they made a new series of Xalion Showdown; it's call Xalion Conquest. the bad thing is the show only comes on at Disney XD instead of Cartoon Network.
here's another hint, the elite champion will have a pokemon that can do a mega evolution. and when you beat the pokemon league you will have to fight someone else at the end.
friend code: 1289-8395-3330 but it might not matter because i getting a new 3ds soon.
can someone post their friend code for or there's a thread for that.
i don't want to spoiler much but you need a dragon type or a fairy type on one of the elites. the rest, you'll need a fire type, a water type, and grass(or thunder) type
i have now beaten pokemon y and become the new elite champ. now this proves that i have no life.
I caught a legendary pokemon, Yveltal, in one try.
Hawlucha lv.19 Eevee lv.21 Gabite lv.27 Blastoise lv.36 Chesnaught lv.36 Blaziken lv.42 just beat the 4th gym leader and going to the power plant
dude....... you are my role model.
welcome to this site. hope you have a great time in here. if you have any questions you can message me if you want.
welcome to your new home. make sure you make lots of friends, follow the rules, and have fun.
here's a pic of mega gyarados Spoiler
hello there friend. make sure you follow the rules and make many friends on this magical journey call "the internet". if you have any questions you can message me if you want to. other than that have fun!:)
it looks it his tongue is the scarf around his neck. ewwwwwwwwww Update video of chespin final evolution Spoiler chesnaught is a grass/fighting type. I hope he does great damage. and also greninja is a water/dark type (for people who don't know that)
now what's the point of making a different mega form for charizard. are they going to make all of the starters have different mega forms too.
is there a customization for all facial hairs? i would like to give my guy a mustache.
welcome to the greatest site in the world. make sure you make lots of friends and follow the rules (I said it; now give me my money you promise me.)
well at least he hasn't make a LP on youtube.