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You know what time it is? TIME FOR BASIC ALGEBRA X^2 + 7x + 10 ____________ X^2 + 8x + 15 SIMPLIFY YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SOLVE THIS!
Just look at her, finally I have something to contemplate my Touko and other Ryougi figure, this **** will be glori- I AM SAD, AND ANGRY, AND ALL SORTS OF EMOTIONS OTHER THEN HAPPY RIGHT NOW!
And on the back of it in some asinine form of writing I can make out "Tell Jacob about dagger" Now on one hand 11 year old me could be talking about a dagger in some other game or movie or whatever and I just happened to have had the receipt as my nearest piece of paper to remind me. But I completely forget who Jacob was Let alone whether I was talking a dagger weapon or Dagger from Final Fantasy IX In which case I might be a time traveler as 11 year old me should have no clue who Dagger is WHAT DOES ALL THIS **** MEAN!?
Just thought I'd let ya know.
What ****ing bullshit.
Now I could do the usual "quote all the flaws in this episode thing" but I'll get straight to the point WHY DID ASAMI AND BOLIN EXIST IN THIS SHOW!? WHAT DO WE EVEN KNOW ABOUT THOSE TWO!?
You're making your big presentation in front of class that you've been working for days. Suddenly your latent superpower unleashes and goes out of control http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Random How does the classroom and all those in it fair?
Some people on this site don't even ****ing REMEMBER Sealab.
I can't deal with this heat. I'm gonna be a puddle of Muk by the time this Summer ends, crowded subway, crowded trains, smelly people, AC does NOTHING! People leaving the window open at work. Hurry up and be Winter already
Taking a break from Junji for a bit
Why don't you have a waifu yet?
Thank you Suda.
Welp, I'll be dumping the whole damn thing, so read if you're interested. Starting with the first one of course. And yes this is Junji Ito.
See all that ****? Clean it up right now you filthy pig.
Especially considering her hair is at short length during Persona 4 Arena. Also lolmorerobots.
http://yaraon.blog109.fc2.com/blog-entry-10069.html It's in Moonspeak but it basically says
http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/30615 https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/statuses/210553611237863424