yay lol I've made my own AMV just waiting for it to download to youtube and I'll show ya ^^
helloz? ???
I see that makes me feel better ^^
I would of found the Avtar sector better if it wasn't so hard to collect everything you ether had to have millions of friends to get hold of every item or cheat...... or even harder wait for years for the "fake" ballons
Docyx looks down at his dark smokey keybalde... "Where is this place? and why is my keyblade like this? And who was that scream.... I reconise it.... what was her name............Thoth? was that it?"
I see... has your bday been and gone? I think I've missed t haven't I.... sorry
wanna talk about it?
lol well at least I can talk to you guys again
lol I've said it a few time since I've been bck I know that at least
thats great! Maybe if the sprite shope gets popular again youcan help melocate hard to find sprite sheets
my profile pic is a feral version of my fursona a white dragon called Kaidron (I plan on changing it when I get a better pic online)
well I really have two things one is just a carnival (which we call a fun fair) and it has all the normal stuff exsept a roller coster. As for...
happy bday
the inside of memory skyscraper would be interesting wouldn't it
Docyx in the distance hears the scream.... he runs in her direction and bumps into a fimiler face.. "Moth?" the figure turns around and the sarts to melt leaving Docyx's keyblade behind. "My keyblade" "Moth where are you" Docyx picks up his keyblade which is currently covered in dark mist
lol oh well we still have kh-vids don't we
still doesn't tell me which diciplin your studying mate
wow how'd you find these?!? you know how rare BBS movement sprites are to find.... I'm impressed!
low like normal.... wait haven't I already said that?