Thats acctually seems to be a great way of explaining it ^^ cos as a testiment to what you have said, since coming out I've also become a furyr which is something that I would never of done before hand
ok tell me what you think when your next online link to concession comics episode 1, just click next to get episode two ect ^ and if you want...
you found it yourself?
yep ^^ they are from a web comic called Concession... It's a full on furry comic with gayness added in ^^ want a link?
there were quite a few people and the whole rainbow thing very accurate lol the rainbow is the gay pride symbol.... also what do you think of my...
In some ways I find a sextually prefrence can end up overtaking someones personality.... For exsample before I came out I was a slightly girly guy but since I have been out I'm far more camp than I ever was, I feel like a sterotype but it's part of who I am now...
see ya..........
wat are you gonna have happen?
can't see anything....... is it up?
yes I would greatly ^^
lol you'll see it after then.... I can wait
yea.... a guy n an angel costume.... a man in a colourful dress in a chareot not to mention a few furries ^^
currently 47% after like an hour..... this computer is very old
done already I think AVI
Gay pride happened in June and the other it's more of a beach holiday perminant fixture really
LA project? sounds intreging.... anything I could help with?
for.... mat? I made it on windows movie maker if thats what you mean
lol I've used clips from almost every kh game so far and I have a mix of the clips muted and some where you can hear the speach
lol considering what I aid that answer sunds weird ^^ you do know that phrase I used is an inuendo