-acts big and tough-
Its my sister. My sister is sarcastic, mean and is horrid to me. She always tells me off for doing nothing, keeps on saying i'll get no where in life and never says anything nice to me. Shes 14 and I knew it would happen but I just can't take it. When we walk to school, she speeds ahead and then tells me off for not keeping up. But if I walk fast, she'll tell me off for walking to fast. At school, she'll be sarcastic and mean, critsing what i'm eating at lunch and not caring if I get bullied. At home, she'll hog the computer and not let me on, even for homework. So sometimes I have to say after school or do my homework at lunchtimes. Its driving me crazy and I just want to cry but if I do, she'll tell me off for being a crybaby since I already am one. I'm more like my Dad and I would talk to him but he lives far away and phoning him would be a no go. (sis hogs phone too) My mum goes to work for ages and then comes home tired and grouchy often. I can't talk to her either. I just want my sister to be nicer to me and treat me like a little sister. I'm SO angry about it yet I want to cry too.... I really need help.... <rant over>
When you be mean to someone, remember that you ARE an Evil Herbivore!
So I made a random story out of bordem. Tell me if you want me to carry on with this... ----------------- Sitting in my seat at the back of the class, I stared out the window, bored out of my mind. Sensei was dully droning on and on about the maths and how it effected everything in life. Normally, we would have our fun, bouncy teacher Tama-Sensei but he had called in sick today, leaving us with one of the oldest, most BORING teachers in school (maybe in the world) - Ourn-Sensei. Everyone made jokes of him saying he liked to ramble Ourn and Ourn about nothing, even the teachers. To make this day feel even worse, dark threatening clouds had gathered over our school, bursting with rain just waiting to be let out a break. How brilliant is that? And how I was just waiting to get outside and breathe in that fresh air. That’s another downside about Ourn. He NEVER opened the windows - even in the summer, so all his classes were stuffy and hot. Why am I even here? I wondered as I wrote down a few notes on Sensei’s lecture. Looking over to the front of the class sat Lucas, my best friend, writing like there’s no tomorrow. We had been best friends since infants and he still bested me at studies. Why? We liked school and studied a lot, spending some nights in his room, reading a book. He didn’t look geeky at all though, which everyone expected him to. Short brown hair, deep green eyes and a slim but strong body. The only thing that showed him as geek was his glasses that took up most of his face but most girls thought that made him cuter. Staring out the window again, I watched as the first rain drops hit the window and then trickled down it. Maybe I’ll be water when I die and come back to life. So I can travel the world by skies, swim the deepest waters and see hidden valleys. Or I’ll just hang around Ourn-sensei and rain on his head since he’s already a miserable old fart. Chuckling, I felt a book hit the top of my head. Looking up, Ourn was lingering over me, happy to be able to tell off someone. “I’m sure you can answer that question, Miss Nanashi.†He smiled evilly at me, like a lion after the kill. I was in a corner. What was the question? I’ll get a massive detention for this! Looking at Lucas, he was holding up a piece of paper, pointing at it. Thank god for Lucas. “Um, 42?†I replied, reading the answer on Lucas’ paper. Ourn raised an eyebrow, wondering how I got the answer right. “Yes Miss Nanashi. 42 is the correct answer.†He walked back to the front of the class, upset for not giving out a detention. The bell rang, signalling lunch time for everyone. Smiling everyone got up heading to other classes, their friends or other things. Just as I expected, the rain clouds let it rip and poured it down. “Rhixan, what am I to do with you?†That was Lucas, heading over to me with his bento. Pulling out the chair in front of me, he put his bento down and rested his elbows on my desk. “You just keep on spacing out! You’re VERY lucky I was listening and gave you the answer.†I rolled my eyes at him, showing that I didn’t care. “Thank you anyway, Lucas. I was just day dreaming of becoming a rain cloud and raining on Ourn’s head.†Lucas laughed and opened up his bento. Snapping his chopsticks apart, he attacked his rice, wolfing it down. “Hey! Slow down or you’ll choke on it!†I shouted at him. Lucas looked up from his meal with innocent eyes. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and smirked at me. “You honestly can’t tell off a growing boy for being hungry.†I frowned at him, showing that I wasn’t amused. “Lucas. You’re 15. 3 days older then me. You’re not a growing boy anymore!†Lucas shrugged. “Oh well. Anyways, how come you’ve been so dozy lately?†I looked down at my hands, resting on my legs. Balling them up, I sighed. “I don’t know...†Lucas gave me a questioning look. “You’re not day dreaming about a guy are you?†I looked up at him and shook my head with a surprised look on my face. “What? NO! I don’t fancy anyone! You should know that. Its just.... I’ve been getting a feeling that I’m not supposed to be here. I should be somewhere else, doing something else.†Lucas frowned, chopsticks half in his mouth. “That’s odd. I get that feeling every so often but I ignore it. May it’s just some faze that evryone gets.†I sighed, looking out the window. Lucas didn’t understand. I really didn’t feel like I should be here. But he did have a point, it probably was just some faze.
And I think its good but I want other people to comment so I can work on things and get better. I used alot of clips and there were afew repeated clips along the way. (don't point that out. I know) Link to Video
:3 How did I know his was gonna be created?!
I'll be gone for a week starting tomorrow. I'm going to my Grandma's house and she has no computer. It'll waste my battery using my phone and it sucks on that so bye-bye everyone! I'll still be on MSN though (thank god....)
Yeah, my random twin (not blood related) is going on holiday. Shes going for 2 weeks and that sucks because i'll be all ALONE!!!! .:~:. So, bye-bye Xyam and happy holidays!!!
WOOP! FIRST POST!!!! :lolface:
Yay first post!!!!!!!
Who will win? Axel or Roxas? (Video here) VOTE NOW!!!
I'm very fond of riddles~ I thought I should post some I made to see if anyone can crack them. I'll PM you if you got it right! Dragon Eggs If a Dragon can lay a egg in 12 years then how long will it take for 100 Dragons to lay 100 eggs? Follow I follow you wherever you go. But the more of me you take, the more you leave behind. Dark When its Dark, I hide away. In the sun, I like to play. Wind can't take me from the ground, I copy shapes of any found. A chest A chest without a box or lid. But inside a golden treasure is hid. Under a secret lock and key, What am I? What could I be? Control I control you, you control me. But sometimes thats hard. I can spill out without you wanting, But I shall never go away. Sums 2 + 2 = ?
Two words. Halo. pwns. Woop! First post!
When I'm bored, I make up random songs and poems. I'm not to bothered if you don't like them. I wrote them for fun. Spring Time. Inspired by The song Sora Spring time, I love you so. Please never, You leave me. Spring time, I'll wait for you. Until the very, end. Under the snow, And the leaves. You'll come again. Reach out, And grab my hand. Please never, You leave me. Spring time, I'll wait for you. Until the very, end. Under the snow, And the leaves. You'll come again.
What do you think of this? What do you think this little thing can do?
I got interested ever since I found out my opposite name. Just copy out this and fill it in. Gender: First name(s): This is mine - Gender: Boy First names: Daniel-Edward
This thread is, well, about Harvest Moon. You start of your own life in Spring Valley and some people have to go to work in Summer Town. You can take any route you want in this life from getting TONS of money to getting a spouse and kids. There are many people you can be and some special people too. You can be a nobody or a heartless too. List of People The special ones *lighter colour* in BOLD have been taken and cannot be used again. Girl Farmer Bar assistant Archeologist Traveller Nurse Nobody Heartless Daughter of the manor Mermaid - xXRhian+RoxasXx Cave princess Goddess Witch Boy Farmer Bar assistant Archeologist Traveller Doctor Nobody Heartless Son of the manor Merman Cave prince God - keybladewarrioroflegend Wizard RULES! 1) NO godmodding 2) Stay on your path of life. You can take one then change to another but something HAS to happen in the thread that makes your chara do that. 3) Keep it PG13. Anything over hugging and kissing then take it to PM. 4) Ask the person if your chara can have a romance thier chara over OOC, VM or PM. 5) NO killing. Death of old age ONLY. 6) If you do have kids then just say *girl* 'After a long and exhausting time, I finally gave birth to our baby' or *boy* 'After a long wait, she finally gave birth to our baby' Some people don't want details of birth. Any more then do it over PM. 7) Up to 2 OOCs 8) HAVE FUN! OOC form: Name: Age: *16-25* Gender: WYA: *What you are - e.g, farmer* Appearance: Bio: Pet: *everyone has a pet. relate it to wya* Mine! Name: Sapphira Age: 16 Gender: Girl WYA: Mermaid Appearance: Mermaid form - Human form - Bio: Shes the princess of the seas and is fasinated by humans. She often goes to Spring Valley beach to watch humans. She carries a horrid secret with her. Pet: A little turtle called Emerald.
Oh lol. *facepalms* U made a group!
Okay. At school i'm an outsider..... Hardly anyone likes me.... And its because I like anime/manga/foriegn music..... They all think that anime is just porn and sex. I always try to prove them wrong but with such a big number of them..... I have no chance against them..... And with manga, if i'm caught reading one then they'll snatch the book off me and tilt it upside-down, saying "How the hell do you read THIS you FREAK?!" Or they'll point and shout "OMG, RHIANNON'S READING A PORN BOOK!!!!!" And with foreign music, people keep on asking "Watcha listening to? Is it that manga?" And then they burst out laughing.... And some people put thier hands on their hips and sing "Caramell~ Caramell~ Caramell and Fudge, OH! Caramell~!" Since I can't take it anymore, I've resorted to having a poker face in school.... I talk quiet and in monotone only when people talk to me..... Quite frankly I can only act like myself to my friends or at home.....
If someone dies they stop calling them by their name. e.g - If Bob dies then its Bob's body, not Bob anymore. I don't get it!