WOAH, KIRYU! I haven't seen you since we disposed of that corpse! ...I mean... erm... *runs*
Gah! I keep telling myself to come here more often... D: I've gotten into making sigs again and quickly threw together these - are they any good? And finally, my most recent one - and imo, my best -
Woah ****, I believe I have misplaced my lime.
Happy new year... 11 days late. :P
Sorry! D: I've been playing a TON of starcraft recently, leaving me with no time to use any forum, really. But now I'm taking breaks more often, mainly to come here! :D
When suddenly... A GIANT SEVEN EATS A TREE.
TOUHOU?! OH ****. *hides under giant umbrealla*
with the power to cause earthquakes! with metal!
HOORAY! Umm... I never knew God was a dugtrio... Well, that explains a lot.
Alright! Good thing you asked for the blue, all the purple are extinct... OH CRAP! A PIKACHU JUST JUMPED THROUGH MY WINDOW AND IS SCARY
I feel like crawling into a shoe box and saying "Hi! :D" to the fairy that lives inside of it.
Ugh, hey guys... Sorry for not being active at all recently D: We've really gotta revive this family... I miss how things used to be. So... how has everyone been lately?
A witch did it.
Sounds like a plan, Osel B!
Make that three.
:/ If anything... summer should mean there are more people online... We only have 4 people that regularly post. :|
Yeah, if this family were a person it would be on life support.
... my god Kiryu, you need to stay out of my basement in my dreams D: