But am I really the only one who thinks that Kate Bush in this picture is much more of a vixen than Taylor Swift or Lindsay Lohan ever were or will be? Too bad she's old now...
I'm moving out. Goodbye parental house, sayonara hometown. This time tomorrow I'll be living in my new home, hopefully for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not on ill terms with my parents or anything, and I like the town I've lived for so long and I'll still visit it very often (got a lot of friends living here). Yeah I know it's not gonna be easy. I'll be on a tight budget so I'll probably help around here and there for some extra bucks. I feel quite ill-prepared too, right now I'm looking around on HowStuffWorks.com to learn some of the basics like ironing, cooking, repairing lawn mowers etc. Another minor detail: I won't be living alone. Actually I'm moving in with this other person. We're going to have to tweak our lifestyles and synchronize them a bit but I'm more than willing to go out of my way. Let's go over the positive sides though: * King size bed! * I have tons of friends in this new town, which is smaller and more cosy than where I'm living now. * She has an incredible stash of alcoholic beverages. * She has an equally impressive collection of survival horror games. * We both love boozing sprees. * Hardly ever a dull moment. I'm not sure how it'll turn out. It'll be interesting, that much I know. So yeah, how cool is this? I may be considerably less active. I think I'll still get the chance to check the site on a daily basis though. I'm not sure what the point of this thread is... :p
Since I'm mildly drunk and thus in a revealing mood, I figured I'd tell you a little bit about myself. It's just that I've been a dick to some members lately and hereby I'm giving you a chance for a laugh at my expense. :D *deleted by yours truly* Well see you around. XD
Hello, you all! Thanks for all your entries past month. Didn't think this alternative theme would actually work but I was pleasantly surprised. We're going back to the traditional approach from now on though, but maybe I'll pull off something like this again so be sure to check back! This month's winner, truth be told, was not too difficult to pick. I didn't really know what to expect from this month's "theme" but it certainly wasn't...that. And thus, for sheer originality, clever rhyming and humor, this month's winner is Ioan. Congratulations, man! This month's theme is...*drums*...a period in time. Choose any important era in the history of the universe and write a poem about it. Alternate histories ("what if A happened instead of B?") are allowed, as are futuristic poems. Good luck!
Read this in the newspaper yesterday. Apparently in comes down to stuffing a ginormous "farm", along with an entire community, in two conjoined 600m high towers and their conjunction. The ecological consequences should this project be all it promises would be obvious. Favored location: Roosevelt Island. Link What are your thoughts on this?
With Shuffle picking them at random, I just listened to these songs in this exact order: 1) Dinosaur Jr - Feel The Pain 2) T.Rex - Hot Love 3) Triceratops - Raspberry 4) NOFX - Dinosaurs Will Die No joke. Call Mulder and Scully?
After performing poorly at Eurovision yet again (not that we care), I figured it's about time that I showed the world that Belgian music doesn't suck that much at all imo. Shameboy [Electronica] MySpace dEUS [General Alternative] MySpace An Pierlé & White Velvet [General Alternative] MySpace Hooverphonic [Dream Pop] MySpace Milow [Singer-Songwriter] MySpace (Note the awesome cover version of 50 Cent's "Ayo Technology") Absynthe Minded [Soft Rock / Jazz] MySpace Mintzkov [Alternative Rock] MySpace Freaky Age [Alternative Rock] MySpace Zornik [Alternative Rock] MySpace Song: Black Hope Shot Down Song: Scared Of Yourself Red Zebra [Old School Punk Rock] MySpace Janez Detd. [New School Punk Rock] MySpace The Hickey Underworld [Garage Rock] MySpace Diablo Blvd. [Heavy Metal] MySpace Hope you like them!
Pearl Jam. Hands down.
I'll try to keep this brief. I'm being outclassed in everything I do. People (yes, more than one) who are better than me at virtually everything pop up around every corner. People have certainly refused to work with me because of it and have most likely refused to associate with me because of it. And with good reason. I'm don't excel in anything, let alone anything useful. Whether they're useless skills like playing darts or basketball or essential abilities such as household and basic knowledge of economics, just name something and I'm at the very best average at it. Of course, I do not intend on being a loser for the rest of my life. If something dissatisfies me and it's within my power to change it, then I try to. That is the promise I'm making myself. I want the old me to die and a new one to be reborn. One who actually stands a chance in society. One who just might turn succesful in a dog-eat-dog world. Therefore, as of today (not true, I'm actually doing this for some weeks now), I vow to try my best to change everything I don't like about myself into something I can be proud of. Why am I telling you this, you ask? It's not like I need a plan to tackle this or something, so why? Simple. Since I know myself to be pretty bad at keeping promises, I figured I need some witnesses. One of my major problems is my acute lack of common sense and intelligence. One of my many flaws, but one of the few that's visible without knowing me in real life. So my request is this: if you see me make an argument that makes no sense, use false facts, or expressing an opinion that's shite in general, please tell me this in the most brutally honest way you can (of course also tell me how and where I'm wrong). I bet it's the best way I'll learn, if not the only one. This isn't your average Help With Life thread where you just need to give advice. I don't do those. This is one where you can actively participate in. Thanks in advance.
Greetings and salutations. First of all I'd like to thank you for participating last month. There were a lot of enjoyable poems to read. On to this month's winner then. First place goes to Fayt-Harkwind because his way of connecting the four elements was simply brilliant. It was amazing how could say so much with so few words. Kudos to you! This month's contest is a little...different. There is no theme this time. Write about anything you please BUT your poem has to contain the words rope, wind and kingdom. All three of them. Next month we'll see how well you could work with this.
I'm going. Announcing this early so you'll have more time to be jealous.
This month, I might get married. True story. [Makes me wonder how I always get into this kind of ****...]
Well, almost everyone has something (s)he collects. Band shirts, anime figurines, stamps etc. The list of potential collectibles goes on. So what do you collect? As for me, I'll buy a manga and an RPG game every now and then but I wouldn't really call it collecting. The only thing I really try to get my hands on as much as possible are Garfield comics. I love them! Used to be into Pokémon trading cards as a kid as well.
Yeah, it's me again. CtR asked me to host the poetry contests from now on, and of course I complied. First of all I'd like to thank you for taking this seriously at all, and for participating as well as you did when CtR hosted them. I appreciate it. March's entries were of a very high level, that much we can say. I for one enjoyed reading through all of them. That being said it was mighty difficult to pick a winner. We've eventually decided on .:Forgotten Hymn:. for bringing such a vivid poem and giving an otheriwse romantic concept a darker, more twisted side. Congratulations to you and the other participants. I won't post runner-ups up here this time since well, the results were just too close. This month's theme is The Four Elements (fire / water / air / earth). You can choose either one of them or make a poem about all of them at once. Deadline: 30th April Results: 2nd May Good luck, everyone!
You, as a human, have the privilege and the duty to improve your physical, mental, intellectual and social skills, as well as any others that can be useful and beneficial in any way. You may do so slowly but do so steadily. If you were to meet someone who outclasses you in most or all major fields, you must do your best to surpass that person and/or sharpen your abilities in other areas. You must harness your strong points and put them to a constructive use, and you may not accept your weaknesses, rather you must make it a priority to offset them. Discuss.
If you click on the number of replies next to a thread title you can see all the members that have replied to that thread and how many times they have replied to it. That is all.
Me and some friends are going out for a weekend to have a mighty boozefest. Of course, I wouldn't leave to learn the Sacred Arts Of Getting Completely Fucked Up before saying goodbye to you guys first. I'm leaving tomorrow (Friday) at noon and will return from my noble quest on Monday evening. So yeah, mind this place while I'm gone. Also, I'm taking all my epicness with me. Sorry. See you around.
CtR can't host this month's poetry contest, so I have been given the honour to do it for her. This contest is as official as the ones before, so give it your best this month too. ;) I'll try my best to host it right. February's winner is robert the yogurt with Midnight Promise. We loved the tenderness and delicacy of this poem, and the courage of revealing an actual name and feelings straight from the heart. Destined and mrsbaggins came close and are decided the runner-ups. Congratulations to you all, and we hope that you will enter other contests in the future too! EDIT: Sorry robert. :p This month's theme is Hell. Interpret it in any way you please. :) Deadline: 31st March Results: 2nd April Good luck! And see you around! (That went alright, right?) :unsure:
Let's make fun of everyone who hasn't been born!
I was aiming to keep it up for an entire year but I'm too impatient and wanted to reveal it now. Get this one thing staight: I am and always have been a GIRL. The kind with tits and a twat. One more misunderstanding that is erased from the face of this earth. 'Tis all.