-blinks ALOT- Hello!
-facepalm- Theres one for XYAM now?!
Its my friend. I really like him and I talk to him alot. But hes been down lately... Somehow, hes obessed with the fact that no one likes him and that no one would care if he died. I was talking to him today when he said- I'm really shocked and i'm trying to change his mind. Any help?
:=D: I feel so speshul...
:=D: They made a group!
Story: Okay, today I was meant to be doing ICT. We went to the Mega ICT suite but then got sent down to a Math room. Our teacher asked us to draw a stick man/woman and label it ourself. Then he wrote a question on the board and on the other side of the paper, answer the question. "Why are we Alive?" Is what he put. We started to work in silence and then we picked some people to put thier answer on the board. I put mine up along with others and then we all got into a BIG discussion about this. Why are we alive really? If kids steal something from you, is it really wrong? Its like, everyone has a routine in life so why can't we just all of a sudden go to town and strip butt-naked, running around? Are laws truely right for us? All of these things were tossed around. I put that our bodies are really just shells that soul inhabit to use to change the world slightly. What we do changes something right? Thats why I think we're alive.
I'm booooooored so I made this. I gotta say, the Series of Evil by Len and Rin Kagamine, those songs made me cry. Especially Message of Regret :/
Theres a virus going around. Some hacker has hacked my MSN and sent this weird virus to all my contacts as if I gave it to them. Their contacts will get the virus and so forth. It starts to flicker, freeze and then a little MSN chat box will pop up for a second, sending the virus. So far its gone from me to The Gracefull Assasin.
I'm Vocaloid Len! :D greenbounce
One year, a rebellion against the Capitol happened. People fought and people of all ages died. They were eventually beaten and the leaders punished by death. Ever since then, the Capitol made a game called The Hunger Games to remind them of what happened. Children in each district between 12 and 18 have their names put in, more as they get older. (12=1, 13=2, 14=3, etc, etc) Two names, a boy’s and a girl’s, are drawn from the names and sent forward as that districts’ contestants to fight to the death against each other and 22 others from other districts. 75 years later, this years Hunger Games is a Quarter Game. Every 25 years, the game gets more violent and brutal with more weapons, more traps and more killing. While this happens, people watch everything on TV. They see everything and can send their district’s contestants gifts. But they cost a lot. Too much even, Will you be one of the 24 children to be sent to the games, one who makes the games happen or a helpless person, watching your friends or children die? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, this is my FIFTH thread. The others lost interest and got shut down so I’m REALLY hoping this one will work. Rules - for the area 1) Don’t just go around, killing every opponent in the area. You’re not invincible. You don’t have a special power that makes anything you want blow up, etc, etc. You’re just a normal, child. NO Power Playing or God Modding. I’ll give you a warning and you’ll have to tone down your killing rage or I’ll do it for you. 2) Weapons shall be laid down everywhere. Put they will be limited and only weapons I say are there, shall be there. Don’t go around with a gun when I didn’t put any guns in. Its just unfair to the others. If you do, I’ll give you a warning and you’ll have to RP that banned weapon out or I’ll do it for you. 3) Killing. YES! That’s what this whole RP is about. But don’t go into much detail. Some people don’t like blood, guts, etc and will feel odd about it. I’ll do an example- “Ryan threw the knife at Sisi’s head. The knife hit and her head cracked open, brains and blood oozing everywhere. She collapsed to the floor, surrounded in her own blood.” I feel a bit WOAH, there. Instead put - “Ryan threw the knife at Sisi’s head. The knife hit and her head cracked, killing her instantly as she collapsed to the floor” See? Toned down, but slightly better. If anyone has complaints to this rule, tell me and I’ll think about lifting it. Adding onto that, if your chara in the arena is killed, don’t think “That’s it, I’m outta here” I have a secret for all those who die. It’ll be interesting and fun too :D I’ll PM it to you and don’t tell ANYONE what it is. 4) If you wanna kill someone’s chara, ASK THEM FIRST. If its no, then no. Don’t ignore them and try to kill them anyway. People who have been asked this and got ignored even after you said no, PM me and I’ll sort it out. Over all rules 1) No Godmodding or Powerplaying. PLEASE. No one likes it and it just makes the RP less fun. 2) Try to use proper grammar. Don’t put ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ or ‘r’ instead of ‘are’. People won’t understand you at all. Use “” when talking and OOC if you’re speaking as yourself, not your chara. Also put BIC if you’re back in or just make your post in chara Two spaces down like this. 3) If you’re gonna leave, TELL ME! We can kill your charas if you’re in the Arena or someone can take over them if you want. I hate people leaving and we have to RP around your charas. Also, don’t leave if no one is interacting with your charas. I’ll help you along by getting you near to my charas or helping you get close to other charas. Adding on, if you’re gonna be gone for awhile, TELL ME! 4) Swearing is allowed. Just don’t use it too often really. Romance and Violence is encouraged too. I’m allowing it to happen out and in the arena too. 5) I have the right to not let you into the thread, kick you out of the thread and make and remove rules as I deem necessary. 6) No spamming/flaming in this thread. I had it in my last thread and I was VERY pissed off. Adding on, whoever does it gets a warning. 7) Read the other person’s post properly. If you don’t understand just ask them in OOC form or RP form. 8) Try to stay in chara and act your age. Joking around - fun - but annoying if all the time. If you wanna cyber too, take it to PM or time skip. I’d advise not to do it in the arena but if you wanna, I’m not too bothered. 9) Please try to stay active! That’s the reason my other ones failed badly.... ;~; 10 Have fun :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OC forms Username: Character name: Age: Gender: Story/Bio (at least three sentences or more): District (Capitol or 1-12): Rich or Poor: Picture or description: Extra: Spaces for Arena: District 1 - Luxury items Boy: Phenox Girl: District 2 - Medicines Boy: Saki Girl: District 3 - Factories, Maunfacturing and Technology Boy: Girl: Izumi Takeyama District 4 - Fishing Boy: Girl: District 5 - Wildlife (Breeding and Selling) Boy: Ninami-Izumi Girl: District 6 - Science Boy: Girl: District 7 - Construction Boy: Girl: District 8 - Weavers/Clothes Boy: Gabreil Girl: Keller District 9 - Hunting Boy: Damien Girl: Hiromi District 10 - Foreign Affairs Boy: Girl: Reji District 11 - Agriculture Boy: Crash Girl: Rio District 12 - Coal mining Boy: Neal Girl: Rhixan Thanks to keybladewarrioroflegend for helping with this! WARNINGS Arnnxyf> |
greenbounce Someone on the "What song are you listening to now?" thread admitted that they loved Xyam>! Linkeee The person who did it better PM me! I WANNA KNOW WHO IT IS! And ofc, i'm under the suspions of that the user is a guy.
13 years old In Secondary school, doing coursework in english. I only learnt the 'I before E' rule today when EVERYONE ELSE had learnt it when they where 5 =P
Its 1:12am in the morning and I am BORED =D And for random reason, I can smell indian food from downstairs.
I caught it :.-.:
But oh well, I'm gonna ask anyways. How do people who get banned by having more then one account get caught? I mean, except for the obvious - "They aren't on at the same time." "They're both from -insert country here-" I'm interested. :lolface: EDIT: And no, its not so I can't get caught if I decide to make more then 1 account.
That when you watch animes, you seem to find a anime character that acts just like you and you didn't even relise? I've only just noticed that I act alot like Konata from Lucky Star without trying. I lazy around, have friends in other classes, play games and watch/read anime/manga alot too. I also happen to have friends like the others too. Tsuaka would be Xyam> here, Kagami would be my sister and Miyuki would be.... well, I haven't thought of an Miyuki yet. What anime/manga charas have you notice act like you?
And I think i'm starting off well. I got the highest score for drawing my shoe. Through this, i think I might do well for the rest of the coursework :D
On a pleasent day in The World That Never Was, Vexen was expirementing. He planned to make a creation that would turn everyone else into kids. The reason? Well, he's a mad scientist. Well, he got the right potion. Then, it happened. While he was going to show Xemnas, he slipped and the potion flew out of his hands. It broke, and the radiation given off from it travled to other worlds. Twilight Town, Radiant Gardens, and Destiny Islands. Some were immune to it, but others that were included in the battle to save the worlds from before were affected. Most of the Organization members were turned into kids. All except Roxas, Vexen, Xemnas, Xibar, and Xaldin. The others that were also affected were Riku, Leon, Yuffie, Areith, Seifer, and Hayner. Now, the 11 older people have chosen to open up a kindergarden for the remaining children. Rules 1. don't make the characters OOC, please. 2. Not everything can happen to your character 3. Little crushes are welcomed! 4. Only KH characters please 5. Don't cuss 6. Don't cyber 7. No killing 8. Little fights can occor, but don't puch or kick, or hit anyone. 9. I can add rules later on 10. Post which character you want to be 11. No godmodding Kids Sora- Kairi- Namine- Hayner- xXRhian+RoxasXx Olette- Bluelazor Rai- Fuu- Vivi- xXRhian+RoxasXx Lexaeus- Zexion- Saix- moshimoshi!!! Axel- AxelRedHot Demyx- DemyxPlaysMySitar Luxord- Marluxia- Larxene- Xion- Cid- Cloud- Maxix Sephiroth- keybladewarrioroflegend Tifa- Yuna- Bluelazor Rikku- Paine- Grown-ups Riku- Plums Vi Britannia Xemnas- AmericanSephiroth Xigbar- Xaldin- Vexen- Roxas- xXRhian+RoxasXx Leon- Yuffie- Aerith- Seifer- AmericanSephiroth Pence- ALL CREDIT GOES TO KAIRI OF HEARTS FOR MAKING THIS THREAD. (she never really started it.... ¬-¬) Sorry guys, ur gonna have to ask for your people again :sweatdrop:
YAY! First post!!!!
This takes place after Kingdom Hearts 2 Thefts and attacks have been happening all over the worlds. Underling heartless and nobodies attack people without orders. Everything is chaos but with one name to know - St Tail. Nobodies, Heartless and Sombodies have joined together to find out who this St Tail is and to stop the attacks. But what they don't know is that St Tail has a Organization that work for her. They can control heartless and nobodies, only recognized by a tattoo on their body. Rules! 0) Put - "Oh hayo!" in your first post. 1) No godmodding (3 strikes, you're out!) 2) No powerplaying (3 strikes, you're out!) 3) I reserve the right to kick you out. If you don't leave, I'll bring a mod into it which I don't wanna do. 4) Keep it PG 13ish 5) Try to stay active. 3 other of my RPs have died by no activity. 6) 3 OOCs max 7) I'm St Tail. End of Story. 8) Read Rule 0 and have fun! OOC forms. Name: Age: Species (heartless, nobody or somebody): Side (St Tail or H/N/S: Personality: Bio: Weapon: Appearance: You can act out any character from Kingdom Hearts, including Final Fantasy people (e.g - Cloud) there too and people from worlds. (e.g - Beast from Beast's castle) Cloud - The Gracefull Assasin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: St Tail (Real name: Meimi) Age: 17 Species (heartless, nobody or somebody): ? (revealed later) Side (St Tail or H/N/S): St Tail Personality: Kind and Caring but can be maniplative and cruel. Bio: ? (revealed later) Weapon: Magik tricks and real magik Appearance: St Tail - Meimi - (without the ears and tail)