Yes, lets all have a Taco Bell party before the world ends, shall we?
I know right^
<.< She meant that Jaden's Girlfriend(real person) is playing Kairi. I'm Goten
Epic win. Damn right!
I win. Go me. Yay...
Red ............
Notebooks FTW!
True I caught all the Pokemans
Avy: 6/10, because Tony Stark is god Sig: 9/10, because it proves that Tony Stark is God
Thinking .........
True I like waffles.
Currently Gotenks(me and ZRW) are fighting Cell, and Roxas is feeling optimistic.
Avy: Just for the reference, 9/10 Sig: umm, 2/10
One Piece, I could never wrap my head around that. Naruto, it used to be my favorite show period, but I just lost interest in it.
^makes sense^ When I first got my PS3 I would play it all day, until my dad tells me to stop (about 11:30-12:30. Then I would get mad and hide my PSP under the covers and play with it. And when I get my PS3 taken away, I get really angry and stuff, and sometimes cry. And then school came along, and my grades sucked badly and I got it taken away. For the entire school year. Ever since then I've gotten less crazy about games, I just spend my time rotating between the cpu, then texting, then games. I still don't watch TV a lot.
Oh right, forgot the question. I am currently staring at an image people at my age aren't allowed to see.
(That was meant to be true, if I typed it right) True, at the time of the post.
(False, I HATE Twilight) True I like Sonic more than something that you're not supposed to like more than Sonic O _ o hope that made sense.
True. I like sparky vampires.