Sorry if I sound noob-ish, but can I have Goten?
Umm... Psychedelic?
emo (damn minimum character limit)
As long as Disney has something to do with it, it could go on for quite a while. But there are like, shitloads of stuff we don't know, and..stuff.
I got myself a KH1 Sora doll. I swear it wants to kill me in my sleep. My sister seems to have a shitload of Bleach plushies.
Likes emo monolouges?
Everyone above me fails.
Types in GODMODE and deletes the post above me and... WINS!!!!
It is now! xp I FRIGGIN' KNOW RIGHT!! I just won.
Thinks that I was correct!
Thinks finalform32 is a noob :locked2:
Name: Lexna Age: 15 Gender: Female Element: Lightning Side: Neutral Weapon: 2 of them Appearance: Other: Simply wants to know more about her somebody, and maybe meet her someday. Wants nothing to do with the war.
In fourth grade my friend was always talking about this game. I saw it on Youtube and it was awesome. Then I moved and my other friend had the game. After awhile I stole the game from him and luckily he didn't know until 2 weeks later and I was done with it. Then he let me keep Kingdom Hearts 1. And now here I am with a PSP and DS just for Kingdom Hearts games.
Avi- 7/10 Sig-5/10
7/10 I'll use my avatar as the picture.
Umm I think something's on my elbow...