going to like it either.

    I also don't care if she's homeless and doesn't have a job, she manages to keep her car, so she better cough up that money.

    So tell me, where's the best spot in a wall to shove a head through?
    Thread by: Iskandar, Aug 18, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Iskandar

    I was weak

    I ended up buying a ticket to Kingsglaive in theaters tomorrow at 4:30 PM because I just really wanted to watch the movie, even if I'll own it once I get my copy of the game in two months. Oh well, I need a reason to get out of the house anyways. Though I really shouldn't be spending money right now given how I've lost so much in the past two months.
    Thread by: Iskandar, Aug 18, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Iskandar
    Now it's pretty much unusable tonight while it re-installs every bit of Final Fantasy XIV...all 15.5 GBs of it....while downloading at 1MB/s. Wish I had better speed in my room. Oh well, at least now I have a 2TB HDD in it. I do wish I knew why it was always so slow at downloading though.
    Thread by: Iskandar, Jul 15, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Iskandar
    It's gaming support customer service. Yes, I know, I'd be stuck answering the phone for people who can't google answers, but I kind of like helping people with the technological problems. Plus, while I enjoy my job at the Y, it doesn't seem as fun anymore with everyone leaving, and the new boss isn't quite as lenient as the last one was. Oh, and there's the $12/hr thing, that makes a difference too.

    I'm hoping I at least get called for an interview. It's full time, so 30-40 hours a week, and I know I'd have to leave the Y, even though I was planning on trying this job out while I did the Y in case it didn't work out, but I wouldn't be able to juggle both jobs while going to school 4 days of the week, living on the campus each day.
    Thread by: Iskandar, Jul 5, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Iskandar

    Oh star ocean

    I want to enjoy you, but there's so many little things about you that just don't make it easy. You're more like a $35 game than a $60; but, at least you still look pretty and have the voice of Itachi.
    Thread by: Iskandar, Jul 4, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Iskandar
    So I took a bunch of pictures with my character in FFXIV in my house, and some of them I took multiples, and before I edit them on photoshop (because the colors are a little dull most of the time), which do you guys think are the better ones of each group of 3, so one from the top set and one from the bottom? I won't delete the others, but a 3rd party opinion would make this easier.

    I did edit some of the wedding photos from in-game if you'd like to see too. I've needed a use for photoshop, and simple editing is nice to do now and then
    Thread by: Iskandar, Jul 2, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Iskandar
    I can't take a shower till 2 days after the surgery.

    Have to keep a cotton ball in my ear for a whole month after the surgery

    Can't take a shower without putting a cotton ball with Vaseline in it to keep water from going on

    Drops need to be put in my ear twice a day, along with packets stuffed in their for a whole month that will slowly dissolve out

    That's not even all of it. Ugh, this is going to be a major pain
    Thread by: Iskandar, Jun 23, 2016, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Iskandar
    I enjoyed keeping up with Unchained X for the moment, but I've got 870 or so MB left on my phone, and I've been going through it like crazy putting on songs. So I've been debating taking the game off and freeing up another 1.31 GB. Would be nice if I could add an SD card to my phone, but no, the stupid Droid Maxx doesn't allow that
    Thread by: Iskandar, Jun 21, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Iskandar
    I'll be going on July 23rd, and I was hoping to get 2 tickets to bring my mom, since she likes orchestral music as well, but looks like I might be going by myself. I lucked out too, because most of the time I see these concerts and I'm able to go, it's too late to get any tickets.

    ...After checking with my mom, it looks like we'll both be going after all. Now I'm really looking forward to going. These kinds of things it's better to go with someone else and enjoy it together than just by yourself, if you ask me.
    Thread by: Iskandar, Jun 4, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Iskandar
    Guess that means I'll go back to play Type-0 HD whenever I'm bored and actually beat it more than once to get 100% completion, and maybe get those last few trophies too.

    The only thing is...I have no idea how to play the game since it's been so long. Luckily for me I stopped at Chapter 2, but it's strange trying to get back into it, especially on a second playthrough. Now trying to follow the guide is just confusing, because i can't remember what I've done or not.

    For the time being, think I'll just rewatch Yuyu Hakusho for the 4th time while finally reading Magnus Chase....that I got back in February as a present.
    Thread by: Iskandar, Jun 2, 2016, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Iskandar
    So all I have left is to beat it on Crushing (hahaha, yikes for me), getting it in under 6 hours (I better get that glitch to work), have 70% accuracy or higher, 2 trophies I missed, and 2 Hidden trophies, and I will have my first 100% completed game on the PS4.

    And now I really want to get the Nathan Drake Collection. I'm not really a fan of just thinking about playing through the two water levels in the first game, or being disappointed by the story of the 3rd again, but playing the last game makes me want to relive the older ones as well. And right now gamestop is selling it for $40, and I can get a $25 coupon, so even if I'm trying to save my money, I can afford to spend $17 or so bucks on the game, considering it's normal price.....what to do, what to do.
    Thread by: Iskandar, May 29, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Iskandar
    I just need to vent, otherwise I'm just going to get annoyed at everything.

    These last 2 days at work have been kind of stressful, just with the sheer number of kids that we had to deal with in relation to the number of teachers watching them yesterday, being close to 80 for half the day with 5 teachers, and we had almost as much today. Plus, yesterday felt like a day at Target, where so much was happening at once it felt like I was being torn in four separate directions and wanted to scream at every person to just stop and shut the F up.

    Now today we all found out that our boss, who's position was removed and condensed into a single position with other responsibilities, had her interview and didn't get the job. And out of the jobs I've worked, this boss has been by far my favorite. She treated us all nicely, and not just as employees but as people, and friends even, and she managed to deal with the kids, parents, and everyone else in a professional manner while keeping it casual at the same time. I know it sounds contradictory, but that's just how it felt. Now we find out she didn't get the job, and it wasn't pleasant to see. Plus, I won't be seeing her again at all because she cleans out her office tomorrow, which I don't work, and she's taking the last days as paid-time-off. With her gone, a bunch of people are going to leave, and by that I'm sure around 1/3 or so of the employees in the child care, just because they stuck around because she was still there. I personally do feel like I'd rather leave just because I know that she was very lenient in pretty much everything, and from what I've heard about the other locations, they aren't all that fun to work at, and I worry our new boss is going to turn everything into a regime of some kind. I have to stay though, because I have set hours every week at the same time, and can work my schedule around school every semester, unlike most other jobs where you say you can work certain hours and get random schedules every week in those hours.

    Plus I found out part of the price for my surgery, which is going to cost $434 for only a third of the price, and I don't have any sort of money to pay that with without slashing my budget to nothing.

    So yeah, these 2 days have hit hard, and I'm exhausted, tired, can't even have my usual jokester-attitude, and just done. There, vent over. Go on with your lives.
    Thread by: Iskandar, May 24, 2016, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Iskandar

    I wants it

    Oh how I want it so badly. Anyone wanna spare me 100 bucks so I can buy it?

    Thread by: Iskandar, May 15, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Iskandar
    Apparently I found out I have Cholesteatoma and now have to get surgery to remove it. It's already eaten away at the bones in my ear, which explains a good chunk of why I can't hear out of my right ear anymore. Now I need to get a titanium piece put in to replace to bones, and hope that after the surgery I don't get to be one of the unlucky ones where brain fluid leaks out, as well as being unlucky enough for it to come back in 5-10 years. How is it I'm always with the unlikely events?
    Thread by: Iskandar, May 12, 2016, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Iskandar
    Well, at least we'll finally get more info on KH3 in a month at E3
    Thread by: Iskandar, May 9, 2016, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Iskandar
    Now I can play and finish Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, and Infinite Undiscovery.....from the very beginning because I can't find the flash drive that had all my game data on it. I better get started on Lost Odyssey first and finish before summer comes up. And then there's Uncharted 4 coming out in 2 days, which I will try my hardest and most likely fail at not buying right away. Probably because I can get $50 off, but meh
    Thread by: Iskandar, May 8, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Iskandar

    I hate school

    Doing 4 weeks of summer to get Texas Government done, than Fall will come, with the worst possible semester schedule I've had to date. My only days off will be weekends, and I'm sure I'll still be busy with schoolwork, and Mondays and Thursdays I'll basically be living at the school because of my classes spread out throughout the day. The only part about this with any semblance of good is that one of my classes has Phil Snyder as a teacher, so yay?

    Oh yeah, I'll also only be able to work 2 days, so yuck on that as well. I swear, if any of my other classes come in two sections that are separated like three of my classes, I'll want to quit school here and now and give up on my carrier in digital media.
    Thread by: Iskandar, May 3, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Iskandar
    You have Justice League Flashpoint Paradox and War, both of which are the beginning of the new DC Animated Universe. I like the films, but how the heck do they tie in to each other? I know everyone says that the whole point of the ending of Flashpoint Paradox is that the timeline changed, but if he stopped himself in the first place, wouldn't that just put the universe back to the way it was before? And then there's the tie-in with War, with the ending credits scene. Heck, there's just the costumes in War. Or the order of the final scenes in Flashpoint.

    You have the Final Scene with Flash and Batman in Paradox

    Then you supposedly have the JL: War film that comes before the Flash and Batman scene

    Then you have a post-credits scene in Flashpoint that is supposed to lead into War, that comes before the scene with Flash and Batman.

    I need a chart to figure this out. Or was the ending of Flashpoint Paradox just their way of saying "Hey, we have a new universe, and this is our way of showing there's more than one"? This detail just bugs me to no end, and all I want is to figure out how these movies relate to each other.
    Thread by: Iskandar, Apr 30, 2016, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Iskandar
    Someone, anyone, tell me if Bravely Second is worth playing. I keep thinking about it and wondering if it's really worth buying, and now I've looked up reviews, and more importantly, gameplay videos of the game, and I understand why people say its cringe-worthy. The music is semi-decent, but the writing is just....well, I can try to ignore the 8-year old style of writing, but what the heck is up with the jokes? I mean come on, 40 minutes in and I just saw a power rangers explosion scene!! Fricken power rangers!! What in the name of all bad jokes and pop-culture references were the writers thinking!?
    Thread by: Iskandar, Apr 21, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone