well it makes in more interesting.... and tall people hug better in my opinion
lol well you got me to make it better
if it's late for you why don't you sleep hun?
eally? my bf is 6ft 4inches 2.... I find it a turn on ^^ te he
so do i..... get any unwanted attention from the gays?
lol you know what they say about big hand......
I'm guessing you have gay friends then
own connection
;.=.; thats mean steryotyping!
lol I guess your right but i didn't really like it that much
yep hopefully after I move in with my bf
nope haven't even ontinued the one I satrted of you all.... *sigh*
mean girls..... I've seen that
lol thats okay
watched all 4.... I gotta say your first one was your best..... you picked some great moments.... though I will say you seem to take too much from...