can someone tell funny jokes? they can also be terrible one too i just need a laugh or two.
that's if they survive another disaster.
it would be great to play it when it first comes out, too bad I don't have a 3ds anymore.
welcome to khv, the place where stuff happens. hope to see you stay on this site for a while. find some friends and follow the rules and you're set.
welcome new comer, make sure you make a lot of friends and follow the rules(now follow me)
all im saying is that i need someone to have a close relationship with and i want to have a bond with a female. im not saying that i want any girl in the streets, i just want a girl who will keep me company when im bored, someone to play with for sometimes. i don't care if we are friends forever, as long as i don't feel lonely, then that's what i really need. would you accept bus tokens as paying.
I was bored(and im really desperate). all I want is to find a cute girl who will play video games with me. I don't care if we stay in the friend zone I'm just tire of being alone and have no one to love me. I just want a girl that comfort me.
not to mention pirates that eat fruits gain deadly powers
i got grand theft auto V and im playing it right now.
I prefer black/white 2 music become it always get me fire up, but x/y music feel like a kid made it. I like the mega evolution music though.
that would make some sense since this is a region. also the fossils evolution look sick.
my sister broke my laptop she broke the keyboard and mess with my files so I had to get a new laptop. anyway welcome back I hope you can stay here longer than before.
why wobbuffet; he's a punching bag there is no need to give him a mega evolution.
togekiss jynx typhlosion jirachi swampert
I'm going to gamestop and buy a playstation card code so I can get one piece pirate warrior 2.
Welcome to the site make sure you make a lot of friends or it's duck season everyday(lol).
i watched it and i have to say korra is the biggest ******* in the show so far. i also think that those twins are pretty weird(probably a plot twist;))
Username: master08996 Team Name: Superstars Name: Miguel Gender: Male Species: Gible Type: Dragon/Ground Nature: Relaxed Accessories: Red Handkerchief Personality: He's always calm and friendly Appearance: A shiny gible with red eyes
why does the mega mewtwo have two different types of form that doesn't make any sense. mega garchomp looks cool but i'll still keep gabite from evolving. I like the fossils; they look pretty cool. and the evolution for the three starters look weird.