Alright, Cin, remember: Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion The Protomen - Act II: The Father of Death Why?...
Please post the original stock.
...oh /khv/, you never cease to disappoint me.
Spoiler It's smallpox
If he dates her, while she's dating another guy. That's evidence that she is unfaithful. And is also the whole point of my post which you clearly missed.
Is this even a serious question? The thing about helping someone cheat, is that when it finally comes to the point where they break up with the other person, who's to say they won't cheat on you? You already have evidence of them being shallow and unfaithful. Is that who you want to date? At least wait or find another girl, don't be stupid.
Calm and implacable, Eyeing disdainfully the world beneath, Sat Humpty-Dumpty on his mural eminence In solemn state: And I relate his story In verse unfettered by the bothering restrictions of rhyme or metre, In verse (or “rhythm,†as I prefer to call it) Which, consequently, is far from difficult to write. He sat. And at his feet The world passed on — the surging crowd Of men and women, passionate, turgid, dense, Keenly alert, lethargic, or obese. (Those two lines scan!) Among the rest He noted Jones; Jones with his Roman nose, His eyebrows — the left one streaked with a dash of gray – And yellow boots. Not that Jones Has anything in particular to do with the story; But a descriptive phrase Like the above shows that the writer is A Master of Realism. Let us proceed. Suddenly from his seat Did Humpty-Dumpty slip. Vainly he clutched The impalpable air. Down and down, Right to the foot of the wall, Right on to the horribly hard pavement that ran beneath it, Humpty-Dumpty, the unfortunate Humpty-Dumpty, Fell. And him, alas! no equine agency, Him no power of regal battalions – Resourceful, eager, strenuous – Could ever restore to the lofty eminence Which once was his. Still he lies on the very identical Spot where he fell — lies, as I said, on the ground, Shamefully and conspicuously abased!
Seriously, what is this bullshit?
But awesome. I guess.
Why yes, yes it does.
V1. or V2.? Spoiler I don't care if this is the wrong section, I'm a bad boy.
It's nearly 2010. Gotta be a game of the Decade, don't you agree?
At least I'm not the only one.
Yeah, the song's pretty much not good at all. But the video, oh my god.
It says Atlas posted, but he did not.
With this music video. Seriously.
I was wondering how long it'd take for someone to say something.
I'm pretty sure a sequel was confirmed recently. Er, second sequel. Or prequel. Or side story. Or something to that affect.
VVell? Am I?
Roxas wanted me to tell you all that he finds this thread amusing.