w like normal.... wait haven't I already said that?
I have one a very small one
I do have facebook I'm under the name Cody Hunter....
I would of thought the main reason people didn't notice the second Kairi was cos of the huge plot point in that bit... The whole thing of Kairi touching Aqua's keyblade being the source of her ability to use the keyblade. Many fans where probably wigging out to much of that point to notice much else and come on, fight scenes people are busy seeing how NPC can seeming kill enimes in one shot when PC can't ^^
I have looked all I have is posture sprites with no movements.... and it's of Terra in his armor
Docyx's body melts in Moths hands and a black puddle is all thats left.......... Then from the smoke a voice echoed about all the stillness "Keyblade hero of many a blight, cannot aford to lose his light. Caked in shadow he shall remain untill his light, it shines again...." nothing else was said
I'm good.... thought you never used this site anymore
did you enjoy yourself? I hope so
nothing really.... you now I'm still waiting for a pic of you in that prom dress
lol well kh-vids is the best place to start
lol and slightly plain ^^ oh well
cool, which diciplin you under?
I will do and tell me wht this big day is when your next online
just about yes ^^
both but according to him there is a furry convention that only happens where you are
I spoke with Drayke about you and your contory has one of the larges furry fandoms..... your in a perfect spot to get a fursuit made ^^
yep drayke's getting a new head done by a professional it'll be arriving any day now
nope real fur!
it's even fuzzyer when he's got his claws and tail on
from what I heard that game isn't coming out till spring next year and Coded was great though the whole Leon and Yuffie thing sorta seemed last minuet to me