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  1. Darkandroid
    ^ Agreed.

    Gamers are not going to leave the old stereotypes if we keep on acting like this every time something happens we don't agree with. We abuse a woman because she dares say that there may be some sexism in the industry. We mega ***** about the ending of a game to the point we demand the developers to change the game. Then you have stuff like this which is making our hole even deeper.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Darkandroid
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 22, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Darkandroid
    Nope I highly doubt there they will. There wouldn't have been a reboot if Capcom thought there was a future with the old Dante.

    I see that second point as rather selfish. Why deny people enjoyment over something because you weren't personally happy with. I hate Twilight but I don't want to see it die because it has "ruined" vampires. I just ignored it and let the people who like it, like it.


    I hate to break it to you people but the old DMC series had it's fair share of **** stains. Remember DMC2, the game that almost killed the franchise. Then you have the DMC4 which had some stupid design choices and was overall underwhelming. The only good ones were 1 and 3. 50% good track record, not exactly good.

    I saw this posted on Tumblr earlier today, I may not agree 100% with it, but you get the point.

    Devil May Cry: Dante, a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against demons, bad platforming, and artifacts of the Resident Evil franchise.

    Remembered fondly by: Teenagers in the year 2001.

    - Devil May Cry 2: Dante, a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against harmless demons, bad platforming, and design choices so bad they almost killed the franchise.

    Remembered fondly by: Nobody.

    - Devil May Cry 3: Dante, a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against demons, his brother, and a script that swears Dante’s lame and desperate attempts to look badass were intentional all along.

    Remembered fondly by: People who played Devil May Cry 2.

    - Devil May Cry 4: Dante, a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against demons… sometimes.

    Remembered fondly by: People who never played Bayonetta.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 22, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Darkandroid
    I'm surprised that is going up since THQ only had the rights to publishing it, and don't own the IP. Kinda odd that it was allowed. But creditors want as much as a can from it all.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 22, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Darkandroid
    You find that people are on different levels when they start a course. So the first year of Uni is getting everyone to the same basic level. The first year is a cake walk (though not always). For a lot of the classes I was taking, I was retreading stuff I learnt in A levels.

    If anything it's the time to really unwind and enjoy Uni life and settle in. The second and third year can kick your arse if you don't set yourself a schedule.

    Also, the fact to aren't forced to do the research and work outside of lessons is a factor. They advise you rather than force you. You won't get bollocked for not turning up to class, nor will they question it. The lecturer knows at the end of the day those that don't turn up or put any effort in themselves won't pass.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 22, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Darkandroid

    This 100%.

    People need to get it into their heads that there isn't going to be another DMC like the originals. If DmC didn't exist then there wouldn't be any more in the franchise. It was reboot or bust. Not having DmC isn't magically going to mean one like the old ones is going to appear or be developed.

    If DmC fails, then the franchise is dead. You are not going to see a a revert back to the old DMC.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 22, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Darkandroid
    You'd be surprised how much that helps.

    I've recently quit smoking and it is definitely easier stopping/quitting when the people around you aren't using/doing it. Sometimes just simply seeing or smelling it on them can cause you to want one.

    So in this situation, the boyfriend is going to smell of weed quite often, so psychedelic is going to smell it on him and is going to want to do some.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Darkandroid
    I don't know what to make of this....
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkandroid
    Agreed, the flow of the combat was great. The ease of switching between all the weapons mid-combo was a plus.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Darkandroid
    My god that song is dreadful.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Darkandroid
    I was making a joke (this is the spam zone after all). But if I was to put a meaning behind me posting that video. It would be that the original games also had their own flaws. Oh the DMC series has many many flaws. It hasn't exactly had the best track record.

    But from the difficulty aspect I can see why people are upset about it. There are people who play the games because of it's difficulty. So having DmC being so much easier is going to be a disappointment to those people. Also the easily telegraphed boss battles don't help.

    However, I personally loved the game. I've been a fan of the DMC series for years and I may actually prefer this newer game. Except for the combat (though the combat in DmC is good) everything about DmC is better than the previous games. It's just an overall better experience in my opinion.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Darkandroid

    What a masterpiece.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Darkandroid
    Profile Post Comment

    I'm good thanks. You?

    I'm good thanks. You?
    Profile Post Comment by Darkandroid, Jan 4, 2013
  14. Darkandroid
    I heard a good point which may happen. The fact they own the patent doesn't mean they will do anything about it. Many companies own patents that they have done nothing with. Many simply get them so that competitors can't make use of it.

    You may find Sony got the patent so that Nintendo and Microsoft can't develop and sell something with that capability.

    Also the fact they've only just got the patent means they are in the early stages of development, so this technology is a few years off. The PS4 will be out before that.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 4, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Darkandroid
    Profile Post Comment

    erhmahgerd cherrahiee berrahieee

    erhmahgerd cherrahiee berrahieee
    Profile Post Comment by Darkandroid, Jan 4, 2013
  16. Darkandroid
    There we go, should be fixed now.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Darkandroid
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Darkandroid

    Lighthouse - Mallory Knox
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  19. Darkandroid
    Ate a drainpipe full of bees.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Darkandroid
    You've been good on the podcast. Keep it up.
    Post by: Darkandroid, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects