I picked Dynasty Warriors Gundam. I feel like a bad person but that series is a guilty pleasure of mine.
I had fun on the Podcast, thanks for having me on. Though I apologise that I talked over a few of you, my bad.[DOUBLEPOST=1403045834][/DOUBLEPOST] It's worrying when you see games like Remember Me being rejected by a few publishers because there was a woman lead or removing Elizabeth from the Bioshock Infinite box art because it "doesn't market as well". This industry is still so young and things are slowly changing for the better, but like Misty mentioned on the Podcast it doesn't mean it shouldn't stop, people need to continue pushing the issue (though I would argue people need to pick their fights better) and start getting proactive both from a consumer and developer point of view.
The Souls series. I really want to get into them but I really don't have the patience to really dig into them. As I get older I really don't have the time for a slowburn like that (though ironically I love JRPGs) I may try Dark Soul again, but I don't know. DOTA/LoL - I just don't get them. Tried League and just couldn't get into it, much like the souls series I really don't have the patience or time for matches that last 45 minutes. It's just one of those things which aren't for me.
She's probably been messing with the SEO of the site in order to get that ad.
I personally think this whole AC unity controversy is ridiculous, but that original Ubi comment was pretty dumb (just another reason why anyone at these shows needs media training). Ubisoft really needs to be clearer when it comes to this sort of stuff. They had that issue with Farcry 4 where they had boxart which could have been taken the wrong way and gave us no context (at the time) and now they show off the 4 player co-op and not make it clear that they are technically 4 versions of the same character. That could have avoided this whole situation, they should have lead with who the main character is and how it's his story and not an avatar. All the misinformation and lack of focus just means that people start to form their own stories and opinions that may or may not be true. But people really need to pick their battles better, if anything the Assassins Creed series has one of the most diverse set of main characters in gaming, we have an Arab, Italian, British/Native American, French/African woman, Welsh man. How many games have that sort variety? Not many, yet people ***** and moan because one game in the series didn't let you play as a female and call it sexist? If this sort of thing keeps going sexism in gaming is going to become a joke, and honestly I don't want that to happen. It's starting to become a boy who cried wolf situation where once a really bad issue comes up no-one is going to take it seriously because people just expect the "social justice warriors" to moan and people will just laugh it off.
Easily my favourite YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/bunnyhopshow It's more on the journalism side but his stuff is great and is Critical Close-ups are just amazing.
Wait what! http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2014/06/10/final-fantasy-type-0-hd-coming-ps-vita/ Why wasn't this in the conference. TYPE-0 HD COMING TO VITA! Talk about timing since the fan patch was released this week. Maybe this is why it's a soft reveal to work with all the Type-0 hype right now. Edit: Apparently it's also coming to PS4 and Xbox One - http://www.siliconera.com/2014/06/10/final-fantasy-type-0-coming-west-xbox-one-playstation-4/ Regardless, it's coming to the west.
Yeah Yeah Great Yeah - Swim Good
So this happened on the Giant Bomb stream.
So, that was the strongest Microsoft conference for years. They couldn't have fit much more in, it was pretty tight. Still undecided about the Xbox One but it's the right direction.
I'm ashamed to say I'm a few podcasts behind. Today is my day to catch up.
All I see is Patrick Stewart in a bad wig. Still though I really enjoyed Far Cry 3, so if 4 is about the same it should be good.
I almost spilt my drink after seeing that response.
Chariot - PaperPlane
I really don't think Spider-man 3 is as bad as people make it. It isn't good, but far from the worst. I think this video does a good job at explaining why. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/9143-You-Are-Wrong-About-Spider-Man-3
After Rock Band Blitz and Harmonix's general high level of quality this game should be good. I would help support the game, but after spending tons on a PC I should probably start to be a bit more frugal.
So have I. Always used to feel like such a dumb ass and hope no-one saw me.