you put it there.... why am i so shocked
34355!!!!!!!! lol
Overexerting myself.... 34249
I'm just soooooo cute and innocent
Yarrrghh!!!! 34237
You must be dreaming... Uncharted: Drake's Fortune or Indiana Jones
I'll be hiding in a corner. ^i gave you an internet^
Ok, well I noticed that most of the new RP's here never get started. I have a solution. This is where you can post your ideas for new RP's and crap like that and then when you finally post the RP, nobody sees it as something they didn't see coming. ....Oh yeah, should this go into the spamzone? I wasn't sure.
ALVIN!!!! Pie or cake?
Kum Oh my god.....
when pigs fly does the tooth fairy exist
34194 lol...
34192 slices of PIE!!!!!
My favorite was Stadium 2, or Yellow
All the truth, what was the point of download only games? Unless you live in the UK and Europe (I think) which gives UMD transfer, which is totally gay for the Americans.
lol he was already captioned ^i am a soul from the darkness^