Ask the Monolith a question Check your post number (just quote your post and look at the number right next to POST) The last number in your post is your answer For example if I ask "Monolith, will I kill myself tonight?" My answer is MAYBE as my post number ends in 3 The poll say it all kids. Choose your winner and let's see just what kh-vids can muster. I am only using the Final Mix versions since they are the most updated. If you haven't played them then just go with the regular version. I will stop counting votes when feel like it ROUND 2 KIDDIES IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN
It's good It's really good Go see it. Or pirate it Wever
This had got to be the most boring, lamest and generic question I have ever made a thread about. But for some reason I felt the need to ask it anyway, if only to get mad at everyone's **** taste Only mainline ones because otherwise everyone would (rightfully)say Tactics. BUT JUBE WHAT ABOUT XIV!? I FORGOT ALRIGHT!?
What better time to spend 300 dollars on toys then now? No kids Jube isn't COMPLETELY broke.
I accidently'd the whole bottle of lotion. What do I do?
Alright fellas What's on the agenda for today? Also it's casual Friday so come in something goofy if ya want. Just don't do anything ******ed like last Friday.
Come get your super cool power and **** Only one roll, don't be a fagola and pick something. But that's not all. Whatever number you post ends with determines your level 1-2 is Level 0. You have no talent and can't even use the power that you've obtained 3-4 is Level 1. You can use your power but only to such a minor extent that you might as well be a Level 0 5-6 is Level 2. Hooray, you can actually use your power for self defense against regular people. You'll probably still get your ass kicked by 3-5's but atleast you can do SOMETHING with it 7-8 is Level 3: You are now a threat to other people with powers. You can use your powers pretty damn well 9: is Level 4: You can use your power to a great extent and probably take on a few armies with it 0: Is Level 5: You can use your power to it's maximum potential. A god among men basically. And of course, to check your post number, just click "reply" on your post and look at the bigass number next to your name Also you must fight the poster above you. Have fun
I just realized Pretty much ever problem in the Kingdom Hearts universe stems from Terra being a complete ****ing MENTAL DEFICIENT. Seriously what is WRONG with this guy? How the hell do you actively end up HELPING Maleficent? Could you imagine this ***** talking to you And then you going "Yep, completely legit person" I mean Ventus was a little dumb too but atleast he had the benefit of being a curious guy who wanted to see the worlds. Terra is just unreasonably stupid throughout the whole game. I swear Aqua is the only protagonist who doesn't end up being tricked or making some ******ed decision. Of course the fun of it lies in trying out and recognizing a few songs. See what you can recognize(UNLESS YOU ARE A PLEB) Nintendo Wii game. Easy stuff Popular Sony franchise Another easy one, you don't have to do it in all caps. Do it slowly 2009 Manga and 2012 Anime Nintendo 64 game and also appears in it's sequels This one's a bit harder as you have to play it a bit faster 1995 Mecha anime Green Theme to a popular Nintendo game Theme of a character from a Final Fantasy game First Gamecube game ever You shouldn't need a hint for this one Once again you shouldn't need a hint for this one What are you even DOING here? a SNES/PSX game Gary Jules song Something of fire(N64 game) Song from a 2007 mecha anime Another obvious one Song from a Disney movie USA And that's all until I find/make some more Check out number 1 Seriously What the H mayng.
now comes with Cloud saves_______ Spoiler The entire purpose of this thread was to make the Cloud Saves pun
Remember how you totally play it now because they still make games for it? Of course you don't You're too busy playing your non ported Vita games Ha Just kidding No you're not That's like if I told you about all the AMD drivers I installed the other day. The point is. Go pick up that lame ass handheld Hack it(lol, why haven't you done this already?) And play this boobs butt game Dangan mother****ing Ronpa You like Phoenix Wright? You like all that courtroom drama ****? Well that's in this game mother****er. There's so much courtroom drama, you won't even know what's going on, you'll be like "****! I WISH I TOOK JUBE'S WARNING WHEN HE SAID THIS COURTROOM DRAMA **** WOULD BE INSANITY!" You like Investigating? Ever play Myst? You like that point and click ****? Well good news mother****er, that's all in this game to. Huh? What's the game about? Well stick butt allow me to blow your mind(blow) So here's Generic Japanese kid, and he get's invited to some super elite school or some ****, along with a bunch of other people. Sounds pretty cool right? hahaha WRONG Some ******* knocks you out and you wake up in a classroom(cause you're in a school, doofus) All of a sudden, you're surrounded by 14 other students and you have no idea what the **** is going on. But it's all good Because a ****ing TEDDY BEAR is ready to explain **** to you. You know what's going on? You know what's REALLY going on? Well I'll tell ya(actually the bear tells you in the game, not me. I'm not in the game) Basically you and your 14 peeps are trapped in this academy. You want out? Simple, you gotta create the PERFECT MURDER That means ya gotta OFF SOMEONE and you gotta GET AWAY WITH IT. How do you get away with it? Well after some poor bloke dies, a class trial is held shortly after. If the lot of you find the culprit guilty? The ******* dies and it's all good. BUT IF YOU FIND THE WRONG PERSON GUILTY! WELL GUESS WHAT!? THE ******* LIVES! AND THE REST OF YOU DIE AND THE ******* GETS TO LEAVE THE ACADEMY AND IT'S ALL GOOD! EVER PLAY WINK MURDER!? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT IT IS EXCEPT INSTEAD OF WINKING YOU'RE KILLING PEOPLE IT'S A CHICKEN BREATS GAME!(that means it's good) AND YOU SHOULD PLAY IT LIKE NOW What's that? You don't HAVE a PSP? What are you? LAME!? Well fortunately for you a bunch of NEEEEEERDS have gotten the PPSSPP to work pretty damn well And I've tried it, it'll run even on your mothers 3560 year old laptop(no seriously, it's pretty well optimized. I highly doubt you won't be able to run games on it) So go download that so you can go play this **** (It should be noted though that there a few problems with emulating Dangan Ronpa on the PPSSPP. These problems will hopefully be fixed) AND I'LL PUT THIS IN BIG BOLD LETTERS FOR THE **** OF IT! BUT I GENERALLY DO NOT ADVISE THAT YOU LOOK UP ANYTHING CONCERNING THE GAME "DANGAN RONPA". BECAUSE I GUARANTEE SOMEHOW YOU ARE INDEED GOING TO GET SPOILED! AND IN A MYSTERY GAME THAT'S KIND OF A BAD THING! JUST BUY/DOWNLOAD IT! AND TRY IT OUT WHAT'S THAT!? TOO MUCH WORDS FOR YA!? WELL HERE'S THE GIST OF IT IN BIGASS RED LETTERS FOR YA DANGAN RONPA IS A GOOD GAME GO PLAY IT Alternatively you can watch the anime that will be coming out in a few days but THAT'S NOT PLAYING THE GAME! And of course the translation patch for those interested. I didn't ACTUALLY expect you to read moon EMULATING PPSSPP is a pretty well optimized emulator that can run at 60FPS on even the shittiest of laptops. Download the LATEST BUILD here Or alternatively you can download this hacked version This fixes most if not all the problems with Dangan Ronpa I CAN'T CLICK ON ANYTHING tTry opening up the ppspp.ini file(you should have this if you downloaded the latest build) and look for FramebuffersToMem Change it from False to True NOW I JUST GET BLACK SCREEN I am afraid this is a graphics card issue for anything that isn't Nvidia or AMD. In this case you will have to use JPCSP. THE TEXT IS ALL WEIRD There are 2 solutions to this problem from what I've encountered. 1. Press F2 to do a quick save state. This usually fixes the problem 2. Options->Texture Scaling->(choose whatever option you already have picked, or another if you want to change it anyway). Thanks to Janime for adressing the problem USING JPCSP On JPCSP use Vertex Cache and Software Rendering and handle SAVEDATA in Crypto Mode. THE GAME FREEZES DURING A CERTAIN PART IN CHAPTER 6 In a certain room during Chapter 6 of the game, the game may freeze. In order to fix this, simply go into the ppsspp.ini file(or it's just called ppsspp) and change HardwareTransform = True to HardwareTransform = False
The hero and his party have made it past your 4 generals and are standing in front of you right now. What is your pre battle quote?
Red, Green and Azule Red: The elixir of flesh. With this you will be able to completely alter your physical form and that of others. Your organs are redundant as your life force is what holds you together, Biology is your plaything. With time you will be able to manipulate the very genetic code of living beings and even be able to mix and match different aspects from different creatures. A human with a crabs shell? A dog with a scorpions tale? A cat with a reptile regeneration? The sky's the limit Blue: The elixir of mana. This will free your soul and allow you to manipulate the strange substance known as "Ether". At first only raw blasts and shields will be possible, but with time you will be able to shape the Ether into anything you wish. Portals, constructs, even use it to heal, sky's the limit. You may even one day be able to escape the physical realm and become a being of pure Ether. Green: The elixir of the mind. With this you will be able to hear the minds of others and force your thoughts upon them. With skill and practice you will be able to change the inner working of someone's mind including but not limited to altering personalities or creating multiple. One day you may find that you can even transfer your consciousness into another or simply duplicate it. MIXING POTIONS IS BAD SO DON'T DO IT Additionally you can teach these arts to others, however they all have the potential to become as great if not greater then you. After drinking one potion you are free to do with the other potions as you wish. Just don't drink em. OH! AND THE MIND CAN ONLY LEARN ONE ART! THE OTHERS CONFLICT WITH EACHOTHER ON A DIVINE LEVEL. NOT A MADE UP RULE! I SWEAR
What's crackalackin in the stackins? Final Fantasy XV/Versus wasn't a myth Kingdom Hearts 3 won't be out for another 10 years The Last Guardian is dead Adachi is the killer What else is new in the hood? Spoiler Yes it's Jube
Versus XIII was announced 7 years ago
Never Forget