Spoiler If my memory serves you only get entered into the game if you died in that certain city and the Composer is quoted as an angle rather than a god ^^
Docyx turns to face Moth.... something is wrong. Docyx's eyes start glowing yellow, his mouth opens wide and a purple smoke bellows out. The smoke lands hevy on the ground and from the the gas clays start reaching out..... "MOTH? where are you?" Docyx crys in the distance
nothing much life is stable atm
right now answering your vm ^^ te he
yep thats my life up to date ^^ te he
oh I see.. there are too many people I can't keep up....
full of everything ^^ cuddles, kisses, yiff you name it ^^ yay
maybe you shouldn't choose take both and choose later
no one said it had to be now.... you may never want a relationship, keep friends, friends are good. But think about it this way when a boy and a...
If you remeber from khCoM Sora explained to Namine that even though he'd forget her that the memories themselves will still be with him so he can never truely forget.... though I do think the "Thank Namine" thing was probably a refrence to the entry in Jimminy's jornal
yep live each day as it comes ^^
if you wanna be bi yeah course, but you gotta say is that what you want
sounds like it.... maybe you should give it a go... the worse that could happen is she'll say no and then nothing changes for ya
maybe yeah.... but in your situation I think you'll eventually need to make a distition on which and whether
love lives do interest me ^^ I didn't have any till 18..... this year
thats so sweet, I feel so important ^^ RAWR
lol but which are you into?
could of been worse.....
really that makes me fell happy RAWR
lol well feel lucky that you attract people of every sex ^^