TIME FOR FIGURES (This is like mike 6th Saber) Probably not gonna order ALL of these as that would come up to over $300.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btB8tb8fLYM&feature=player_embedded This'll either be REALLY charming or REALLY cheesy like Big Bang Theory.
Da-dada-dadada-dadada-da-dada-dadada-dadada-da-dada-dadada-dadada-DA-DA-DA-DA Spoiler JIBUN WO
1.Go to PSN store 2.download Max Anarchy demo 3.NO HOPES AND NO DREAMS Seriously, this game is fun as ****. And don't worry, it has en English option that switches the entire game into English both text and voices.
Microsoft: F - Games nobody cares about - Generic brown and bloom first person shootan - Tomb Raider filled with Press X to not die - Tomb Raider looks like Uncharted - Nothing new, everything was a game that we've previously seen except for.... - ANOTHER GEARS OF WAR GAME!? - Kinect + Copying the WiiU EA: D- - SHOOTAN GAEM AND SPORTS GAEMS AND SHOOTAN GAEMS AND SPORTS GAEMS AND SHOOTAN GAEMS - Pushing Origin - Facebook game - Dead Space 3 is co-op - Battlefield 3 Premium is $49.99 + Atleast they showed games Ubisoft: B + Farcry looked surprisingly good - Lack of gameplay for ZombieU makes it look like Dead Island + Assassins Creed 3 doesn't look special but it's something + RAYMAN LEGENDS! - Splinter Cell is deader then dirt - Aisha Tyler isn't that cool when she's not voicing her character in Archer + WATCH DOGS: ****ING WITH PEOPLE: THE GAME!. New IP Sony: D+ - MOVIES - BOOKS - DAMAGE CONTROL + Free PSN + - The same angry Kratos that we've seen fight monsters for the last 7 years + The Last of us looked pretty cool - Playstation Mobile aka feature that nobody will use Nintendo: A + ALL DOSE GAMES + PIKMIN 3 + Luigi's Mansion - Another Mario games that looks exactly like the last one and will once again take 2 days to beat + CHASE MCCAIN ++++++HIS BODY WAS READY - Ports ports and more ports Once again, it's up to Nintendo to save E3
Let's get away from the scary body horror that is Junji for a bit and sink into sappy romance.
But Final Fantasy XV WILL
****ing depth perception
Does the moon look a little red to anyone right now?
How are you prepping for E3 2012? Have you built your fort yet? Have you supplied the snacks? Are you ready for Kingdom Hearts 3 and The World Ends with you 2 to be announced? Spoiler lol
And I have to say this game is actually Spoiler fun I mean the story is still completely asenine but I appreciate the fact that it doesn't really take itself as seriously as I thought it did back in the day. I still think the game would have been MUCH better if it was just Final Fantasy XI and had different characters. Also the Gunslinger and Songstress class need to make a return
So I think it's time we stared our game Hopeuflly I can surpass my score of 42 last year. ****ing moths man.
What could go wrong Full size
Jesus Christ This **** is some WASTED potential. I know that they were trying to go for the whole interactive anime kind of thing here but because of how linear the whole thing is(unlike Heavy Rain which was still pretty bad) it really just feels like "press x to win" Like, EVERYTHING about this game is awesome. EXCEPT the gameplay.
http://kotaku.com/5900685/final_fantasy_tactics_a3_announced_for_fall_3DS I SO ****ING PUMPED RIGHT NOW! GODDAMN! THANK YOU BASED SQUARE ENIX Is what I would say if this link were real.
You know the one The one that was so absolutely intense that it left you sweating That moment where it's almost as if you and the boss are both predicting eachother's movements That one instant where you turn the impossible possible and somehow manage tow in. What was that boss fight /khv/? Spoiler Favourite Boss fights thread
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100917195644/animu-mango/images/1/12/1284751708378.jpg Which ones have you watched? I can safety say that I've seen all 63 of them but I know you guys have a much lower power level then I. This is also a good chart for those looking for something to watch.
Title says it all. Lines that you've heard so much that you will remember it for the rest of your life either good or bad. "Come on Spoiler KICK TO THE BEAT!"
Or using any of the character's names.... The main character sends Satan back to hell and is proceeded to be chased by a crazy axe wielding woman....