here's a post
.....:P I've been alright. Tom and me talk on the phone for an hour every day know, but we're not dating. i'm not really sure why, but thats the...
i was about to kill myself until i got to page 2.
how old are you? just wondering kthc
not true!!! i take offense to you insulting my people! nice to hear from you though. :] how have your studies been?
i actually never get on msn like ever anymore xD i don't even get on here. my life is so much better without this site haha. and yeah i gots me a...
alright. discovering that you can have an awesome life without ever coming on here haha. you?
i don't care if you don't want to be friends with me on facebook or if you want to stop talking to me or if you hate me but please please please...
misty how old are you
seriously have you just given up having any contact with me at all? i miss you...
why does this happen. you go inactive for months. and then as soon as you come back i go inactive for months. :C
original is WAAAY better, but hot damn your ego is as big as kanye west. also thanks for the mention! i hate you too C:
i think rvr did a splendid job with everything. but the skin just doesn't feel like khv to me yet and it probably never will because i don't plan on ever being on here as much as i was on the old one or the one before it haha. ah well
happy misty? i checked it. its nice. i'll be going now
oh my god it's a whore run away
xD I'm not that young! only a few months younger than you. It's not my fault i'm only 5 feet tall!