Thank god someone finally used that pic I rendered. Took you long enough, Misty.
Chemistry can be damn hard man. If you're worried about Algebra II, you wouldn't want to take Chemistry, blowing things up is barely 2% of the class.
I kicked Chemistry in the balls this morning. I think I actually learned as I was taking the test, like there was a lot I didn't understand until this morning, when a sudden understanding washed over me and goddamn, I think I got high 90's. I have never been this confident about a chemistry test before.
Found this pic on 4chan, it reminded me of you.
You should do your project on this guy.
...don't save this avy's as gifs. Gifs are for animation. Jpegs are meant to conserve space for internet use, png's are meant to retain picture quality. Always save stuff like this as png.
Didn't expect this to still be here.
No one cares.
No comment
Yes, let's just kill everyone who I don't recognize.
As if there isn't enough of that.
Is going on in here?
I said to myself, "Wow, this is some good abstract, nice and crisp, love the color. And the movement of the composition is sound" Then I noticed you used a render. Suddenly I find it less attractive. Take out a bit of the smudging below his arm, make it adhere more to the general flow of the white line, right not it's actually taking away from the movement. Finally, work around with blur and sharpen, not just sharpen.
No, no other person on the planet owns a 360 except for you.
Your Queen's got nothin' on this. "During war, many soldiers had suffered from stress and often depression, so Tomyris would entertain her troops by buying high classed prostitutes for them, and go as far as offer her body to soldiers who fought the hardest in battle and truly loyal by her side. She was the first and only Queen to do this." "Tomyris then sent a message to Cyrus, denouncing his treachery and challenging him to an honorable battle. In the fight that ensued, the Persians were defeated again with high casualties. Cyrus was killed and Tomyris had his corpse beheaded, and shoved his head into a wineskin filled with human blood. She allegedly kept his head with her at all times and drank wine from it until her death."
It's different when he says "we will announce", which he did. "I can just say, that indeed, whereas I'm still working on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Agito XIII and a little later on The 3rd Birthday (this year), we will announce other games this year and which one is terribly waited from everyone and often 'REQUESTED' by fans and even of the press crew that I meet all over the world." - Tetsuya Nomura HURR WONDER WHAT IT COULD BE.
I'm emulating Shiny Gold for the **** of it. You're welcome to watch and choose my every move. Stream starts in 11 minutes. My Channel: Edit: Stream Rescheduled for 8:00 due to lack of participation and all that shit.